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The signs of heat stroke are:
• Red, hot and dry skin
• No sweating
• Rapid and strong pulse
• Throbbing headache
• Dizziness
• Nausea
• Confusion
• Unconsciousness
• A body temperature over 103 degrees Fahrenheit

To prevent and treat heat stroke:
• Drink a glass of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes and at least one gallon each
day. Do not drink alcohol or caffeine. These fluids can dehydrate you.
• Wear lightweight, light colored, loose clothes.
• Go to a cool place, sit or lie down, drink water, and wash your face with
cool water if you feel dizzy, weak or overheated. If you do not feel better
soon, call 911.
• Cool yourself by getting in a cool bath, taking a cool shower or wrapping
yourself in a cool, wet sheet.
• Check your body temperature and continue cooling efforts until body
temperature drops below 101 degrees Fahrenheit or medical help arrives.
• Open windows if outdoor air quality is good.
Extreme Cold

If you have no heat during a power outage and the weather is very cold,
there is a high risk of hypothermia. This is when a person’s body
temperature is below 95 degrees Fahrenheit or 35 degrees Celsius.
Hypothermia is caused by a sudden loss of body heat most often from being
in cold water or cold temperatures.

The signs of hypothermia are:
• Confusion
• Sleepiness
• Disorientation
• Mumbled speech