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Home Care After
Total Joint Replacement
Follow these guidelines for care as your new joint heals over the next 6
to 8 weeks. Do not try to overdo or push yourself beyond the limits of
Home Care
You will leave the hospital 1 to 3 days after surgery. Home care
instructions will be reviewed with you. You will need a follow-up
appointment. You will either be given a date or a telephone number
to call for an appointment.
Your medicines may change after surgery. You will be given
prescriptions for new medicines and instructed on which medicines to
continue after your surgery.
Use your walker or cane as instructed.
You need help when you go home. If needed, your health care team
will help you make arrangements for home care, equipment, physical
therapy or an extended care facility.
Call your doctor if you have:
Increased redness, swelling or drainage at the incision
A fever of 101 degrees F or more
Edges of the wound that start to separate
Pain, tingling, numbness or coldness of the leg
Your leg turns pale or blue in color
Care of Your Incision
Your incision may be closed with staples, stitches or special tapes
called steri-strips.