FAQ - rhabdomyolysis
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How does rhabdomyolysis cause hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis?

Be specific.
Thanks. :]

This sounds suspiciously like a Homework question but I'll give you the benefit of a doubt.

First, you must understand what rhabdomyolysis is and how it affects the body. Hyperkalemia is RARELY caused by rhabdo but rhabdo can be caused by hyperkalemia. When hyperkalemia is caused by rhabdo, it often goes unnoticed becaue of the counteracting effect of rhabdo on serum potassium.

Rhabdo is a disease of the skeletal muscle that involves the breakdown & destruction (lysis) of muscle tissue and thus muscle cells. As a result of cell lysis, electrolytes such as potassium and phosphate and myoglobin & creatine kinase (CK) are leaked from ruptured muscle tissue cells into the plasma of circulating blood. If tissue destruction is significant enough, the amount of K+ will reach hyperkalemic levels. Because K+ is leaking from an intracellular area of high concentration to a plasma area normally of low concentration, hyperkalemia is develop quickly. That's the key -- it's because plasma is normally an area of low K+ concentration. The normal range of serum K+ is quite narrow, 3.5-5.5 mEq/dL. You can easily see that it doesn't take much to go outside the range either direction.

Rhabdo is a rare cause of met acidosis. Myocyte is another word for muscle cell and you should be as familiar with this as you are with your own name. Recall that rhabdo is a lysis of muscle tissue and that tissue is made up of cells. The lysis action injures myocytes so that other substances besides myoglobin, CK, K+ and P+ are leaked. Lactic acid and other organic acids are also leaked from ruptured myocytes, promoting lactic acidosis which is one type of metabolic acidosis.  (+ info)

Anyone out there with a disease called RHABDOMYOLYSIS?

I have it and it is pretty scary. My family doesn't seem to care. I have full rhabdo.

no. what is it? your family doesn't seem to care? what do they do that makes it seem like they don't care? hopefully thats not really true. find a support group for the disease maybe, or talk to a counselor/therapist. (and your doctor).
i am sorry, and i hope it isn't too serious or inhibit your life too much.

EDIT: i looked it up. that doesn't sound very nice:( i'm sorry:(  (+ info)

Is there a substance I should eat to detoxify from statin poisoning that caused Rhabdomyolysis?

I myself refused statins when cardiologist gave them to me. I know better than to take this poison. I told the MD to not even mention statins to me - the subject is closed for discussion and my decisions are FINAL. he was annoyed at my insolence but I held firm.

I recommend to you several GRAMS of vitamin C scattered from AM to late at night. Vitamin C is a detoxifier supremely potent. A few hours between each GRAM as you have no tolerance. your stomach may have several movements but not to worry.

Also, buy THISILYN capsules and take 6 daily in AM to force clean the liver. This natural flower will do that.

I am sorry you accepted this poison which has the blessing of the MDs - but not all MD's -MANY DID OBJECT AND COMPLAIN BUT NO ONE WOULD HEAR THEM.!!!!

You can take an all natural substitute for statins called SYTRINOL - non-toxic - will bring your cholesterol way down. Buy and take 2 daily. My cholesterol is now 120 - Triglycerides are 47 - glucose is 95.  (+ info)

What happens if I get Rhabdomyolysis and do not get it treated?

Rhabdomyolysis is the breakdown of skeletal muscle due to injury, either mechanical, physical or chemical. The principal result of this process is acute renal failure due to accumulation of muscle breakdown products in the bloodstream, several of which are injurous to the kidney. Treatment is with intravenous fluids, and dialysis if necessary.

The injury that leads to rhabdomyolysis can be due to mechanical, physical and chemical causes:

mechanical: crush trauma, excessive exertion (such as spinning (cycling)), intractable convulsions, choreoathetosis, surgery, compression by a tourniquet left for too long, local muscle compression due to comatose states, compartment syndrome, rigidity due to neuroleptic malignant syndrome
physical: high fever or hyperthermia, electric current
chemical: metabolic disorders, anoxia of the muscle (e.g. Bywaters' syndrome, toxin- and drug-related; various animal toxins, certain mushrooms like Tricholoma equestre, some antibiotics, statins, alcohol
Rhabdomyolysis can occur in acute hepatic porphyrias. Drug induced rhabdomyolysis should be investigated for acute hepatic porphyrias.

Drugs such as lovastatin, a hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitor, have been associated with rhabdomyolysis. Drug-induced rhabdomyolysis appears to be increasing in incidence possibly due to the introduction of increasingly potent drugs into clinical practice. Any drug which directly or indirectly impairs the production or use of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by skeletal muscle, or increases energy requirements so as to exceed ATP production, can cause rhabdomyolysis (Larbi 1998).

Severe cases of rhabdomyolysis often result in myoglobinuria, a condition where the myoglobin from muscle breakdown spills into the urine, making it dark, or "tea colored" (myoglobin contains heme, like hemoglobin, giving muscle tissue its characteristic red color). This condition can cause serious kidney damage in severe cases. The injured muscle also leaks potassium, leading to hyperkalemia, which may cause fatal disruptions in heart rhythm. In addition, myoglobin is metabolically degraded into potentially toxic substances for the kidneys. Massive skeletal muscle necrosis may further aggravate the situation, by reducing plasma volumes and leading to shock and reduced bloodflow to the kidneys.

The diagnosis is typically made when an abnormal renal function and elevated creatine kinase and potassium levels are observed in a patient. To distinguish the causes, a careful medication history is considered useful. Testing for myoglobin levels in blood and urine is rarely performed due to its cost. Often the diagnosis is suspected when a urine dipstick test is positive for blood, but no cells are seen on microscopic analysis. This suggests myoglobinuria, and usually prompts a measurement of the serum creatine kinase, which confirms the diagnosis.

Clinical sequelae
Hypovolemia (sequestration of plasma water within injured myocytes)
Hyperkalemia (release of cellular potassium into circulation)
Metabolic acidosis (release of cellular phosphate and sulfate)
Acute renal failure (nephrotoxic effects of liberated myocyte components)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Hypocalcemia (low calcium levels due to precipitation with phosphate), followed by hypercalcemia (as renal function recovers)
The main therapeutic measure is hyperhydration (by administering intravenous fluids), and if necessary the use of diuretics (to prevent fluid overload). Alkalinisation of the urine with bicarbonate reduces the amount of myoglobin accumulating in the kidney.

As the electrolytes are frequently deranged, these may require correction, especially hyperkalemia (elevated potassium levels in the blood). Calcium levels are initially low (hypocalcemia), as circulating calcium precipitates in the damaged muscle tissue, presumably with phosphate released from intracellular stores. When the acute renal failure resolves, vitamin D levels rise rapidly, causing hypercalcemia (elevated calcium). Although this resolves eventually, high calcium levels may require treatment with bisphosphonates (e.g. pamidronate).  (+ info)

What specialist should I see? I have had Rhabdomyolysis twice in the last 4 months.?

I had a spinal fusion surgery a year ago, and have had a lot of health problems since, but this has been the worst. Both times I've had rhabdo, I went to the gym a day or two before, but nothing over the top. I lifted weights regularly up until about a year and a half ago, when my back "broke". I had the surgery and now my back has fused, and I'm trying to get back into shape. Also, my all of my muscles are very sore every day from work (I'm a superintendent and do some carpentry, but try to keep it light). I used to be so active.
I really want and need to get back into shape, but I don't know what to do.

not rhabdomyolysis. you most likely have fibromyalgia.
many with fibro have it start after a back injury.or surgery

check http://www.menwithfibro.com

rhabdomyolysis is in most cases caused by meds in the statin group.

there are simple test for rhabdomyolysis.  (+ info)

Anyone here with Chronic Rhabdomyolysis?

Anyone here with Chronic Rhabdomyolysis? If so, I was wondering what you do to NOT become addicted to pain killers since it is such an extremely painful condition. If you'd like we could email each other?

Consult your pharmacist he will be able to help you on how getting addicted to pain killers as well your doctor will be able to assess your problem . Good luck  (+ info)

Is RHABDOMYOLYSIS (I have a full case) usually fatal?

My ck level raises very quickly under even light exertion and they have a lot of trouble getting it to go back down (even with fluid treatment).

that is a rare muscle disease. it can be a side effect of taking some cholesterol lowering medication. Are you sure you have it. If so ..... (shut up staymay just shut up)

well good luck to you
God Bless!  (+ info)

Can lack of exercise or lack of much walking cause rhabdomyolysis? Can it be improved thru more walking?

Well it depends, rhabdomyolysis is, basically, muscle death. There are several things that can cause the muscle death, but if you're talking about physical causes are excesive straing of the muscle, so actually if you excercise too much, that can cause rhabdomyolysis. But also being in a fixed position for too long can cause it. Also the obstruction of blood supply to muscles can cause it, so if you're immobile for a long period of time you can cause clotting which can cause the obstruction of the blood supply. So both, doing excesively muscle-straining activities, and doing nothing, can cause rhabdomyolysis. So if by lack of excercise, you mean lack of any physical activity at all (like lying in bed all day, or staying in any position all day) then the answer to both your questions would be yes.  (+ info)

Anybody ever gotten Rhabdomyolysis? How does it happen? Can it subside later?

Rhabdomyolysis is the breakdown of muscle fibers resulting in the release of muscle fiber contents into the circulation. Some of these are toxic to the kidney and frequently result in kidney damage.

The disorder may be caused by any condition that results in damage to skeletal muscle, especially trauma.

Risk factors include the following:

* Severe exertion such as marathon running or calisthenics
* Ischemia or necrosis of the muscles (as may occur with arterial occlusion, deep venous thrombosis, or other conditions)
* Seizures
* Use or overdose of drugs-especially cocaine, amphetamines, statins, heroin, or PCP
* Trauma
* Crush Injuries
* Shaking chills
* Heat intolerance and/or heatstroke
* Alcoholism (with subsequent muscle tremors)
* Low phosphate levels


* Abnormal urine color (dark, red, or cola colored)
* Muscle tenderness
* Weakness of the affected muscle(s)
* Generalized weakness
* Muscle stiffness or aching (myalgia)

Additional symptoms that may be associated with this disease include the following:

* Weight gain (unintentional)
* Seizures
* Joint pain
* Fatigue


Early and aggressive hydration may prevent complications by rapidly eliminating the myoglobin out of the kidneys. The hydration needs with muscle necrosis may approximate the massive fluid volume needs of a severely burned patient. This may involve intravenous administration of several liters of fluid until the condition stabilizes.

Diuretic medications such as mannitol or furosemide may aid in flushing the pigment out of the kidneys. If the urine output is sufficient, bicarbonate may be given to maintain an alkaline urine state. This helps to prevent the dissociation of myoglobin into toxic compounds.

Hyperkalemia should be treated if present. Kidney failure should be treated as appropriate.

After any condition that may involve damage to skeletal muscle, hydration should be adequate to dilute the urine and flush the myoglobin out of the kidney.  (+ info)

what are the consequences o rhabdomyolysis cause by dengue?

the patient had 2 days of hi fever afterwards his bloodpressure dropped and lost consious..

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