FAQ - arterial occlusive diseases
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What's the difference between peripheral arterial "insufficiency" vs. peripheral arterial occlusive disease?

I'm a nursing student.... my books are not clear on this at all. Any help would be appreciated.

The difference is in the word that is different. Occlusive, as you know, means blocking.
Insufficiency means that the blood still flows, in decreased amount, but keeps flowing. It is similar to CAD, but in the lower extremities. The Pt might suffer impotency in some cases.
An example of occlusive disease is the thromboangiitis obliterans, that involves inflammation of the arteries and thrombosis. The prognosis is very dismal if the Pt refuses to stop smoking  (+ info)

what drug can be used for the treatment of severe peripheral arterial occlusive disease?

The drug in the first question only treats (in SOME patients) the condition. Statin drugs are used to slow the progression of the disease.

Only surgery or an endovascular procedure actually treats the disease.  (+ info)

patients with advanced peripheral arterial vascular occlusive disease exhibit which of the following skin?

a.shiny,scalp skin
b.dependent rubor
c.pallor on elevation
d.stasis pigmentation
e.all except d

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Can I sue the cigarette companies for Peripheral Arterial Disease?

My father smoked for 40 years and although I've tried to get him to stop many times and he has on occasion but now Peripheral Arterial Disease has really got him in pain all day long, he doesn't drive so he is very restricted, I know they have been sued for emphasima before but this is new and very common?
Its amazing to me the amount of anger and uncompassionate comments that has been received. Do you think growing up trying to get my father to stop was simply a matter of doing it. He is addicted and when he started smoking it was pushed on him. It doesn't stop the pain seeing him suffer. Our community can't even support those who need it. Where is the compassion in the world.

Underthesea223 you give me hope that our community still has hope for the people in it.

I am very sorry to hear about your father.

Unfortunately, you would find such a lawsuit very expensive and probably very unrewarding. Even if the case was won, the only ones who would really make money are the lawyers. You would also be confronted every day with anger and bitterness towards a company that cares far more about selling cigarettes than about your father's life. I'm sure you have a lot of anger and fear and perhaps even guilt. Trying to sue the cigarette industry is not going to absolve you of any of this pain; in fact, it will probably only make it worse because you will have to think about it every day and use it to drive you forward.

I hate to say it, but you will also face a lot of people who will judge your father for his habit of smoking cigarettes. It's terrible, I know. Again, I am very sorry to hear about your father's illness.  (+ info)

i had leg surgery for occlusive aortic disease, where they put in a sent, why are my legs still numb?

97 % blockage that feed your legs, the surgery was in the fall, and i have numbness still and i reatain fluids. My ankles swell. How long is that all going to take to heal, or should i be calling my surgeon?

I would advise that you call your surgeon.
It was a stent that was placed. They look like the spring that you find in an ink-pen. It keeps the space in the center of a tube open, that tube being your artery. I imagine that all of your arteries are affected by this disease, and the stent was place in a particularly bad part. It may be that your surgery was successful, and what symptoms that you have now are from other damaged arteries that are resisting proper blood flow.
It may also be that scar tissue has formed at the site of the stent. This is a problem with stents. You may have heard of medicated stents. They have a chemical on them that decreases the likelyhood of a bloodclot forming and the development of scar tissue. The medicated stents are very expensive and may not have been used. Your surgeon may need to take that one out and put into your artery a medicated one.
There are other possibilities too, like inflammation of the lining of the arteries, or infection.
Call your surgeon.  (+ info)

If a person has CV disease with arterial plaquing and blocked coronarys suppose you starved them severely?

until they were skeletal. To the point where almost all fat was gone and they were burning their muscles and organs for fuel. Like the Jewish people in the concentration camps that were skin and bones. Do you think that eventually the material within the coronary arteries and the systemic arterial plaquing would reduce as it was used for glucose synthesis? Do you think CV disease in arteries may be somewhat or greatly reversable via severe long term starvation?

That is a really-off the wall hypothesis.
A man with cardiovascular disease and
arterial plaqueing and blocked coronaries is
about 95% dead already.
Then you want to subject this person to
starvation? How long do you think he would
Plus, if you do anything to make that
plaque break off in chunks, the first one
to hit a major artery or his lung, he's dead!!
Please. You have an investigative mind
and should probably be in Research, BUT
this idea is really whacko.
Ask yourself, how many young and healthy
people actually made it out alive after
being starved--to death in the concentration camps? You have forgotten something. It doesn't take long for "long-term starvation" to kill a person.  (+ info)


What are some diseases that carry through life and gradually get worse till you die? Sorry bout the morbid topic.
Also, if you know, diseases that make you have allergic reactions to food. Can't remember what its called.
Umm... another is... diseases you can get as a teenager.

CEliac Disease -Celiac disease, whether called gluten-sensitive enteropathy or non-tropical sprue, is one of a number of diseases that disrupt the absorptive surface of the small bowel. The result with celiac disease: a classical malabsorption syndrome for the patient.

Pneumonia / influenza, tuberculosis, and diarrhea/enteritis; heart disease; stroke; alzheimer's ;arteriosclerosis; cancer ( prostrate in men and breast cancer in women) chronic liver disease/ cirrhosis; COPD( chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder); Diabetes;Nrephritis;CRF(chronic renal failure) ; stroke; Muscular dystrophy( MD); MS( multiple Sclerosis; ) ; MG ( myasthenia gravis); CAD( coronary artery disease)

SLE( sytemic lupus erythematosus) ; ALS( amytrophic Lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig disease.; cystic fibrosis; and Gaucher's disease; RA- juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; amyloidosis; moyamoya disease; AVM (atrioventicular malformations ) in brain; Hodgkin's disease; Myocardial Infarction( MI or heart attacks); HIV/Aids; PV ( polycythemia vera).  (+ info)


can you tell me some diseases that can cause deaths?

p.s it is for homework lol

heart disease
Liver disease
Mad Cow disease
the plague
Lou Gehrigs

Dang this is getting depressing  (+ info)

Are there similar diseases other than Peripheral Arterial Disease to have my elderly mother checked for?

She is 87 very healthy in the past, and has all the symptoms of PAD. The Vascular Surgeon told us that her pulses were good in her feet therefore wasn't PAD. He is stymied. Her conditions are getting worse by the month and we are afraid for her. New symptoms these past 2 months are hardening of her calves, swelling of ankles and calves at night (even if she hasn't been walkiing around much) weak legs and at times feels like she is going to fall down due to weakness. She has had literally many blood tests, but according to the doctor - nothing turns up. Any ideas of what could be missed?

This health issue for Mom is all new within the past year, as she has barely been sick in her entire life. Serious answers only, please. Thank you.

Hi there, my father just recently had both a stroke and heart attack. He had the same sort of symptoms and was told his legs were ok but it was the arteries in the neck and the heart that were blocked up. They need to check her carotid arteries and coronary arteries by doing a cat scan of head and neck, ecg/ekg, heart ultrasound, and MRI of the chest and heart. The swelling of the legs and feet are a sign of congestive heart failure too.

The hardening of the calves and swelling of ankles could be lymphedema issues too which in turn can develop if there are heart issues.

Has she had a veinogram? That's another option to test the circulation in the legs.

They may recommend an angiogram but be forewarned, ask for other tests first because my father had one and the dye damaged his kidneys to the point of almost kidney failure and he does have blocked arteries but he cannot have surgery for them now because of the kidney damage. My father is 84.

Take good care of your mother, it's up to you to advocate for her health and ask for the right tests and push to find out what is wrong. Have her sign a healthcare proxy with you listed so you can be in on all the medical appts and decisions and help her make the best choices.

Let me know how you make out, I hope you make out well and it's something very simple.

hugs,,,,,Tina  (+ info)

Is there any hope for peripheral arterial disease?

My father is 75 years old with Type2 diabetes.He cannot walk for over a year now and his legs, feet hurts and they turn dark when he sits for a long time. The doctor said he has vein disease too. He's taking Benfotiamine for 2 months. Does this work? Will he be able to walk again? He maintains normal blood glucose and blood pressure levels thru his medicines. I would appreciate any advise/help. Thank you.

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