FAQ - anomia
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anomia? what is it???????? and how can u get it?

how could u get anomia
im sorry i mean anamonia

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Difference between Anomia/Agnosia/Dementia?

I have to admit it's an assignment, i've already done some reading on it and i am still unable to decide which symptom it is. Put it short, I've distilliated it into list of symptoms:

Problem of Patient:
1. Unable to name individual and Objects. Both Familiar Object of famous people.
2. Patient tend to substitude words to name objects
3. Unable to do well on Picture-to-Word matching task
4. Cannot generate words in catagories (Animal: Dog, Cat, Duck..), but can generate Letter fluency (L: Let, Lest, Less...)
5. Bad Word Memory

Property of Patient:
1. Can generate past Experience
2. Have no problem with daily activity and care of self.
3. Normal Short Term Memory
4. Normal Verbal Repetition
5. Normal Line Orientation Test
6. Normal Copy/Recall of Complex figure

1. Associative Agnosia
2. Anomic Aphasia (Anomia)
3. Dementia

Which one you agree on? Run out of word count.. Any further recommandation on further tests to do?

My vote is for Anomic Aphasia (Anomia). People with aphasia have difficulty with word retrieval, but their memory is intact. It's like being stuck with the "tip of the tongue" annoyance permanently. So, when you are working with a person with aphasia, if you hand them a pen, and ask, "what is this?" They may start describing it, "You write with it....um.. it has ink in it... um..." but they may not be able to tell you it's a pen.

There are several specific tests for aphasia, like the Boston Assessment of Severe Aphasia or the Boston Naming Test. You can also administer an intelligence test, like the WAIS-III which will give you a lot of information from the verbal subtests.

The damage varies, but it is often due to a discrete vascular lesion of the parietal lobe near the angular gyrus or above it. It has also been reported in association with lesions of the left pulvinar region of the thalamus.  (+ info)

Good way to treat aphasia?

I am in my first semester of graduate school for speech and language pathology. I have a patient with mild broca's aphasia. He struggles with aural and reading comprehension and anomia. What are some effective techniques for helping him? Other than just showing him pictures and asking him to name them or asking him questions about a passage he just read, what tools can i give him so he can generalize the results outside of therapy?

I'd say anything where he has to practice what he has learned functionally. The best thing to do is put him in a practical situation and let him work through it, and aid him.  (+ info)

i want to color my hair. any suggestions?

I want a lighter color of course since my hair is dark brown and i have dark brown eyes, i want something that does not damage my hair, although im aware that is kinda impossibe, but at least a low anomia product. any drugstore brands you can suggest or any colors you guys think would look good on me. thanks so much!

my current pic

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What's wrong with me? Brain trauma...?

I experience some issues that make normal life for me a little difficult and affect my social, work, and school life. A few symptoms I experience are anomia (Difficulty recalling memorized names and words), poor short term memory, difficulty concentrating, poor spontaneity in conversation, poor audible comprehension, inconsistent thought process, occasional stuttering, among others.

I was wondering, what severity of brain trauma can start to cause problems? I don't recall ever being knocked unconscious at any point, but I've had my share of bumps on the head. In one instance, when I was around 5 years old, my cousin hit me in the head with a baseball bat fairly hard (accidentally, my fault) but I never lost consciousness that I remember. Could something like that interrupt proper brain growth or damage it in some way?

I know something just isn't right. I'm obviously not a stupid person, but I know there is some brain activity going haywire. I experience anomia somewhat frequently, in many cases I can't remember names of people that I've known for a long time or words that I've have slipped in and out of my memory several times. It's very frustrating, especially when other people think that I am just being lazy or not trying hard enough...
Lonely life: I'm not exactly sure where to start. First of all you didn't answer my question and were of no help at all. You pretty much wasted your time, which I can tell is super valuable judging from your "obvious" level of intellect. Second, you based your opinion of me on the fact that I posted a possibly serious health condition of mine for review and feedback from yahoo answers. While I may or may not get anything from it, it's also completely free and consumes about 15 mins of my time. Your suggestion would require considerably more time and definitly a superfluous amount of money. So ya, thanks for the perfectly useless answer dooshbag.

Just want to clarify your self-assessment of intellect: "I'm obviously not a stupid person, , ,"

Now, stick with me here. . . you have explained the serious symptoms which are manifesting themselves to you. They sound troubling.

However, you did not take your concerns to a physician or a brain specialist. . .no. You took your potentially Life & Death, serious health concerns to the Emergency Room of the internet, Yahoo!Answers!!!!!

Friend, I would be less free with my use of the word "obviously" if I were you. . .  (+ info)

Someone PLEASE help me!!!?

I am a first time mom. Im 6 months pregnant. No im not 14 or anything im 22. But im just full of questions that im stressing out about. From friends to grandma telling me things, so I need as many opinions as possible please.

First- Last night I was around alot of chemicals. I choked up and threw up from being around it.( was trying to clean something and spilled anomia) I ran out but I needed to at least throw at towel over it to soak it up. My question, how can this effect my baby?? *Im 6 months.

Second-I felt a odd seizure like movementast night as I was laying down. It was like a vibration that lasted like 5 seconds.
Was my baby having a seizure?? My friend said that its possible and that it cause cause brain damage to my baby..esp since I enhaled the smell of those chemicals.

Third- I also had a horrible very stressful day yesterday. Can that cause any problems besides premature labor?? Brain damage..ect??

Im really trying to have a wonderful stress free pregnancy. Its just things happen. I try to avoid them, but life happenes, and im worried about my baby. And my doc gets annoyed when I call with questions, so im turing here. Please help me.
I was trying to clean with soap and water and knocked over a bottle where the lid wasnt closed! i wasnt around chemicals on purpose!

ok, honey! slow down a bit. ur working urself up for no reason. inhaling a little bleach wouldnt hurt anything so i doubt amonia would either! u were prob feelin baby quiver which could be frm a number of things...somethine u ate even. stress causes alot of weird things in pregnantcy. my best advice chill out quit stressing and if u kjust cant then discuss with ur dr! good luck sweetie!  (+ info)

PLEASE help me anyone!!!!!?

I am a first time mom. Im 6 months pregnant. No im not 14 or anything im 22. But im just full of questions that im stressing out about. From friends to grandma telling me things, so I need as many opinions as possible please.

First- Last night I was around alot of chemicals. I choked up and threw up from being around it.( was trying to clean something and spilled anomia) I ran out but I needed to at least throw at towel over it to soak it up. My question, how can this effect my baby?? *Im 6 months.

Second-I felt a odd seizure like movementast night as I was laying down. It was like a vibration that lasted like 5 seconds.
Was my baby having a seizure?? My friend said that its possible and that it cause cause brain damage to my baby..esp since I enhaled the smell of those chemicals.

Third- I also had a horrible very stressful day yesterday. Can that cause any problems besides premature labor?? Brain damage..ect??

Im really trying to have a wonderful stress free pregnancy. Its just things happen. I try to avoid them, but life happenes, and im worried about my baby. And my doc gets annoyed when I call with questions, so im turing here. Please help me.
Wasnt cleaning with anything other then soap n water, I knocked over a bottle which the cap wasnt on all the way. Thats how I was exposed and choked up....

Your baby should be fine, most of the vibrating movements are called "flutters". You should have had an ultrasound around five months to check on the babies growth. Did you have one? If everything measured out well then so far you have had a healthy pregnancy. I would suggest not cleaning with amonia, and clean with something a bit safer. If you have a job that exposes you to these chemicals then you need to consider a leave until your baby is born. Finally, you need a new doctor, if they can't take you calling with questions then they shouldn't be in the business. No question is a stupid question when it comes to your child. Goodluck :)  (+ info)

Can someone with a High IQ also have memory loss?

I am a 50 year old woman. When I was 34, I suffered a skull fracture that remained as a closed-head injury. I was dx'd w/ anomia and an MRI was ordered to rule out an intracranial lesion. The MRI did, in fact, R/O any lesion, but came back with a rather startling finding - my brain was the size of a woman in her late 60's - not one who was 34. At the time my neurologist stated that this was cortical atrophy and as long as no symptoms other than nominal aphasia showed up to just let it go and live my life. At the age of 45 I sensed my memory and ability to organize was fading rather fast. I saw both my neurologist and my psychiatrist (who treats me for a sleep disorder). I was placed on Aricept and both doctors felt that I should retire and go on Disability. Now, at 50 it's escalating. My neurologist says that my IQ of 142 is enough to rule out any memory problems - despite his earlier dx. Is this true? He also says now that cortical atrophy changes daily due to hydration. True?
Thanks to our first two "answerers!" My IQ was 142 in the first grade and had remained constant. Memory - both short and long-term is getting worse. I leave burners on; I put scotch tape in the freezer; I forgot to pay a parking ticket last week so now I have to go to trial; I forget MANY doctor's appointments - yes, I keep a "to do" list and detailed calendar, but I often can't find them; I lose keys, cell phone, medications, camera, remote control - on a daily basis; Last week at a fancy restaurant, I went to pay the bill and pulled out of my purse (1) a new pair of socks with labels on; (2) a large hammer; and (3) a can of cat food - my cat doesn't even eat canned food! I know everyone has the ocassional memory issue, but when it's happening 10-15 x per day, so much time is wasted looking for things, making up excuses why you missed a meeting, etc. etc. etc.

Thanks for your kind responses! Keep 'em coming.
(Oh yeh - I don't finish a thing - 1/2 done projects all over!)

I am not an expert, but someone with a high IQ can still have memory loss. There is short term and long term memory and all kinds of things that affect it. You may not be at a point that is medically significant, but that doesn't mean you aren't noticing the changes.  (+ info)

I am 24 yrs old and I'm very concerned about my lack of memory...?

what can I do to improve my memory? I tend to retain numbers very well. I, for some reason, pay extra attention to numbers. I remember them without effort. However, it is hard for me to keep focused on the material I study and even worse, I don't retain most of it.

Perhaps, strategic steps may help?

I self diagnose myself with anomia aphasia as this is particularly my biggest issues.
For instance, I may think of a word for a fraction of a second, i visualize it, but i cannot follow through in speaking it no matter how hard i try.

I will not go on meds. I think the brain is powerful and precious.
Side effects counter act any given pros.

Any serious advise will be greatly appreciated.

I think I would have my horomones checked, thyroid, sex,(testosterone, estrogen,estrial, progesterone)adrenal, cortisol, DHEAS with a blood test as these are uaually at the bottom of mental health and brain issues... start there?
You need hormone experts to balance them if this is what is going on ...like those below  (+ info)

Good way to treat aphasia?

I am in my first semester of graduate school for speech and language pathology. I have a patient with mild broca's aphasia. He struggles with aural and reading comprehension and anomia. What are some effective techniques for helping him? Other than just showing him pictures and asking him to name them or asking him questions about a passage he just read, what tools can i give him so he can generalize the results outside of therapy?

Since it's more of brain malfunction, I look at it as something that needs to be relearned. As always be pateint and understanding. Here are a few suggestions.

Simplify language by using short, uncomplicated sentences.

Repeat the content words or write down key words to clarify meaning as needed.

Maintain a natural conversational manner appropriate for an adult.

Minimize distractions, such as a blaring radio, whenever possible.

Include the person with aphasia in conversations.

Ask for and value the opinion of the person with aphasia, especially regarding family matters.

Encourage any type of communication, whether it is speech, gesture, pointing, or drawing.

Avoid correcting the individual's speech.

Allow the individual plenty of time to talk.

Take care  (+ info)

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