FAQ - Vestibular Neuronitis
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Is anyone off work with vestibular neuronitis?

It is virus in inner ear, effects your balance. Leaves you with vertigo after for ages.

ME!!!! Blooming awful.. Started with it a fortnight ago and JUST starting to feel something like! Described it to my Dr as feeling as if I have had 3bottles of wine without the fun/pleasure... :-(  (+ info)

Vestibular Neuronitis. Does anyone else suffer from this??


I currently have been suffering from what the specialist says is Vestibular Neuronitis. I have had it since march 2004. I have been dizzy 24/7 since then. The dizziness has decreased since first diagnosis but it is still there everyday.

Has anyone had this and had success with any medications Eastern, Herbal or Western?

Has anyone had success, with acupuncture or naturopaths etc??

Im interested in serious answers from people who also suffer or have suffered.

Actually, an ear, nose & throat (ENT) specialist, preferably an otologist or neurotologist (not to be confused with a neurologist), is the best physician to see for this problem. Otologists and neurotologists are ENT physicians that specialize in ear problems. Vestibular neuronitis typically starts abruptly with symptoms of true vertigo, which means that you feel as if either you or the room is spinning around. But, after these initial symptoms improve, you can still feel "off" for a while, but usually the residual symptoms improve over 4-6 weeks or so. There are lots of different inner ear problems, and unfortunately, patients are often misdiagnosed. This causes problems because inner ear problems are treated very differently depending on the cause. If you truly had vestibular neuronitis, a Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) program can help reduce or eliminate those annoying residual symptoms. The problem is, VRT therapists are sometimes hard to find. If you live in a big city, or near a big university, you should be able to find an otologist or neurotologist who can properly diagnose you and refer you for treatment. Of note, if your symptoms increase when you lay down and roll over, or when you look up or bend over, you may have BPPV, which is usually very easy to treat. BPPV is a type of inner ear problem. Your ENT specialist can test for this too. Hope this helps. Beware, if your doctor prescribed you an anti-dizziness medication like Antivert (Meclizine is the generic) or Valium, and you're still taking the meds, you may be prolonging your body's natural recovery process. These types of medication should really only be used when you're having those big spinning spells. They don't fix anything - they just mask the symptoms. Just a thought. Good luck.......Sarah  (+ info)

home treatment for vestibular neuronitis?



Is a vestibular disorder responsible for ringing in the ears?

We jsut got the results of the ENG test today and so far all we know is my daughter has a mild vestibular disorder.
Can this cause ringing in the ears or is there still something else?
She also gets a popping sound in her ears but that could be TMJ.

Can anyone help me? Because I have been all over the web and can't find the info I need.

I doubt its TMJ making her ears pop. A maxiofacial dentist could easily tell this by a 360 degree x-ray and his experience. An ordinary dentist would be just guessing. Just going by my own experiece with ear/faw probles and going to dental specialists.

She could have an Eustachian Tube Dysfunction which would cause the ringing, popping and crackling. I have no medical background so its just a suggestion.  (+ info)

How do you get your ear balancing back from vestibular neuritis. Has been having dizziness for 1 full year?

I have been getting constant dizziness for 1 full year. Until recently, my ENT finally diagnossed me with Vestibular Neuritis and has damaged one of my ear's balancing function and he said there is no medication for this.

I would like to know if anyone knows anything about this that can gain my balancing back where I don't have to bear with this constant dizziness. And are there anything I need to watch out for? I would like to know more details.

I have a very good friend that suffered from vertigo for years--she went to an elks rehab center here and they cured it in one session--has to do with the neck.  (+ info)

How is vestibular neuritis diagnosed?

I've been experiencing severe vertigo on and off for a month now and suspect vestibular neuritis because every test I've had has come back fine.
I have had a lot of ear infections and upper respiratory and sinus infections this year.
Could I have vestibular neuritis and how does a doctor test and diagnose this?

There are many causes of vertigo. Vestibular neuritis is nerve irritation that occurs with an upper respiratory infection. It is usually characterized by acute onset, severe vertigo, and lasts days to weeks. A viral upper respiratory infection may accompany or proceed the vertigo symptoms. Hearing loss and ringing in the ear (tinnitus) is not typical of vestibular neuritis and suggests an alternative condition such as Meinere's disease. Another characteristic is gait instability with preserved ability to ambulate. The person may sway or fall toward the affected side. A positive head thrust test is also suggestive of vestibular neuritis. It is performed by rapidly turning the head toward the affected side by the examiner and is considered positive if the patient is unable to maintain visual fixation. In one study, this was present in 82 percent of patients with vestibular neuritis. While a positive head thrust test supports the diagnosis of vestibular neuritis, it does not definitively rule out a central nervous system disorders. It is important to rule out all other causes. So it is diagnosed by history, positive head thrust test, and ruling out other possible causes. It can sometimes be difficult to determine the cause of vertigo. Most other causes produce recurrent symptoms. If you are concerned, then see your doctor to be fully evaluated. Good luck.  (+ info)

How can I overcome a vestibular balance problem due to ear surgery?

I do not have vertigo but I have implants in the middle ears.

Although 28 million Americans suffer from hearing loss, 80 percent of them shun hearing aids partly because, well, the devices don't have a reputation as the most attractive or comfortable or even effective accessory.

But a new generation of hearing devices -- called middle ear implants -- may help the hearing impaired while keeping embarrassment and irritation to a minimum.

The implants are made for people with sensorineural hearing loss – a very common form of hearing loss that results from inner ear or nerve damage.

Middle ear implants are a category of devices that are still fairly new and are used with a subgroup of people who have tried hearing aids and are dissatisfied.

The vestibular balance problems you have might be caused by fluid in the middle or inner ear. such as in Meniere's disease or infection in the middle ear or Otitis Media.

Meniere’s Disease: A broad term covering a variety of symptoms caused by excessive fluid in the inner ear which impact the balance and sometimes also the hearing system. The cause of Meniere’s is not known, but is thought to involve viruses, allergies, circulation problems, or physical trauma. It can affect hearing in one or both ears.

In general, middle ear implants are attached to the middle ear bones to enhance their vibration. This amplifies nerve impulses to the brain, increasing hearing ability. But all devices currently available also use an external component -- a small sound processor, much like a microphone, that usually is worn behind the ear.

The external device enhances the sound because it's "capable of being programmed" so small changes in hearing or listening can be adjusted.

Vestibular rehabilitation by a specially trained therapist has been proven to be extremely useful in speeding recovery and improving balance.

Physical Therapy
Often, the balance system has been permanently damaged by the vertigo attacks from Meniere’s. This creates a chronic sensation of imbalance or lightheadedness. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy has been proven to be highly effective in relieving these symptoms by improving the central balance system (within the brain). A specific program is designed to improve the weaknesses of your balance system, which may include problems with vision, proprioception, and vestibular input. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy is often combined with other therapeutic modalities such as medications, allergy immunotherapy, or surgery. Low sodium diets; less than 2 Gm sodium diet and potassium-sparring diuretics and vestibular suppressants can help. Keep your ears clean esp after showering to avoid infections or retaining fluid in the middle ear.

Differential Diagnosis of Vertigo:

Dizziness and vertigo are common disorders. Dizziness can be defined as a sensation of being off balance. Vertigo is more specific and refers to a sensation of movement (usually spinning) of the individual or their surrounding. Dizziness can be secondary to neurological, cardiac, metabolic, psychiatric, vestibular, or other disorders.

Vertigo is usually secondary to dysfunction of the peripheral vestibular system, which includes five paired organs - the horizontal, superior, and posterior semicircular canals - which sense angular acceleration, and the utricle and saccule - which sense horizontal and vertical acceleration, respectively.

I had a hard time trying to open PDF on vestibular balance problems; so this is the best I could find. You can go on to obtain more info: www.audiologyonline.com.

The following are causes:

Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo(BPPV) which involves quick movements of the head e.g. rolling out off bed; ; Vestibular Neuronitis (VN) or Labyrinthitis due to mostly viral infections of the vestibular system. Half of the cases came from a recent URI (upper resp infections), Meniere's Disease (MD) or Perilympathic fistula.(PF).

Other causes of vertigo and imbalance are acute and chronic otitis media, cholesteatoma, acoustic neuroma, migraine, intracranial pathology and others. Correctly diagnosing the various causes of vertigo is important, because serious, potentially life – threatening diseases such as acoustic neuroma, and cerebral vascular disease can exist. In many cases of vertigo and imbalance, further testing and magnetic resonance imaging are necessary to reach the correct diagnosis.  (+ info)

How do i make a vestibular migraine feel less painful?

okay.. i suffer from migraines... and i feel like shit at times... but i am trying to not rely on medicine or drugs so much.. or at all for that matter. I want to know if anyone who suffers from migraines has found a way of making them go away besides sleeping in a dark and cold room.. which is what i do... and might i say its hard to do in a dorm room so i just want to know if anyone knows a different way

Here is a link to a site you really need to look at,, it will help you far more than anything I can type here

here is another really good site that will help you
http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/common/standard/transform.jsp?requestURI=/healthatoz/Atoz/dc/caz/neur/hach/headmir.jsp  (+ info)

What would happen in healthy people if the vestibular nerve on one side were severed through surgery?

...as opposed to vestibular neurectomy in people affected with vertigo.

if the vestibular nerve is severed for any reason whether vertigo or accidentally, balance problems would follow. just that for vertigo, at least the first problem will improve and new balance problems will start, for an accident, this is indeed a bad one to have, good luck  (+ info)

What is Vestibular Neuritis and how long does it take to fully recover from the symptoms?

Vestibular neuritis causes dizziness due to an viral infection of the vestibular nerve (see Figure 1). The vestibular nerve carries information from the inner ear about head movement. When one of the two vestibular nerves is infected, there is an imbalance between the two sides, and vertigo appears. Vestibular neuronitis is another term that is used for the same clinical syndrome. The various terms for the same clinical syndrome probably reflect our lack of ability to localize the site of lesion.

While there are several different definitions for vestibular neuritis in the literature, with variable amounts of vertigo and hearing symptoms, we will use the definition of Silvoniemi (1988) who stated that the syndrome is confined to the vestibular system. Hearing is unaffected.

Labyrinthitis is a similar syndrome to vestibular neuritis, but with the addition of hearing symptoms (sensory type hearing loss or tinnitus).

The symptoms of both vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis typically include dizziness or vertigo, disequilibrium or imbalance, and nausea. Acutely, the dizziness is constant. After a few days, symptoms are often only precipitated by sudden movements. A sudden turn of the head is the most common "problem" motion. While patients with these disorders can be sensitive to head position, it is generally not related to the side of the head which is down (as in BPPV), but rather just whether the patient is lying down or sitting up.

About 5% of all dizziness (and perhaps 15% of all vertigo) is due to vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis. It occurs in all age groups, but cases are rare in children.

Acutely, vestibular neuritis is treated symptomatically, meaning that medications are given for nausea (anti-emetics) and to reduce dizziness (vestibular suppressants). Typical medications used are Antivert (meclizine), Ativan (lorazepam) , Phenergan, Compazine, and Valium (diazepam) . When a herpes virus infection is strongly suspected, a medication called acyclovir or a relative may be used. Steroids (prednisone, methylprednisolone or decadron) are also used for some cases. Acute labyrinthitis is treated with the same medications as as vestibular neuritis, plus an antibiotic such as amoxicillin if there is evidence for a middle ear infection (otitis media), such as ear pain and an abnormal ear examination suggesting fluid, redness or pus behind the ear drum. Occasionally, especially for persons whose nausea and vomiting cannot be controlled, an admission to the hospital is made to treat dehydration with intravenous fluids. Generally, admission is brief, just long enough to rehydrate the patient and start them on an effective medication to prevent vomiting.

It usually takes three weeks to recover from vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis. Recovery happens due to a combination of the body fighting off the infection, and the brain getting used to the vestibular imbalance (compensation). Some persons experience persistent vertigo or discomfort on head motion even after three weeks have gone by. After two to three months, testing (that is,an ENG, audiogram and others) is indicated to be certain that this is indeed the correct diagnosis. A vestibular rehabilitation program, may help speed full recovery via compensation.  (+ info)

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