FAQ - Myopathy, Central Core
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has anyone heard of the muscle condition 'Central Core Myopathy'?

Central core disease is a type of congenital myopathy where there is absence of organelles and myofibrils in the central
cores of muscle fibres. The disease is characterized by the presence of myofibrillar cores which are best demonstrated by oxidative enzyme histochemistry. An important feature of the disease is its close association with malignant hyperthermia. Central core disease is a slowly progressing skeletal muscle disorder that, unlike most of the muscular dystrophies, is not life-threatening. It is called central core disease because the muscle cells associated with the disease have an abnormal light inner core surrounded by a dark circle. Central core disease develops before early infancy and its symptoms include hip displacement, an inability to jump and run smoothly, and general weakening of the muscles. Associated symptoms and findings may include abnormally diminished muscle tone (hypotonia), potentially resulting in unusual "floppiness" of muscles; muscle weakness; delays in motor development, such as in walking; and/or, in some cases, associated musculoskeletal problems, such as dislocation of the hips at birth (congenital). CCD may also be associated with susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia, a potentially life-threatening reaction to certain anesthetics or skeletal muscle relaxants.  (+ info)

I have central core disease. i need to know if i can get invalved in any studies of this disease?

i need to know information on my disease and if possible see a specialist on the subject. i am in california and have medi-cal so i cant see the doctors i need to see.

There are links to information on clinical trials at this page (click the purple box):  (+ info)

who out there has central core disease?

just wondering if there is anyone out there who has the disease and what it is like?

i think its a rare genetic disorder.
check under central core myopathy.  (+ info)

what is the ratio that my child will have central core disease?

It's odd, I can't find out... With most diseases you can find a statistic along the lines of "x in 1000 people are affected by this condition" but not for CCD. What I can say is that if either you or your partner have the condition, there is a 50% chance that your child will also. If neither of you have it, then the chances of catching the disease are very, very low. The disease is a type of Muscular Dystrophy, apparently, so if you send an e-mail to [email protected] then they should be able to provide you with moer information.  (+ info)

what is the name of the type of myopathy relater to nerve damage due to uncotoled diabetes?

I was just diagnosed but forgot what type of myopathy he called it. Can you help?

most doctors call it diabetic neuropathy. peripheral neuropathy as someone else stated can be caused by a number of factors... not nessecarily diabetes. here's a link to all the different types and locations that can be effected

http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/neuropathies/  (+ info)

How do you file for SSDI with a mitochondrial myopathy condition?

I have been diagnosed with a mitochondrial myopathy and would like to know how to file for social security.

  (+ info)

Any professional athletes that have a mitochondrial myopathy disorder?

Is there any other professional athelet (other than Rocco Baldelli) that have any kind of mitochondrial myopathy disorder?

Is there any information on them and how they deal with it?

Quit taking statin drugs, do take CoQ10 and selenium.  (+ info)

How i totally can remove my cousin genetic limb-gridle myopathy.?

My cousin Arif has genetic limb-gridle myopathy.He suffered this disease for about 10 years.Please find solution to remove
from these type of disease for ever.

No definitive treatments for the limb-girdle muscular dystrophies exist. Management is tailored to each individual and each specific subtype. Management to prolong survival and improve quality of life includes weight control to avoid obesity, physical therapy and stretching exercises to promote mobility and prevent contractures, use of mechanical aids to help ambulation and mobility, surgical intervention for orthopedic complications, use of respiratory aids when indicated, monitoring for cardiomyopathy in subtypes with cardiac involvement, and social and emotional support and stimulation


Kitty  (+ info)

What is a body core and why is it important to exercise to improve your core strength?

What is a body core and why is it important to exercise to improve your core strength?

the core of your body is your abdominal muscles, mainly your front and side abs, which consist of many layers of muscle.

improving your core strength improves your balance, makes you stronger, and makes your stomach look nicer :)  (+ info)

What is the difference between training core strength and training core stability?

I'm wondering what are the differences between core strength and core stability exercises.

Why are they different workouts, and what is the goal of one type of workout versus the goal of the other.


Those are just buzzwords and there are two types of people that use them
1)Want you to buy something
2)Dont know what theyre talking about  (+ info)

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