FAQ - Combat Disorders
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What is immunotherapy and what are some of the pros and cons in using this approach to combat immune disorders?

Immunotherapy is using a range of treatment strategies to achieve a goal.
Check out this website.  (+ info)

how can i combat the feeling like i want to escape my reality and find my utopia?

hi, how can i combat the desirefull urge to escape to a better time, another place? i do suffer with mental health difficulties that ive had since 15. im currently 29. the problems ive had for all this time is inner rage, exploding with anger in public, intense anxiety, palpatations, and low moods. but i still havent been diagnosed with these disorders but it is acknowledged that i have, mental health problems, because i have a social worker whos part of a mental health team. but i still dont think im getting the right treatment even though ive been refered for psychotherapy, so im going to talk to my social worker next week. however i keep having the feeling that i wish i could be in a better life,& that the knowledge that its out there, like emmegration, living in a nice part of the states, in nice surroundings with a nice wife. and i long for something like this in my life. but it seems worlds away and that i can never achieve it, because of what ive got to deal with. im in the uk.

When we are depressed or dealing with emotional and mental issues it is normal to want to escape. However, it is best to face what is going on. If your social worker has acknowledged that you have a problem then you should also have been directed to someone who could help you. Go to the therapy. Express your feelings. Perhaps with counseling and medication you can control your anger problems and that will help you socially as well as mentally. Give it a chance and keep an open mind. Once you begin to live a more relaxed life then perhaps all the other things you so deeply desire will be more in reach. Do not lose hope. Best of luck to you.  (+ info)

What are some things I can do to help combat Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Hi. I get a lot more depressed in the winter time. I love sunshine and being outdoors, and that's pretty much out for the rest of the year. My doctor upped my dose of my antidepressant that's been working well for me, but that made me just angry and tweaked out-so I'll be returning to the original dose.
What are other things I can do to help winter blues? Any suggestions?

Getting light to your body helps alot. You need a sun lamp. You can also go to the tanning bed. I know, you can get skin cancer from the tanning bed.... but that's actually what my dr told me when I was diagnosed with SAD. Even if you only go for 10 minutes a week, getting the extra sunlight really helps.  (+ info)

Can you give me all the ways to combat seasonal affective disorder.?

I dont want it to wreck me like it did last year. With the first snow and minus weather it is setting in. I know my light lamp is not enough. As many suggestions as possible.

Use your light lamp, go to the tanning beds, exercise, stay active, make sure to take multi vitamins and drink milk, and if needed take antidepressants.  (+ info)

What are the best techniques to combat social anxiety disorder in an adult?

Although social anxiety disorder generally requires help from a medical expert or qualified psychotherapist, you can try some self-help techniques to handle situations likely to trigger social anxiety disorder symptoms.
First, assess your fears to identify what situations cause the most anxiety. Apply these techniques to those situations. Practicing these techniques regularly can help you manage or reduce your anxiety. You may need to begin with small steps in situations that aren’t overwhelming.
These techniques include:
Eating with a close relative, friend or acquaintance in a public setting.
Making eye contact and returning greetings from others, or being the first to say hello.
Preparing for conversation. For instance, read the newspaper to identify an interesting story you can talk about.
Giving someone a compliment.
Focusing on personal qualities you like about yourself.
Showing an interest in others. Ask about their homes, children, grandchildren, hobbies or travels, for instance.
Asking a retail clerk to help you find an item.
Getting directions from a stranger.
In addition, be sure to keep your medical or therapy appointments, take medications as directed, and talk to your doctor about any changes in your condition.
Coping and support
Coping with social anxiety disorder can be challenging. Having social anxiety disorder can make it difficult for you to go to work or school, to interact with other people, or even to visit the doctor. But maintaining connections and building relationships are key ways to help cope with any mental disorder.
Over time, treatment can help you feel more comfortable, relaxed and confident in the presence of others. In the meantime, don’t use alcohol or illicit drugs to try to get through an event or situation that makes you anxious.
Some positive coping methods include:
Banishing negative thoughts about yourself
Practicing relaxation exercises
Adopting stress management techniques
Reaching out to people you do feel comfortable around
Joining a support group
Engaging in pleasurable activities, such as exercise or hobbies, when you feel anxious
Getting enough sleep
Eating a well-balanced diet
Setting realistic goals
As difficult or painful as it may seem initially, don’t avoid situations that trigger your symptoms. By regularly facing these kinds of situations, you’ll continue to build and reinforce your coping skills.
Over time, doing this can help control your symptoms and prevent a relapse of your condition. Remind yourself that you can get through anxious moments, that your anxiety is short-lived, and that the negative consequences you worry about so much rarely come to pass.  (+ info)

How do I combat weight gain caused by a prescription drug?

I'm currently on a weight loss program, but since I started medication for my panic disorder, my weight has fluctuated dramatically, mostly in the weight gain direction. Any advice?

You need to definitely tell your psychiatrist. Significant weight gain over a short period of time isn't healthy at all... There are plenty of alternatives for anti-anxiety medication out there. Good Luck ^_^  (+ info)

Any suggestions on how to combat hangover effects from Seroquel?

I am currently taking 300 mg of Seroquel, 100 mg of Lamictol, and 500 mg of Dilantin. I wake up in the morning dragging pretty badly, which lasts for several hours. I've been told that it is likely the seroquel that is causing it. Since it has worked for my bipolar disorder, my doctor is hesitant to take me off of it. Any thoughts on how I can prevent the after effects?

I, too, went through the hangover effect when I started taking Seroquel about 5 years ago. What the other posters are saying is the only thing that worked for me, and that was taking it earlier if you only take it for bedtime. I, now, take mine at 8pm, for a bedtime of 10:30. I do not have the hangover effect anymore, unless I take it late....then the hangover still comes.
If taking it earlier doesn't help, talk to your doctor about reducing the dose, even by 25mg sometimes can make a tremendous difference.

Good Luck
Momma P  (+ info)

How did you combat social anxiety disorder? What helps you?

Medication? Therapy? Or a change in perspective? Thanks for your input.

Thankfully nowadays we have excellent medical drugs for this disabling condition. I can understand you as i myself was suffering from this disorder since the last 18 years (it was pure hell, believe me!!!).There are a number of doctors & even psychiatrists who swear by behavioral-cognitive therapy. To me this plays only a supportive role. Best way is taking a newer group of drugs (SSRI) IN CONSULTATION WITH A PSYCHIATRIST.NEVER-NEVER try to self medicate. All will be well.All the Best.  (+ info)

Besides antidepressants, what med(s) can be prescribed to combat Binge Eating Disorder?

Self control?! Obviously you have not heard this is a REAL psychological disorder.

anti anxiety meds (benzo's like klonopin & ativan), sometimes antipsychotics (abilify,seroquel,geodon etc)if there are signs of a mood disorder also and sometimes mood stabilizers (like lamictal & depokote but depokote causes weight gain so they may not prescribe that with an ED)  (+ info)

how can i combat time of the month cramps ?

ive lost quite alot of weight lately due to stress and the start of an eating disorder (getting better though) and my body has found it difficult to deal with the pain of cramps. How can i combat this better?

if your cramps are very bad exercise... I try to exercise and keep myself fit... i hate taking pain killers or any type of pill for my pains.... i have found that if i keep up with exercise before and during my period that i dont get cramps... it also helps make my period shorter.... if i dont keep up with exercise i feel bloated and cramped all the time plus my period will last about two days longer  (+ info)

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