FAQ - Bulbar Palsy, Progressive
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Can acupuncture help for Progressive Bulbar Palsy?

I found a Chinese medical study suggesting Acupuncture had good results for symptoms of Bulbar Palsy, but it was a very small study and was published way back in 1996.
There seems to have been no further research even though the results seemed promising. Maybe the paper didn't stand up to peer review, or was proven to be flawed somehow.

So I'm wondering if anyone knows if acupuncture can ease speech and dysphagia/swallowing problems with Bulbar related neurological diseases?


Acupuncture may be able to temporarily arrest, or reverse, dysphagia in PBP cases. In studies treatment has been shown to have a positive effect on dysphagia in post-stroke patients,and although the diseases are separate it does illustrate acupuncture can have a positive effect on restoration of function when neurological damage has occurred.

Due to the progressive nature of Bulbar Palsy, I would say that positive outcomes from acupuncture would not be a permanent. Treatment would be focused on improving quality of life for as long as possible.

Here is a link to a 2003 study published on Acupuncture and Dysphagia in the Medical Acupuncture Journal: http://www.medicalacupuncture.org/aama_marf/journal/vol14_3/article3.html  (+ info)

What are the last stages of Motor Neurons Disease, possible type Progressive Bulbar Palsy?

It progresses to aspiration pneumonia, then respiratory arrest.  (+ info)

What vitamin are you deficiant in with Progressive Bulbar Paulsy?

It is said that PBP is a "vitamin dependent" Disease and that massive doses of a certain vitamin will begin to reverse it

Onset age 50-70 years

Subtype of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Cranial Nerve motor nuclear atrophy, glial overgrowth
Cranial Nerve 5
Cranial Nerve 7
Cranial Nerve 9
Cranial Nerve 10
Cranial Nerve 12
Subcortical involvement of corticobulbar tracts

Difficult chewing
Nasal regurgitation

Arm and leg spasticity
Hyperactive reflexes
Fasciculation of Tongue and lip muscles
Emotional lability

Differential Diagnosis
Acute bulbar paralysis
Acute CNS vascular lesion (hemorrhage or thrombosis)
Acute Bulbar Polioencephalitis
Chronic bulbar paralysis
Multiple Sclerosis

Progresses to Aspiration Pneumonia, respiratory arrest
Death in 1 to 3 years from onset

Comment added by Richard W. Webb on 2/27/04
I'm being treated at UCSF. I've been told that Progressive Bulbar Palsy (my diagnosis) is "onset ALS". Go to this web site for information, hope, and help. Print out all 21 pages and study it. I've tripled the recommended dose of Vitamin E.


Good Luck to your dad,

Richard Webb  (+ info)

How many people know what Asbergers is OR Progressive Supra Nuclear Palsy are?

Aspergers is a bit like Autism. Ever see "Rain Man"?

An aspergers child is usually antisocial, has difficulty with being touched, and does not make friends easily.

The biggest difference between autism and Aspergers is that Autistic children are sometimes called "idiot savant" - this is an old and very outdated term, but what it refers to is the fact that Autistic children usually are brilliant in some aspect. Usually with numbers.

In Aspergers, children are usually stronger with Language. They may seem withdrawn, but will talk with an amazing vocabulary or understand advanced literary passages, or make connections in poetry that are beyond their age level.  (+ info)

Can anyone help with information on proper diagnosis and treatment for Progressive Supranuclear palsy?

mother recently diagnosed w/PSP - i have reason to suspect a hasty misdiagnosis and would like the best possible recommendations for proper course to follow.

The diagnosis of PSP is based on the physical examination (the eye movement problems are quite characteristic, but are not always present early in the disease course) and on ruling out other, similar movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Creuzfeld-Jacob disease etc. If I had any concerns about the diagnosis of one of my relatives, I would definitely seek second opinion from a trusted neurologist who is specializing in movement disorders.

There is currently no effective treatment for PSP. Antiparkinsonian medications and antidepressant medications have been tried, with a little improvement in some patients. Supportive therapies can include walking aids, physical therapy, feeding tube placement.
There are some research trials going on, you can check the National Institutes of Health website (clinicaltrials.gov) for the latest.

Good luck to you and your mom. I added some links below.  (+ info)

What do we look for in patients that have progressive supraneclear palsy in their last days?

That have a what in their what?????  (+ info)

Is progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) a demyelinating disease?

I know the symptoms and the conditions of people with the disease, but I don't know if the degeneration has to do with the myelin of the nerves or if it is from some other factor.

i cant be sure... its related to parkinsons and alzheimers so i think it might be but the damage is so specific that i think damage to the myelin would cause more widespread damage... but dont take my word for it.  (+ info)

can long term poisioning by a person cause supranuclear progressive palsy?

just wondering, i have a strong feeling that this persons disease could be caused by another

  (+ info)

is it safe to be around progressive supanuclear palsy suffers?

Yes, but you need some help for it. I suggest you get it fast! ;)  (+ info)

What is pseudo bulbar palsy? There is very little information online about it.?

My 82 year old uncle was just diagnosed with it.

There is a particular type of cerebral palsy called pseudobulbar palsy that affects the muscles of the tongue and mouth. It interferes with the normal coordination of chewing and swallowing. For some children, when something is introduced inside the mouth, the jaw clamps shut and the tongue pushes the food out instead of bringing it in and back toward the throat. This condition is called tongue thrust and tonic bite.
In diagnosing and treating a child who fails to thrive, physicians focus on identifying any underlying problem and promoting weight gain. From there, they work with the family to get the child back into a healthy growth pattern.

Giving the child foods packed with nutrition and calories can improve and reverse the condition. Lack of nourishment for a long time is harmful to the proper growth of someone with cerebral palsy, just as it is for anyone. If "failure to thrive" is not corrected, the effects may be long lasting. Normal growth and development may not be achieved.

It can take a great deal of time and patience to feed children who cannot feed themselves and who have so much difficulty with the coordination of eating. It can be hard on the caregivers. If a child does not begin to show improvement and growth, it is often recommended that tube feeding be considered. (A feeding tube is a small, plastic tube that is usually put through the mouth into the stomach. Then a liquid food is poured into the tube.)

Damage to the part of the brain responsible for the creation and release of growth hormone can also cause “failure to thrive,” but it is far less frequently the cause than pseudobulbar palsy.

Muscle Growth
For children with spastic cerebral palsy, delayed muscle growth and spasticity cause their leg muscles to be short, and as a result, the amount of movement possible can decrease as a child grows. The joints will also become stiff. The feet and ankles present more problems than the knees, and the hands present more problems than the elbow. Generally, the closer to the end of the arm or leg, the more problems there will be as a result of uneven muscle growth.  (+ info)

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