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Your New Baby
As a new parent, you may have questions about your baby. Below are some
common physical features and behaviors you may notice in your baby soon
after birth.
Sleep and Wake Cycles

For the first few hours after birth, babies are active and awake. Then they
become sleepy for the next 12-24 hours. Expect your baby to sleep 16-20
hours a day, and not on any set schedule. Babies wake often at night for

Your baby’s head may look large and misshaped from the birth process. This
will slowly correct itself in about a week. Babies have two soft spots on the
head. These soft spots will slowly close and do not need any special care.

Babies see best at a distance of 8-10 inches. Your baby’s eye color changes
to its permanent color at 6-12 months. It is normal for your baby's eyes to be
swollen, have red spots in the white part of the eyes or look cross-eyed.
These conditions will most often go away.
Breasts and Genitals

It is normal for babies' breasts and genitals to look swollen. This will slowly
go away. The baby's breasts may have a small amount of milk-like fluid
coming out of them that will slowly go away. It is normal for baby girls to
have a small amount of blood-tinged vaginal discharge and mucus for
several days after birth.

The lips and the area inside the mouth should be pink.