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A hematoma is a pool or lump
of blood. There are 3 types of
hematomas based on where the
blood pools.
• Epidural hemotoma—the
outer layer of the brain
between the brain and skull.
• Subdural hematoma—the
middle layer of the brain.
• Intracerebral hematoma—
the inside part of the brain.

Hematomas can cause brain swelling, high pressure inside the skull, or
coma. Surgery may be done to remove the hematoma. This depends on
where the hematoma is and whether it is getting larger or causing problems.
Hematoma may not cause any lasting effects, but other brain injuries may
occur with the hematoma.
Cerebral Hemorrhage
Cerebral hemorrhage is bleeding in the brain. Bleeding can occur in 3 areas
of the brain:
• Over the outer
surface of the brain
called subarachnoid
• Into the spaces of
the brain or
ventricles called
• Into the brain tissue
called intracerebral