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To help prevent spreading the flu, be sure to:
Wash your hands often with soap and water.
Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap
and water are not available.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
The flu often spreads this way.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue
when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue away and
wash your hands. If you do not have a tissue, cough or
sneeze into your shoulder or arm.
Clean surfaces such as countertops, sinks, faucets,
doorknobs, telephones and light switches with a
disinfectant cleaner or a cleaner with bleach. You can
also mix your own water and bleach solution. Mix ten
parts water with one part bleach.
Limit your contact with those who are ill.
Avoid shaking hands if you are ill and with others who
are ill.
Stay away from others when you are sick. Stay home from work,
school or running errands if you can.
Get a full night’s rest, eat a healthy diet and drink at least eight
glasses of liquids each day.
If many people are ill with pandemic flu:

• Hospitals and doctors' offices will be very busy.
• You may need to stay home to care for ill family or children.
• Schools and child care centers may close.
• Stores may be in short supply of food, water, medicines and medical
• Basic services and many businesses such as banks, post offices,
restaurants and stores may close or have fewer workers.
• Buses may be stopped and gasoline may be limited.
• People may be told not to attend group functions such as volunteer
meetings, clubs, sports, music events and church services.
Plan Ahead

Plan ahead to help protect you and your family and limit the effects of
pandemic flu.