FAQ - ventricular fibrillation
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ventricular fibrillation?

do you know why ventricular fibrillation is the most common rhythm of cardiac arrest?

Ventricular fibrillation is when the ventricle just quivers and doesn't pump blood. The Left ventricle is responsible for pumping blood the the entire body, which can cause a problem if it isn't working. Then it won't take long for the blood to start to back up which the blood would be backing into the lungs which poses a problem with breathing. So Ventricular is quite a bit more serious that atrial fibrilation due to the fact that even if the atria isn't on top of it's game than the ventricles will still have some amount of blood to pump out. The ventricles area also larger and stronger than the atria due to the fact they are responsible for pumping the blood alot further so it needs to pump with greater force! Hope that helps ya!  (+ info)

What kind of Ventricular fibrillation is not dangerous or life-threatening?

What kind of Ventricular fibrillation is not dangerous or life-threatening? That's allowed to live with it with a simple pacemaker (not ICD) to pace it out when it happens.

all v-fib is life threatening, maybe you mean atrial fibrillation, that is commonly treated with a pacemaker if cardioversion is unsuccessful and the heart rate is too low.   (+ info)

how do class 1b antiarrythmic drugs help in the treatment of ventricular fibrillation?

in respect to cardiac cycle: if the repolarisation is quicker how does that treat ventricular arrythmias?

When the heart beats, an electrical impulse is fired from a special area of cells in the upper right atrium of the heart, this is known as the SA pacemaker, after the impulse travels along the atria, it enters the AV node, another pacemaker cell bunch that slows down the impulse for the atria to pump blood into the ventricles, the impulse then enters and depolarizes the ventricles causing them to contract, like the atria, however, the ventricular cells must "sleep" and are unable to be activated until they "wake up" which usually takes but a few milliseconds, this is known as repolarization, where the cells are preparing to carry a new electrical signal. In a case in which some of these cells become repolarized before the rest, they are able to take an impulse, an if an impulse arises from the ventricles (PVC), it activates these cells, and they contract, now the other cells are ready to take the impulse and they contract, however, the first set of cells are recovering and are unable to take the impulse, this causes a cycle of un-uniform contracting and relaxing in the ventricles - or ventricular fibrillation. Class 1B antiarrhythmic drugs decrease the time for repolarization thus cutting the risk of an abnormal beat triggering some recovered cells, as now, all the cells will recover almost simultaniously.  (+ info)

How come there is no P wave in ventricular fibrillation?

I get that the ventricles are quivering and no CO occurs. But how come there is no p wave on an EKG? The atria should still be working fine because v fib is a problem with the ventricles.

The atrial depolarization is so minor compared to the ventricles. The ventricles are depolarizing so fast that the P waves are just buried in the ECG.  (+ info)

What causes a person to sweat if they have ventricular fibrillation?

I would guess it's a side effect of sympathetic tone. The sympathetic nervous system attempts to speed up the heart rhythm and make it contract with more force. The sweat glands also respond to this same kind of sympathetic signal.  (+ info)

Can Atrial Fibrillation with Rapid Ventricular Respose cause Ventricular Fibrillation?

Atrial Fibrillation with Rapid Ventricular Respose cause Ventricular Fibrillation when it is associated with accessory pathway (WPW Syndrome). In this situation, the ventricular rate is very high, of the order of 300 because the impulse conducts down the normal pathway as well as the accessory pathway. When the number of impulses are very high the ventricle cannot keep track for a long period and goes into ventricular fibrillation, unless the atrial fibrillation is treated promptly.  (+ info)

How long does ventricular fibrillation last without treatment?

After witnessed v-fib, does the rhythm immediately deteriorate into asystole? Within 5-6, 10-15, or 20-30minutes

vtach first then v fib then asystole in code blueor brady cardic to assystole in no code patients  (+ info)

What causes a person to have Ventricular Fibrillation?

Choice # 1 - Being very overweight (100 pounds overweight)
Choice # 2 - Eating Junk food (fast food like hot dogs or pizza)
Choice # 3 - A lot of worry, fear or panic
Choice # 4 - All of the above

even though 3 is acceptable, it is not proven, so the answer is none of the above, also see http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/760832-overview  (+ info)

Is ventricular Fibrillation a problem inside the heart?

If yes will a heart transplant fix the problem for someone who gets this occasionally.

Yes... Ventricular Fibrilation is a problem in the heart caused by the lower chambers called Ventricles. The hearts contractions are monitored by the SA node and the AV node, these are bundles of nerve fibers that receive stimuli from the brain that contract the heart rhythmically. When the AV node (Atrioventricular Node) does not work properly it causes the ventricles to contract to quickly, when this happens blood is not given a chance to fill the chambers of the heart in order to get passed through the rest of the body. Because of the lack of blood going to the brain, the person suffering from VF ultimately will become unconscious and will need immediate medical attention.

A heart transplant could fix the problem however, doctors attempt to shock the persons heart back into rhythm using an AED or an Automated External Defibrilator.  (+ info)

A disease where Ventricular Fibrillation happens all the time or a lot of the time?

Is there such a thing as this? Can you explain exactly what it means, symptoms, etc.?

Ventricular fibrillation is basically stoppage of the heart due to irregular electrical activity in it.

Ventricular fibrillation all the time/lot of the time is not compatible with life. During VF, one's heart does not pump blood and one will be dead in a few minutes.

If someone gets VF, they will first collapse and then be dead if they are not resuscitated immediately. Giving a DC shock with a defibrillator (as you see in TV and movies) can sometimes revert the fibrillating heart back to normal.

Occasionally for someone with heart disease (for eg., heart attacks in the past), intermittent VF can occur for a short time. Many of these people will then have a small defibrillator implanted in their heart.

VF is one of the commonest events leading to death.  (+ info)

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