FAQ - tympanic membrane perforation
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perforation membrane tympanic?

Perforation of the tympanic membrane (eardrum) can occur from concussive force (explosion), pressure (diving under water), or puncture (putting a sharp object in the ear). And yes, an infection inside the ear can cause the tympanic membrane to rupture. The process is extremely painful until the membrane bursts and the pressure is relieved. A tear in the eardrum may also increase the chance of infection to the inner ear. The membrane may actually be punctured surgically in order to reduce the damage to the membrane, relieve the swelling, and assess/treat the infection.

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/ruptured-eardrum/DS00499  (+ info)

degree of hearing loss in relation to size and site of perforation of tympanic membrane?


I have had to have my eardrum perforated to drain a severe otitis infection, and I did loose my hearing completely for about a week.

I had to keep cotton and an otic antibiotic in my ear, and it seemed that suddenly my hearing returned and it was painful because it was so loud!

I would think there might be a slight degree of hearing loss due the the scarration of the eardrum, but nothing so much as to make you run out and buy a hearing aid.

Unfortunately, in my situation, the infection also damaged a part of my otic nerve, and my tympanic membrane does not vibrate to relay sound to my cochlea. I have what is called cochlear hearing- I use a hearing aid that is discreetly positioned on the bone at the rear base of my ear.

To boot, I have a congenital hearing deficiency, which was triggered by this infection, so my hearing is 50% left, 40% right. I have had to learn to read lips, use basic sign language when necessary, and train my family to "please talk to my face" in a conversation.

I don't mean to scare you, just relate what has happened as a result of my perforation.  (+ info)

How long does a tympanic perforation take to heal usually?

I have a Tympanic Perforation from what I have looked up on the internet. What I am asking is how long does it normally last? My hearing hasn't got any better in 3 days and I still have that annoying ringing in my ear and can still blow air out my ear. Thanks for your guys responses.

i had a perforated eardrum as a kid lasted about 6 month  (+ info)

Can a bulging tympanic membrane cause dizziness?

I was diagnosed with a bulging tympanic membrane and was prescribed Ciprofloxacin. I was wondering if the the bulging could cause you to feel woozy, off balance, a drunken state? I've tried to look on the internet, and it says they are not connected. I've been woozy etc. for about 6 days. This started about a week and half after I was having my ear ache.
I've been woozy even before I was prescribed the antibiotic.

You could be experiencing an adverse reaction to ciprofloxacin.
Or it could because of your ear infection, since the organ which is responsible for your hearing is really really close to the one responsible for your balance.

Check with your doctor.

Take care  (+ info)

Anatomy and Physiology: How is tympanic membrane involved in hearing loss.?

How is tympanic membrane involved in hearing loss and what is the reason for hearing loss and what are the typical treatments?

Sound waves travel along the external auditory meatus (passage from pinna to tympanic membrane) until they hit your eardrum and cause it to vibrate. As a result, your ossicles start moving. They, in turn, pass on vibrations to a thin layer of tissue at the entrance of your inner ear called the oval window. The movement of the oval window then sets off wave-like motions in the fluid in your cochlea.
Your organ of hearing, the spiral organ of Corti, runs through the inside of your cochlea. It consists of thousands of sensory hair cells, attached to a membrane. Tiny sensory hairs emerge from each sensory hair cell and pierce into a second, gel-like membrane above. Whenever the fluids in your cochlea are in motion, the first membrane vibrates and squashes the sensory hairs against the second membrane. The movement of your sensory hairs is then translated into nerve impulses, which travel along your cochlear nerve to your brain.
Conductive hearing loss
This is caused by anything that stops sound moving from your outer ear to your inner ear.
Perforated (pierced) eardrum, which can be caused by an untreated ear infection (chronic suppurative otitis media), head injury or a blow to the ear, or from poking something in your ear.

I have taken you literally and just gave stuff about the tympanic membrane - how it works, how it can cause deafness.
The rest. if you need it, is on the links  (+ info)

Will the tympanic membrane grows back after a small injury due to ear buds?ck?

I was just cleaning my ear with ear buds and got injured. I'm able to hear but have a sensation of having water inside. After the injury after every 2 to 3 hours if i pull my ear flap, i'm getting a drop of blood. Doctor told that i have punctured the ear drum membrane a bit. I have a doubt?? Will the membrane grows back.

  (+ info)

when was the last time you played the tympanic membrane?

Yahoo selected this catergory for me thanks!

*Crickets chirping* that was years ago! possibly last life time when I played my ear drum to my pet grasshopper "munchkin" it was a bit of a eary feeling.  (+ info)

How do we treat "Otitis Externa with a perforated tympanic membrane"?

It is an ear infection to the outer ear canal but since you have a perforated eardrum, stay away from ear drops of any kind. With no ear drum protecting your inner ear, any medicated drops will drain to your inner ear, which may cause some nasty symptoms and possible damage. Opt for oral antibiotics instead.  (+ info)

the tympanic membrane is at the end of the auditory canal?

True for 200, Alex!

http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dtympanic%2Bmembrane%26ei%3Dutf-8%26fr%3Dyfp-t-701&w=277&h=221&imgurl=www.ehealthconnection.com%2Fthomson%2Fcare%2520notes%2Fen92431.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ehealthconnection.com%2Fregions%2Ftoledo%2Fcontent%2Fhealthinfo_carenotes.asp%3Fsrc%3Dnd1359g&size=17k&name=en92431+jpg&p=tympanic+membrane&oid=616d48249e4050c2&fr2=&no=8&tt=587&sigr=12smjfufc&sigi=11q90qi67&sigb=12mmqfdt2  (+ info)

does the ear heal itself after hot wax drips onto tympanic membrane?

I used an ear candle and wax dripped into my ear canal causing pain

you will need to see a doctor to get the wax removed. Without it removed your normal secretions in your ear will build up and cause infections.

The doctor can then check your tympanic membrane for any burn or scarring  (+ info)

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