FAQ - puberty, precocious
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Hi, I need help treating my pimples. Your help is greatly appreciated.Please answer?

Ok I get pimples around my nose, near my ears, my forehead, and sometimes under my chin.
I have my puberty so I guess that is the reason why I'm getting A LOT of pimples on my upper arm.

I took a shower twice in a day to see if it would go away, but it didn't.

I found that drinking water daily was the best solution for treating pimples on my face.
Now I just need help treating pimples on my arm.
Please, I've seen answers like oh use blahh blahh blahh leaf extract, or use blah blah blah for medication and all the junk.
I'm looking for a serious answer, so don't answer if you are just going to tell me that because I'm not buying that expensive junk. Been there done that.
Also, tooth paste seems like its treating my pimples on my face too.
Any other serious suggestions to treat pimples/ red pimples anywhere on my body?
You help is greatly appreciated. Thank you ^_^

Ici c'est en français !!
Et la c'est en anglais !!
Chaque chose a sa place,c'est plus simple !!
Yeeees !! #  (+ info)

Would I like meeting people suffering from Kallman syndrome?

Would I like meeting people suffering from Kallman syndrome?
We are few cases and I want to know if someone is suffering, I will be updating my question in order to contact someone who has it.

It is a hormonal problem that affects sexual development.
Its symptoms include anosmia (loss of smell) absent puberty and sometimes deafness.
All this because of a genetic disorder affecting hypogonadism (insufficient secretion of the genital glands)

Thanks in advance

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