FAQ - mastocytosis, systemic
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What is the best way to recover from Candida systemic infection?

Drugs are not the answer! You can get over it WITHOUT them! Taking a prescription should be a LAST resort. First of all, get a hold of the book " The Yeast Connection and the Woman" by Dr. William G. Crook. Read it cover to cover! By the way: It does not just apply to women. I have been there, so I sympathize, and I will tell you it is a long tough road. Candida thrives in an acidic environment. The American Diet is 80% acidic, 20% alkaline typically. In order to get healthy those percentages need to be turned to 20% acidic, 80% alkaline! What are acidic foods? All white flours and sugars, everything processed and made with corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose. You have to AVOID these at all costs! What is alkaline? Healthy foods! Fruits, veggies, meats, whole grains. Candida thrives in an acidic environment. What is the best cure? FOUR THINGS: WILD MOUNTAIN OREGANO OIL, LOTS OF FRESH CHOPPED GARLIC, AND GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT, and PH balance pills (VAXA makes these). Don't forget to drink plenty of pure water. WHILE TAKING THESE FOUR REMEDIES, MAKE SURE YOU EAT PLENTY OF ACIDOPHILIS (YOGURT, ACIDOPHILIS PILLS). IT IS NEEDED TO REPLACE THE GOOD BACTERIA IN YOUR SYSTEM. WHEN CANDIDA OCCURS, THE BAD BACTERIA HAS OVERTAKEN THE GOOD, CAUSING FAR REACHING PROBLEMS. TIREDNESS, MOOD SWINGS, ALLERGIES, SKIN PROBLEMS, MEMORY LOSS, CHRONIC FATIGUE, THE LIST IS ENDLESS. CANDIDA CAN ALSO MIMIC THE SYMPTOMS OF OTHER DISEASES. It also does not disappear overnight. Sometimes an individual does not see improvement for a few months, and will have die off symptoms before they feel better. Stick with the restrictive diet, and remember when you cheat, the bad bacteria is allowed to grow again, because CANDIDA LIVES ON SUGAR (THE HERB STEVIA IS A LIFESAVER IF YOU NEED A SUGAR REPLACEMENT IT IS 300X SWEETER THAN SUGAR AND IS NATURAL) Stay away from Nutrasweet, saccharin, Splenda-these are all chemicals that will cause more problems!! One more thing: If you have Candida, chances are you have a parasite problem as well. Be sure to do a parasite cleanse also. Parasites can also cause far reaching problems.  (+ info)

What test constitutes a positive diagnosis of Systemic Lupus?

While the ANA blood test will test for a marker of lupus, it is not a definitive diagnosis. You are diagnosed based on the list or criteria set forth by Medical Board. If you have 4 of the 11 markers, you can be diagnosed with Lupus.

I've listed the Web MD website below. If you match 4 out of the 11 possible symptoms, your doctor will consider diagnosing you with this disease. Keep in mind, there are many other autoimmune disorders mimic lupus, and with patience and consideration you will get a handle on your medical situation! Good Luck  (+ info)

I have Systemic Candida and have read different things about undergarments. I've read to wear white cotton ?

panties only and I've read to kill the live candida that the washer can't kill to boil your panties for 5 minutes. Do you know anything about this?

Never heard of boiling your underwear. I would use pantyliners and change them frequently.  (+ info)

How would an ineffective right ventricle impact the pulmonary and systemic circulation?

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How do you know if you have systemic candida?

And how do you get rid of it?

That's a very thorny condition. It's not really a disease in and of itself. It speaks of a real imbalance in the body, and compromised immune systems. The most important things to do are: see a doctor who has had experience with the condition. Immediately start cleansing yourself with water.
Change your diet and cut the use of any drugs or alcohol.

Specifically you need to watch foods that affect acid. Double up on proteins, including vegetable proteins. Cut the one note carbs... sugar, treats, candy. Also highly recommended is to take acidophilis in a very digestible form.

See a doctor. Systemic candida can really compromise your health.  (+ info)

Is there a systemic treatment for Rosacea?

Other than a course of antibiotics and topical treatment, does anyone know of a "pill" which is being used to treat this condition? An associate was telling me about something a couple of years ago but didn't know the name of it.

No there is nothing out yet. With antibiotics you need to take those for the rest of your life to keep it under control unless you choose not to do so.  (+ info)

What causes O2 to enter pulmonary capillaries from alveoli & to enter tissue cells from systemic capillaries?

Ahmad is correct, Oxygen and CO2 both diffuse down a concentration gradient (high to low)  (+ info)

Out of all the fruits, vegetables, meats, drinks, sweets, and Diaries, which have Systemic fluoride?

This is for my science fair project and I'm nonstop looking for sites with answers but I cannot find any fruits, vegetables, meats, drinks, sweets, and Diaries with systemic Fluoride.Please list the exact name of the fruits, vegetables, meats, drinks, sweets, and Diaries with systemic Fluoride.Please list a site if you know and answer this question asap, or inform me with a email.I am not sure which category this would go under but if you know still answer please, Thank you for your time.

http://www.nutritiondata.com has all the trace nutrients in foods listed. But I think only the "diaries" have systemic fluoride in them. Unless you mean dairy products. Then no unless the cows have been drinking city water.  (+ info)

Help Please :Why Systemic Radiotherapy is used over External and Internal radiotherapy?

I mean what is the advantages that can be achieved by using systemic radiotherapy that can't be achieved from external or internal radiotherapy in cancer treatment?

Yttrium 90 and Lutetium 177 systemic radiotherapy is used when neuroendocrine tumors are widely disseminated. Hormone-delivered radiotherapy (or peptide receptor radionuclide therapy) delivers a much higher dose of radiation than external beam radiation could safely deliver.  (+ info)

Are there any natural remedies for a systemic fungal/yeast infection?

I already know about yogurt and probiotics. What other things I should be incorporating?

This is NOT for specific treatment of a vaginal yeast infection, rather an overgrowth of fungus throughout the body. Are there certain foods, vitamins, or supplements that are beneficial?

Proof that Candida takes two forms and can become systemic.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7727934020345992708&q=candida+albicans+video&total=22&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=3 What feeds candida and what starves candida.

What I did. http://www.glycoscience.org is real. Dr. Hudson Freeze used "Mannose" to help improve his genetic patients which is found in aloe and this company has as well. He was angered by the fact that one of his patients dropped out to take this complex from glycoscience web site and as a result, he has been on a campaign to put down the company that sells it.

In the interum, there is a triple blind pacebo study conducted by Doris Lefkowitz PhD who approves of medical dictionaries and this study shows that glyconutrient complex has a 98% kill of Candida Albicans... The mannose alone, has a 45% kill.

Kalos, from your other answer tried to report me to Yahoo as a solicitation and once they saw my answer was helpful they restored my points and my answer.

If you ever see Kalos Orisates answers again, feel free to report him if he calls osteopaths and chiropractors who have earned their degrees and have healed countless people in a non toxic manner quacks.  (+ info)

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