FAQ - herpes simplex
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How confident is the medical community that schizophrenia is an organic illness caused by herpes simplex?

Or is that just a guess right now?
So far it looks like from the first response that there's little connection, but I wonder if there's a direct link in some people that have a brain or something that's already susceptible to brain deterioration but somehow the herpes simplex triggers it, where there existed the tendency for schizophrenia, but if and only if herpes simplex was introduced?

That's news to me: There has been speculation of unknown viral etiology since the 1960's when the statistical geographic distribution showing increased prevalence of schizophrenia with increased distance from the equator was first noticed. Thought was that it could be explained by infectious etiology with a virus that preferred temperate climates.
I don't know what the prevalence of HHV is at the equator but here in North America it's on the order of 15-25% of the general population....compared to less than 1% of the population with schizophrenia...  (+ info)

What are the chances of catching cold sores(herpes simplex 1 or 2)from some1 who doesn't show symptoms?

I hear that if someone catches cold sores but doesn't have any outbreaks at the time, you could still catch them.
What exactly are the chances?
How do i know if i should do the kissy face with a girl, even if she doesn't have an outbreak?

Yes you can, but it's not as likely as if there was a visible out break. You are safer to kiss when there is no sign of a sore. There is only a small chance of contracting cold sores when there is no out break. Some people take the risk of possibly getting herpes to be with some one they love. If you can't do that then maybe you shouldn't be messing around with this girl. If you still want her even though she could give you herpes then go for it.  (+ info)

If you catch herpes simplex virus 15 years ago, for how many years will you show a negative test result?

Is there a dormancy period in which it will not be detected?

Normally, you will show a positive result on a blood test within 3-6 months of first becoming infected.

The test is positive whether or not an outbreak is experienced, as it tests for antibodies to the ivrus, which are always present.

However, some people never show a positive result, even though they have had positive swab tests. It doesn't mean they don't have herpes, but the older tests had an error margin. Even now, many tests on the market actually give 5% of people tested who don't have herpes a false positive result and 15% of people who have herpes a false negative result. The newer tests are a vast improvement but there is still a large margin of error - which is why, if people are symptomatic, they tend to take a swab. For some info about the tests available, please see:

http://www.stdservices.on.net/std/herpes/serology.htm  (+ info)

How long has Herpes Simplex Virus (Genital Herpes) been on earth?

In science we are studiening STD's and this is one of the questions we have to anser

It's actually been traced back to ancient Greece (not saying they started herpes no one knows for sure who or what did), no one knew for sure what it was way back then.
Info on the origin of herpes
http://www.uic.edu/classes/osci/osci590/4_1%20Famour%20Diseases%20in%20History.htm  (+ info)

I used someones els cup who has herpes simplex?

A roommate who has been recently diagnosed with Herpes simplex (not sure which) left her cup in the kitchen to dry accidentally and I used it to drink. It was left to dry from rinsing with water (not sure if washed).

Should I be worried?
I forgot to say that she is not having an outbreak (or that I know of) if that matters.

  (+ info)

Is herpes simplex in the body without coming in contact with someone?

I was told that you can have it with out coming in contact with someone that it is naturally in the body already, is that true?
Thank you,

No. If you were raised on a desert island, never coming in contact with anyone, you could not have the herpes virus (or any virus) in your body.

With that said, most people have the herpes virus in them before they get sexual. Oral herpes is most often caught in childhood from kissing relatives, and 50% to 80% of adults have it. So having oral herpes does NOT mean that you've been sexual with someone.  (+ info)

What percentage of people living with the herpes simplex virus show symptoms?

I am sorry but I do not know the exact percentage, but I do know there are a lot of people with diseases and viruses that are not showing outward signs. there is even a commercial on t.v. for a genital herpes suppression drug that says something about how most cases are passed on because the person did not even know they were infected.  (+ info)

How long does it take for a person to have a herpes simplex virus 2 outbreak?

It typically takes between 3-30 days to have an out break after having oral sex or sexual intercourse with some one that has herpes. You're not likely to get infected if the person you had sex with didn't have an out break at the and and if they were on antiviral medication this would even further reduce your risk of contracting herpes from them. This isn't common but your body can suppress herpes and keep it from breaking out for months or years after being infected so it could take longer then 30 days to have an out break.
The best way to tell if you have herpes or not is to get tested for herpes by your doctor.  (+ info)

why isn't acyclovir used to treat viral infections other than herpes simplex?

Acyclovir is used to treat herpes and sometimes HIV, oral hairy leukoplakia, or epstein-barr. Why isn't it effective against the common cold or other viruses? Also, does it need to be taken persistently and long-term to combat viral outbreaks, or only for 7-14 days?

I'm curious from a medical perspective (I'm not a patient), so feel free to be technical in your reply.

Just like with antibiotics that are active against bacteria in different ways (mechanisms of action), antiviral medications also target different mechanisms -- usually the reproduction cycle.

The two main requirements for medication choices:
- the process that it prevents/interupts must be an integral process of viral replication
-the agent/drug is active against the virus while having an acceptable toxicity to the host organism.

The antiviral drugs are made up of different chemicals (nucleoside analogs that can target viral polymerase and in some cases reverse transcriptase; peptide analogues that target HIV protease; Triazole carboxamide, which mutates RNA, eg. ribavirin -- broad spectrum as it works on HCV, HSV, measles, mumps, Lassa fever etc.; tricyclic amines that target surface structural proteins; neuraminic acid mimetic that targets the neuraminic inhibitor; small cyclic chemicals that block attachment and uncoating; and proteins that target the activation of cell defense proteins.

Attachment, Penetration/Uncoating, Genome replication, Gene Expression, and Assembly/Maturation/Release are the main targets in the viral replication cycle that agents target.

Every virus is different and some drugs are simply more effective against certain viruses and less against others. It may have to do with the particulars of the viral replication cycle, makeup of the virus' coat, etc.,.

The duration of antiviral treatment is different for most viral infections and can depend on the virus in question, host factors (compromised immune system etc.), stage of disease/viral load, as well as other co-conditions.

Hope this helps  (+ info)

Im 36 weeks pregnant and just found out i have herpes simplex virus 2 can i request a c section?

Now, i just found out i have HSV 2 but ive had it since before i was pregnant. but thru my research and personal feelings i would rather have a c section, and even tho i wanted a vaginal birth this is what i feel would be more safe. do you think my doctor will give me a c-section?

I dont think unless you feel you are having an attack at the time of birth they would do that, remember that your baby will have a good amount of anti-bodies from you to have a vaginal birth so there really is no need to worry i had my baby vaginally and everything was just fine remember a c section is a major op and that and having a new born is very hard work.
Good luck with the birth!  (+ info)

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