FAQ - furunculosis
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Recurring boils (chronic furunculosis) is it dangerous or may cause cancer?

I was having that problem for about 6 months. They started getting more and more frequent so I went to the doctor. It turned out I had a staph infection. About a month of daily antibiotics and they went away.  (+ info)

what is mycobacterium fortuitum furunculosis?

Mycobacterium fortuitum is a nontuberculous mycobacterium. Furunculosis is a condition of furuncles (boils). Put it together and it's a condition of boils on the feet and legs caused by the specific mycobacteria called M. fortuitum (see full name above). This condition is associated with foot baths in nail salons.  (+ info)

Do I have furunculosis or Hidradenitis suppurativa and what can I do to prevent it from recurring?


I have a problem with having recurring boils/furunclus. Which come as often as once per month or once in 2 months. My blood does not seem to be lacking vitamins nor do I think I have a bad diet. (However the diet I should look into). Hygiene is also fine, frequent showers (at least once in 2 days, usually daily, using soap/gel). At the moment I use: Braunovidon and Linimentum balsamicum Vischenevsky (A local treatment, which is said to help to bring the boil to a head.) Sometimes the boils need to be surgically operated and drained (All in all I had around 5-10 boils operated). I do not find this normal, and I am not sure what to do. One of the doctors suggested to re-circulate the blood (Do not know what this procedure is called in english), involving taking blood from my arm and re-injecting it into my bottom. Repeating the procedure every day for a period of a week (up to 18 days). Can that help and what else can help? What analysis should I run to find out what I have and what I need to change in my lifestyle/medication.

Best Regards.

Hey there,

sorry to hear that you may have HS. The best thing that I can suggest, from experience is to join one of the HS groups on Yahoo.

From my own experience I wash with Hibiscrub (what surgeons wash with pre-op), I am also on long term antibiotics. This combined with using a topical cream called timodine all seem to work well for me and control my HS very well for the most part. There are many ideas out there, you need to read up and see what makes sense to you (so avoiding trans fats for example has worked for some).

In terms of diagnosis I can send you a paper that may help you and your medical team make a diagnosis. I don't understand what recirculating the blood should achieve though?

Good luck controlling this,
XxX  (+ info)

Which is the best doctor to consult about Furuncles or Chronic Furunculosis?

I have dealt with this for about 12 years and over that time, I have mentioned it to my doctor as well as others and they never seem concerned or just dismiss it.

I have an appointment with a dermatologist in two weeks and I want to know if that will be the best doctor to actually get something done.

The first one I ever had was on my outside hip, when I was 21 and the doctor thought it was a spider bite, but now I know it was a huge Furuncle. Ever since, I have always had similar but smaller versions, except on my inner thighs. They come and go, some worse than others, but a lot have left bad scarring.

I hope there is something that can be done to rid them forever.

Thanks to anyone who has first hand experience or is a doctor.

If it bothers you, and your regular doctor doesn't take it seriously, then it's time to find a new doctor. They can be extremely painful and if you keep getting them, it is diminishing your quality of life, so it IS important, even if your current doctor doesn't think so. A dermotologist will be a good next step, or even a new general provider. Good lck. I also fond the following info on the Medline website (the last sentence is especially important for you):

Furuncles may heal on their own after an initial period of itching and mild pain. More often, they increase in discomfort as pus collects. They finally burst, drain, and then heal on their own.

Furuncles usually must drain before they will heal. This most often occurs in less than 2 weeks. Treatment by a health care provider is needed if a furncle lasts longer than 2 weeks, returns, is located on the spine or the middle of the face, or occurs with a fever or other symptoms because the infection may spread and cause complications.

Warm moist compresses encourage furuncles to drain, which speeds healing. Gently soak the area with a warm, moist cloth several times each day. Deep or large lesions may need to be drained surgically by a health care provider. Never squeeze a boil or attempt to cut it open it at home because this can spread the infection and make it worse.

Meticulous hygiene is important to prevent the spread of infection. Draining lesions should be cleaned frequently. You should wash your hands very well after touching a furuncle. Do not re-use or share washcloths or towels. Clothing, washcloths, towels, and sheets or other items that contact infected areas should be washed in very hot (preferably boiling) water. Dressings should be changed frequently and discarded in a manner that contains the drainage, such as by placing them in a bag that can be closed tightly before discarding.

Antibacterial soaps and topical antibiotics are of little benefit once a furuncle has formed. Systemic antibiotics may help to control infection in those with repeated furuncles.  (+ info)

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