FAQ - adrenal insufficiency
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what are the implications of thyroid/hormone/adrenal insufficiency? is this a real condition & what causes it?

Of course it's a real condition. It can be congenital, idiopathic, autoimmune, cancer, or iatrogenic. There are many kinds and causes of thyroid disease.

Depending on the severity, if it isn't treated, you lose anything from your quality of life, to your life itself. You can die of myxedema coma, thyroid storm, heart failure, etc, etc, etc.

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what is adrenal insufficiency, which cause low blood pressure?

what is going on with that

Normally the glomerulosa part of adrenal gland secrets aldosterone in response to angiotensin 2 which is formed by renin secreted by kidneys when there is low blood pressure .
the aldosterone reabsorbs water and sodium which means increase in blood pressure
there may be two ways of adrenal insuffuciency
primary hypoaldosteronism also called addisons disease in which adrenal gland is not able to form aldosteron in reply to high renin and high angitensin 2 so low aldosteron means low blood pressure , low water content , weight loss , low sodium ..so low osmolarity meaning the solute ie sodium is low in ECF extra cellular fluid which causes cells to swell up
the other cause can be secodary hypoaldosteronism becz of reduced renin from the juxta glomerular appratus or reduced synthesis of angiotensin 2 which stimulates aldosteron secretion
hope it helped u some how  (+ info)

Adrenal insufficiency.......what can you tell me? Depression?

In the beginning of the summer, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Then it went into remission, but I was *then* diagnosed with Adrenal Insufficiency.
I was put on Prednisone and Fludrocort.

I've been having mood swings, easily hurt and irritated, and have been easily pushed into short bursts of depression.
Is this to be expected? Will it ever get better? Is there anything that can be done?
Does diet affect this in any way?

Any help will be much appreciated!

How much prednisone?
Prednisone is a long acting steroid. It is not like the one the body makes. That is more like hydrocortisone.

A normal body has a rise in cortisol that reaches a peak around 8am, falls gradually throughout the day to reach about half around 2pm, then continues to fall to near zero by midnight - time to sleep.

Prednisone lasts 18-36 hours. Depending on when you take in, (it also takes a while to take effect and reach its peak). If you take Pred at 8am, you will reach peak around noon, not sleep well all night, and then if you have not *used* all the dose, when you take the next days dose, you will just add pred on top of pred as there can be overlap of 12 or so hours.

5mg pred = 20mg hydrocortisone. If you are taking more than 5mg, and depending on how you are taking it, well...

If you are a super active person, pred can be a good choice as they use it all up in a day. The acrobats in the Addison group use it. For the rest, HC is better as the bone, muscle, eye and other damage is just too much.

I had Cushing's disease (which was too much cortisol) and then had my adrenals removed to cure it. I used to be moody and depressed - do you see a connection? Your meds are not doing you a favor. Pred is not the medication of choice for replacement for those with AI. I would find a replacement.

Do taper off, if you change, very carefully, as an adrenal crisis can be life threatening. Do you take salt tablets to support you?

How much fludrocort do you take?

What testing was done to determine that you were AI? Saliva, blood? Stim test?  (+ info)

I think I have adrenal insufficiency. How is that treated? I am also hypothyroid and take levoxyl.?

Ignore the other answers. See your family doc and get a blood test. If it IS adrenal insufficiency, then having the first bone in your neck moved will not effect anything.  (+ info)

Does anyone know about Adrenal Insufficiency?

Any good web-sites, symptoms, treatments, etc?

go to medicinenet.com--its perfect for what your looking for--treatments,symptoms,medical dictionary  (+ info)

How do you know if you have adrenal fatigue?

There's a lot of talk recently about hypoadrenia and sub-Addison's adrenal insufficiency. Since doctors don't acknowledge this as an actual condition, how do you know if you have it? What are the diagnostic criteria and who's diagnosing it? Is it one of those diseases that you just have to have an "intuition" about? And finally, if there's no way to be sure you have it, how can it be safe to treat it?

Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Tendency to gain weight and unable to loose it, especially around the waist.
High frequency of getting the flu and other respiratory diseases and these symptoms tend to last longer than usual.
Tendency to tremble when under pressure.
Reduced sex drive.
Lightheaded when rising from a laying down position.
Unable to remember things.
Lack of energy in the mornings and also in the afternoon between 3 to 5 pm.
Feel better suddenly for a brief period after a meal.
Often feel tired betweeen 9 - 10 pm, but resist going to bed.
Need coffee or stimulants to get going in the morning.
Crave for salty, fatty, and high protein food such as meat and cheese.
Increase symptoms of PMS for women; period are heavy and then stop, or almost stopped on the 4th day, only to start flow again on the 5th or 6th day.
Pain in the upper back or neck with no apparent reasons .
Feels better when stress is relieved, such as on a vacation.
Difficulties in getting up in the morning

Other signs and symptoms include:

Mild depression
Food and or inhalant allergies
Lethargy and lack of energy
Increased effort to perform daily tasks
Decreased ability to handle stress
Dry and thin skin
Low Body Temperature
Unexplained hair loss
Alternating constipation and diarrhea

There are test that can be bought to see if you are lacking hormones or if your adrenal function is normal.

There are many different ways to get rid of adrenal fatigue but I would find out first what aspect is causing it.

Vitamin C (2,000-4,000 mg/day sustained release) -- best taken with bioflavonoids.
Vitamin E w/mixed tocopherols (800 IU/day)
Vitamin B100 Complex
Niacin (125-150 mg/day) -- as inositol hexaniacinate. (Although it is recommended to use 125-150 mg each day, I have found it very hard to find niacin as inositol hexaniacinate in less than 500 mg. It is okay to take at this level as the body flushes what it doesn't need.)
Pyridoxine B6 (150 mg/day)
Pantothenic Acid B5 (1200-1500 mg/day)
Magnesium Citrate (400-1200 mg) -- I like this best in the powdered form such as in Natural Calm. This form of magnesium makes sure it is absorbed.
Liquid Trace Minerals -- they have a calming effect
Free-Form Amino Acids
Proline (500 mg daily) -- Proline is helpful in rebuilding connective tissues. Weak adrenals are often associated with poor quality connective tissues and whatever helps connective tissues seems to help adrenals as well.
Adrenal Glandular -- or desiccated adrenal gland is extremely important in the initial phases of adrenal repair since it provides raw materials to support adrenal function. It also contains some important adrenal hormones.

Rhodiola Rosea -- It enhances memory and concentration. It has been shown to reduce stress-induced fatigue and improve mental performance.
Ashwagandha -- It has been shown to have a sedating effect on the body and helps to rebuild the digestive and nervous system.
Eleuthero Root or Siberian Ginseng -- It has been used traditionally to stimulate and nourish the adrenal glands and increases mental alertness. Eleuthero is considered an "adaptogen" which means it can help the body adapt to stress.
Cordyceps -- This is a Chinese mushroom used for supporting the adrenal gland and can also normalize immune function and support kidney, lung, liver, nervous system and cardiovascular function.

As for hormones, it is a good idea to be tested and find out what your hormone levels are before supplementing them. This way you'll know exactly what hormones are deficient. The three hormones below are most often supplemented when dealing with adrenal fatigue.

DHEA - This is a basic adrenal hormone that the adrenals will convert into other hormones. If someone is very deficient in this hormone they may only be able to tolerate a small amount such as 5 mg. The average adult dose ranges between 10 and 25 mg. DHEA will also go on to become sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.
Pregnenolone - This is a precursor to many of the hormones produced by the adrenal glands. It is a raw material that supports basic adrenal function. Pregnenolone is best taken towards the evening but may be taken earlier if it interferes with sleep. The usual dose is 25 mg.
Progesterone Cream - Progesterone is the building block for many other major hormones such as cortisol, DHEA, testosterone and estrogen. If you are under a lot of stress and your adrenals are pumping out cortisol, your body will use available progesterone. If too much progesterone is used to produce cortisol, like with adrenal fatigue, not enough is produced to make testosterone which is needed for a woman’s healthy libido. I recommend progesterone in the form of a skin cream. Always make sure that it says progesterone USP so you know it's real progesterone.

Life Style Changes
Removal of the stressors. This is the most important step. Emotional stressors such as marital, family, relationship, or financial problems needs to be dealt with and normalized.
Rest and sleep are extremely important. You will need nine hours of sleep and maybe more for a very long time. Also rest after meals, at midmorning and mid-afternoon if possible.
Gentle walking is beneficial but vigorous exercise depletes the adrenals. Deep breathing and stretching is also beneficial. You should exercise to relax rather than to build muscles or lose weight.
Replace toxic cleaning products used around the house with natural products. There are natural alternatives available for cleaning. Hair dyes, shampoos, makeup and skin care products need to be replaced with natural versions. Adrenals are stressed by chemicals and so this is very important.
Detoxification sauna therapy using an infrared sauna will greatly speed up recovery. If you are in adrenal burnout, use the sauna daily for no more than 30 minutes. Once or twice a week is excellent for prevention.

It may benefit you to add salt to your diet, especially upon rising and at least a half-hour before you have the lowest energy of the day. Take 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoonful of sea salt, Celtic salt or sea salt w/kelp powder, in an 8 oz glass of water.  (+ info)

Healing Adrenal Insufficiency? Please help me!?

I suspect that I have adrenal insufficiency and have taken some lab tests but haven't gotten the results yet. I have searched some about how to heal and recover from it, but most of it only says "Eat Well, Exercise, Rest, Relax, Remove Stressors, and take supplements."

Well my problem with that whole 'rest, relax, and exercise' thing is that I am one of the most relaxed people you'll meet. I believe that I devoloped this condition from a severe case of Social Phobia Disorder, but I now have that condition under control. I am 18 years old, I took my GED when I was 16, I don't go to college yet, I don't have a job yet and I am not under pressure from my parents to do so. I basically do whatever I want all day long, which includes sleeping huge amounts, which is one of my main problems. I would try and exercise but I just don't have the energy. And I do eat fairly well most of the time. Really my only stressors are things that I am already trying to work on. Basically dealing with my various health issues, some body image problems, and dealing with becoming an adult.

So I eat fairly well, sleep in huge amounts, and am fairly stress free. Yet I still have this horrible fatigue, weakness in my muscles and various other symptoms. What else am I supposed to do?! I have read that DHEA supplement can be good in low doses for women, but what about some sort of adrenal gland supplement?

Please help me! I don't know what else can help me.

Please don't tell me adrenal insufficiency doesn't exist and please don't tell me that I might have other health problems that are similar.

I can not answer your question directly but will point out some areas of possible help. The best online reference I know of is The Encyclopedia of Natural Healing. It lists every known disease and every individual herb that will work in the same section. It is an easy format to follow. Another Reference that is a must is The Vitim an Bible by Earl Mindrell. It is the ultimate vitamin reference book. Also see your local herbalist, naturopath, and health food store owner. All are expert natural medicine people in different ways. These are avenues I have seen solve many things western drug based medicine states are impossible. I my self have been healed from kidney failure, heart disease, and arthritis. All by Alternate therapies. I hope one or more of these avenues of possible healing is beneficial to you. Unbelieved.  (+ info)

Can someone PLEASE help me as to the cause of my adrenal insufficiencey?

Due to back injury and wanting to avoid surgery, I opted for epidural & facets injections. I began having severe side affects from these injections and I now am being told I have adrenal insufficiency. Could these injections caused this?

I'm not really knowledgeable about adrenal insufficiency but I know that perpetual stress can take a toll on your adrenals and lead to insufficiency. I think it's sort of like how football players and people taking constant hits eventually lose some of the lubrication in their joints earlier in life than someone who hadn't been involved in such strenuous activity. The injury and chronic pain would have definitely stressed you out. My great-grandfather had Addison's Disease (so did JFK) and was able to live a fairly normal life after getting on the right medication. See a good endocrinologist about this, and do some research about it. Good luck!  (+ info)

Adrenal Insufficiency - 2 old month new born baby-- help me?

I have a newborn baby (male). he is now 2 month old. Last week back, he has coughed and his skin make brownish and his body is not develop according baby growth chart. I have admitted my baby in wadia, mumbai. Now he is under treatment. Doctor taken two, three times blood for testing. They have doubted "Adrenal Insufficiency", They have told me adrenal gland is not well developed in his body, so he should be taken one table long life. My wife and me very disappointed when listening. Please advise me, would my baby need daily dose long time? Please suggest if anybody know about this

Your child has a very serious condition. Adrenal glands are necessary for life.

You MUST learn how to give your child his medications. Too little and he dies, too much and his body becomes damaged and he will die of Cushing's syndrome. I know this - I had Cushing's and the only way to save me was to remove my adrenal glands and to control my cortisol myself. This seems horrible now - but it can be done.

He will have to take steroids (hydrocortisone) for the rest of his life. But done properly, he should have a pretty normal life. He needs to learn, as you do, to imitate the natural body. A normal body peaks at 8am, falls to about half in late afternoon, and then is very low around midnight. Most people take two doses - one in the early morning around 7-8 am and the second, smaller dose at 2-4pm. They also take a second medication called fludrocortisone to make up different things the body needs to hold on to salt once daily. I also take salt tablets when I sweat to keep me healthy.

I will give you a link to read about how to stress dose when he is sick. He is not alone - and once you understand, you will find that while this is not easy, you can do this.  (+ info)

Can kidney cysts cause adrenal insufficiency?

My mother has had weakness in her legs that affects her daily life. Doctors have done many tests on her to figure out what is wrong. No answers yet. Recently, we found out from a CT scan that she has a cyst on her kidney.

I have researched enough to know the adrenal glands are located directly above your kidneys, and adrenal insufficiency can cause weakness in the limbs. Is it possible for kidney cysts to cause adrenal insufficiency?
She has had brain scans and MRIs done, and nothing has been found yet.

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