FAQ - Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome
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Is it a good idea to get teeth braces when you have TMJ? Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome?

I recently found out about TMJ..the reason why my jaw clicks. But when I went to the orthodontist to get new braces, he didnt say anything about my jaw...even though he did hear it click when he told me to open my mouth...Will getting teeth braces worsen or have no affect on my condition?

I can only tell you that a guy I know has TMJ and a clicky jaw and had extensive work done with braces, and it didn't harm him. If anything, having his teeth and bite fixed made the condition better. If the orthodontist only heard it click, next time in you should tell him as much as you can about your condition and your concerns. Ultimately, he is the best one to help you make a decision like this. For most types of braces and most presentations of TMJ, the two will have no effect on each other because they operate on different parts of the mouth. Still, some types of dental procedures may temporarily aggravate TMJ, so make sure anyone in your mouth knows this.  (+ info)

Can Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome be caused by wisdom teeth?

My wisdom teeth are impacted deep in my jaw and I'm wondering if this could be why in the morning I cannot open my mouth all the way. Usually the problem will go away within an hour or so.
This morning I could only open my mouth about 2 inches.
My wisdom teeth have been this way for about 10 years and they don't give me any pain, but I this locked jaw problem seems to be getting worse.

almost certainly not directly related. Wisdom teeth can become infected causing acute short-term lockjaw (trismus) but you'd also have swelling discharge associated with them.
you sound like you are night clenching or grinding your teeth (bruxism) leading to pain in the over-active muscles. May be stress-related and hopefully self-limiting. If not acupuncture or a dental appliance to wear at night if prolonged.
I assume you are in your mid 20's to thirties, (twice as likely to be female.
go and see your dentist.  (+ info)

What causes temporomandibular joint dysfunction? Why does it not hurt? Why isn't the other jaw affected?

When I was 17 years old, I took a bite from a fish sandwich at Burger King and my jaw locked open. Ever since (>30 years) I have had TMJ. My jaw makes an audible sound but does not hurt. The other jaw is not affected.

  (+ info)

What are the symptons of Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome, and how do you cure it?

This will tell you all you need to know. I'd copy and paste it, but it's kinda long.


Good luck.  (+ info)

can i use a tens machine to relieve temporomandibular joint dysfunction?

You MUST know the correct position of the pads.
Once you have them in place - start with a low voltage and work up to a tolerant level.
Do not use for an extended length of time as you may do permanent damage to the joint.

Good news - you WILL feel relief......  (+ info)

Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome...?

I have Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) and when I went to the doctors a couple of years ago I was told it was the worst the doctor had seen. I was offered surgery because my jaw had locked and wouldn't open past a certain point but as I got nearer to the time of the surgery, it unlocked. I experience pain with my jaw and when I try to yawn my jaw will lock, preventing me from being able to yawn properly and again causing me pain. I'm pretty sure it's due to stress that my jaw became locked in the first place. I'd like to know what I can do for the pain in my jaw. Will normal paracetamol work or should I go back to the doctors? Thank you.

My dad and I both suffer from TMJ. I have had my jaw lock on many occasions and it is such a scary and freaky feeling.

I'm glad to hear you didn't go ahead with the surgery. My dad had TWO surgeries and I really think they were more painful for him that the actual pain of TMJ.

You also seem to be aware of the fact that your TMJ symptoms worsen with stress. That's exactly what happens to me. TMJ is actually very similar in nature to back pain or knee pain. When we are stressed, or when we use certain muscles too much and others not enough, or do a repetitive motion, our muscles and ligaments can tighten and pull our joints out of alignment. In this case your jaw joint.

And just as there are exercises that can help balance the muscles of the back and legs, there are also exercises that can help with your TMJ.

I actually started a website (it's not very pretty) but I wanted to let other people who suffer from this like my dad and I that there are treatments which are holistic and natural. Surgery is just usually not necessary to treat this but so many people don't know.

If you go to my site you can get a little more info and can see the resources I recommend.

Hope you find something that works for you because life is just too short to have to deal with this.  (+ info)

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and Facet Syndrome?

Can anyone tell me more about how this affects your body? Thank you..

Yes, I can. Sacroiliac Joints connect the sacrum to the ilium (one of three bones that make up your pelvis). When you have issues in those joints, walking and rising from seated positions, among other things, can be very difficult. From the dysfunction in the Sacroiliac joint, the muscles in the back tend to tighten, hyperextending your back and jamming the joints at the back of your vertebrae. Not pleasant. See your chiropractor for some good cracking to loosen up those joints and reduce the muscle spasms in your back.  (+ info)

Alternative medicine for Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome?

Has anyone successfully treated this disorder with alternative medicine, ie. homeopathy?

seeing a chiropractor. They can adjust the joints and bones which can help that.

My Chiropractic Assistants Teacher had the same problem. It helped her alot. I've actually seen it done on her in class it was pretty cool  (+ info)

what is temporomandibular joint dysfunction?

The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) connect the lower jaw, or mandible, to the temporal bones at the sides of the head. These joints are flexible, allowing the jaw to move smoothly up and down and side to side, and enabling us to talk, chew, and yawn. TMJ dysfunction involves face pain, clicking sounds in the TMJ, and limited movement of the jaw. About 33 percent of the population has TMJ dysfunction, and as many as 75 percent have some symptoms.  (+ info)

Bruxism (Teeth-Grinding) & TMJ (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction)?

Is there a dentist here or someone who has knowledge in this help me out? Are Bruxism and TMJ the same or is it Bruxism a symptom of TMJ or TMJ a symptom of Bruxism?
GMayH, thanks for finding some time answering my question and here are some few details. Bruxism is teeth-grinding in simple words. So, if you are experience teeth-grinding also, you have Bruxism. Thanks for the answer.

You can suffer from Bruxism and TMJ dysfunction or TMD together and separately. Not everyone who grinds their teeth has TMJ symptoms. Some people are totally unaware that they are bruxing until the dentist tells them that they are. As we grind our teeth down, the bite becomes overclosed, and this can lead to TMJ involvement.

Likewise, there are many other causes of TMD than bruxing, although grinding the teeth can be one of the factors. Most common cause of TMD is problems with the bite, such as crossbite which causes a traumatic occlusion. Car accidents can damage the joints, even yawning too widely and popping the condyles out of position.

So, in answering your question, TMD and bruxism can be found together or separately. Not everyone with Bruxism will have TMD, but it is more likely. Not everyone with TMD will have bruxism, but they can.  (+ info)

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