FAQ - Sexuell infantilism
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Why doesnt the national asscociation of mental health, consider "infantilism" a psycological disorder?

Why doesnt the national asscociation of mental health, consider "infantilism" a psycological disorder, as opposed to just anouther weird fetish?

well - psychological disorders typically interfere with daily life. I don't think infantilism interferes with a person's daily life. Maybe their addiction to such acts would be the problem. The DSM-IV also has a "catch-all" type psychological disorder that is essentially meant to catch all the "problems" that don't fit nicely into the system in place...

Are fetishes a psychological disorder? Is homosexuality a psychological disorder? these are the types of questions that lead to yours. . . .  (+ info)

What is genital infantilism and can it be cured?

My friend is 22 years old. She was told by the doctor that her womb is like a womb of a 15-16 year old. Can it be cured and how? Can she get pregnant and have babies? If it is cured how long will it take?

she really should have asked her doctor all these questions......
it hard to find any exact answers in any searches on the syndrome....all or most make it sound like it's a delay of maturing of the sexual organs  (+ info)

WHat is genital infantilism and can it be cured?

My friend is 22 years old. She was told by the doctor that her womb is like a womb of a 15-16 year old. Can it be cured and how? Can she get pregnant and have babies? If it is cured how long will it take?

Well 15-16 olds can get pregnant, so why not her at 22 Ok the womb might be under developed but she will be fine trust me...  (+ info)

How to cure infantilism?

Does anyone have any suggestions? Some of you may have heard of it but others may have not heard of infantilism.

Thanks for any help.

Infantilism is basically the persistence of infantile (childish) characteristics or behaviors in adult life.

If you want to "cure" that, see a therapist who can help you to understand WHY you are behaving in this manner.

To find a therapist (in the US and Canada), click here:
http://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/prof_search.php  (+ info)

Looking to help self against Infantilism?

I am a young teenager and I believe I suffer from infantilism. I am looking for suggestions to "cure it" that do not use a therapist.

There is remarkably little information on this subject. For this reason it may be helpful to establish a criteria to recognize infantilism.

The onset of true infantilism is marked by earliest of memories fantasizing of regressive dependencies. Usually always during early childhood & youth the individual believes they are isolated and alone with these regressive desires, and that no one else in the world is like them. These individuals for the most part keep their pervasive symptoms of needing to act-out the regression hidden from family, friends and significant others.

A common theme revolves around wearing diapers, which in most cases will give rise toward a role-identification of an infantile personality. Over time the behavior in most all cases will expand to include other infantile objects such as pacifiers, baby blankets, baby bottles and soft stuffed figures.

There is no known cure for true infantilism. Its patterns and deliveries to satisfy infantile longings are set firmly into place. It appears to become problematic when situations place an emphasis for disclosure…i.e. getting engaged or getting married.

One treatment modality may be applicable. A healthy balance is to be encouraged to help you from completely giving in to regressive behaviors. Introduce exercises to limit your fantasies to diminish your pervasive regressive behavior since engulfment may create a larger abyss that is not grounded in reality.

I don't see how a therapist can help with you infantilism, at least from my knowledge,UNLESS, the therapist is there to help you with self-acceptance and validation.

Once you can accept yourself, then the forces are not so relentless......it brings a feeling of.....I am okay....I am a unique individual and it is okay to be me. If you can accept that, then life becomes more rewarding, and that inner child becomes loved. Each needs their own time. One should not starve the other, or put guilt on the other.....you are what you are.

Take care always.  (+ info)

What is paraphilic infantilism?

And what causes it?

They like to be treated like a baby or a small child. Some like to wear diapers, drink from a bottle. If they wet their diapers they would want to be changed.

There is a sexual aspect to it usually. Tho it isn't always real obvious. It gets reinforced with that underlying component. It is pretty much harmless.... but, it requires a willing partner to do the mothering. I have only known of males...that seek the female adult to do the infantilizing. It is really hard for them to break the routine once it gets established. The adult role wears out (gets old fast) ...especially if they have BM's in their diapers. Often after a role-play... they want to have sex.  (+ info)

Is infantilism and/or Paraphilic infantilism a part of a underlieing medical condiction?

Not really.

"Infantilism (paraphilic) is a certain psychological condition experienced by those whose level of physical maturity has clearly progressed beyond the life-stage of infancy. The defining aspect of this condition is the derivation of a profound sense of well-being or of a certain type of great pleasure that becomes associated with various infantile objects and/ or infantile roleplaying."

It is a form of mental instability in which the majority of people (mostly men) who are afflicted with it apparently have been abused as children (not all, but most of them).  (+ info)

if i have infantilism and have an urge to wear diapers, but cannot get any what do i do?

i do have an urge, a strong urge, but i don't want to tell my parents, and i don't have any way of getting any....i need advice.

Go to the grocery store and say you're shopping for your grandpa. Then you can buy all the Depends you need!  (+ info)

i think i have a diaper fetish or infantilism but my parents wont listen to me what should i do?

your sexuality is none of their business. Lots of people have fetishes, thankfully, g-d created the internet to balance out our lives!!  (+ info)

Do I suffer from infantilism?

When I was a little kid, about 6 my mother found some diapers that were from the time I was a baby. I asked her if I could wear them around the house (who knows why I asked) and she said I guess so. So I wore the diapers around the house and I liked it.

Then I grew out of liking diapers but then when I was around 10 I wanted to wear them again. I found ways of trying to take diapers from baby cousins without anyone knowing. I haven't worn a diaper since then but I have always had an urge to.

I'm a freshman in college and sometimes I want to wear diapers. Why could that be? I don't like to releave myself in them just the feeling.

I would probably say no, It's most likely just a diaper fetish, just enjoy it.  (+ info)

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