FAQ - Sepsis
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Is there a medical professional who can explain the progression of a URI to SOB to sepsis to death w/i 24 hrs?

Dx: Bacterial pneumonia. Why do some people survive bacterial pneumonia and some die so quickly like my friend did the other day? No guesses, please!

staff infections in the lungs can move very quickly. if your friend had a low immune system it would increase the infection very rapidly.sepsis is a crisis situation that can result in death in a very little amount of time. sepsis is when the bacteria move into the blood stream and flouris. this results in a full body of infection. the result is a quick decline in blood prssure and death.  (+ info)

If a kidney shuts down due to sepsis plus part of the liver had to be cut out plus the heart is weakened plus?

the patient has chronic pancreatitis; has been very sick for a very long time; what are the percentages of living? The patient made it through the operation.

It must be hard to see someone going through what you are describing.

Without knowing the specifics, it is simply impossible to give an estimate on the "percentage of living". (Is the patient in the ICU? Have the kidneys completely failed? How much is the heart weakened? How old/healthy is the person before all this?)

Your best bet is, therefore, to talk with the doctors looking after the patient you are describing.


If you MUST know, despite all the medical advances over the years, kidney failure in the Intensive Care setting still carries a very poor prognosis, with mortality rates ranging from 25 to 80%: http://www.emedicine.com/MED/topic1595.htm

However, all doctors (or any of us) can do is give you statistics on how similar patients fared in the past -- no one can predict exactly how a particular person will turn out, since everyone is different.

Moreover, dialysis is available for people whose kidneys shut down. In fact, tens of thousands of people are living among us today because of dialysis, even though their kidneys have completely failed. (However, when someone is very ill, with multiple organs not working well, dialysis may be very difficult, or even dangerous, to perform.)

Anyway, please talk with the doctors who are there, instead of trusting total strangers here on Yahoo Answers.

Best of luck.  (+ info)

my patient has a sepsis since birth what be the best ncp for my patient? shes been in the hospital for one mos?

my patient has sepsis since she was delevered my her mother what was the best ncp for my patient, that has been admmited to the hospital for one month?

Without knowing more details, a usual treatment plan would include IV antibiotics, IV fluids, (glucose and electrolytes,) and possibly oxygen therapy. Other than that, it would depend on the entire clinical picture.  (+ info)

if the death certificate show that a patient died from sepsis syndrome and bacteremia?

will the hospital and nursing home settle out of court.cause the medical records show neglect two and i just need to know will they settle or will they try to take it to court with all the evidence pointed at them.

It is up to the hospital management coz they will also do an investigation about your allegation of hospital neglect.  (+ info)

I have urinary tract infection and with medicine, I have a rapid heart rate. Do I have sepsis?

I am also getting chills and a weird feeling like I need to run. But if I try to walk, I get lightheaded and nauseus.

Why in the world don't you call the doctor that prescribed the medication instead of asking here? Most of us are not medically trained, and you might be taking the medical advice of a 12-year-old.  (+ info)

What to give a patient with sepsis?

So sepsis is when there's a great amount of bacteria in the blood. In my report, Alcaligenes faecalis and Micrococcus luteus are the bacteria's in the blood.... is there a specific antibiotic for these two bacteria's? Or is broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotic theraphy given to all patient's with sepsis?

Research to discover new treatments for sepsis has failed over the past 20-30 years. Many medications that were thought to be helpful were proven to have no benefit in clinical trials. However, scientists are working diligently to discover medications that will modify the body's aggressive immune response to microbes, which leads to sepsis.

Broad spectrum antibiotics are presently used.

Also see " Treatment".


http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/sepsis/DS01004/DSECTION=treatments-and-drugs  (+ info)

What organs do Pneumonia, Meningitis, Mononucleosis, and Sepsis affect?

Suppose a patient has had all of these problems in one year. What organ might be damaged or not functioning?

pneumonia is the lungs, meningitis is the brain, sepsis the the blood but can lead to other parts of the body to develop conditions. mono also is in the blood but also the muscles.  (+ info)

how does the body absorb medication from suppositories without developing sepsis?

basically, if medication can be absorbed through the colon, why can't bacteria?

It's all down to a matter of size, an average bacterium is about one micron in diameter (0.001mm) and is far to large to be absorbed.

For any medication to be absorbed by the colon, it first has to be dissolved and then molecules of the medication are small enough to pass through into the cells of the colon and ultimately into the blood stream.

This link shows how a sugar molecule for instance might do that.  (+ info)

if a death certificate state the cause of death was sepsis syndrome and the medical records show neglect will?

will the other side settle this case there are to much evidence pointed at the defendants.Can someone help me answer this question.

There are two classifications for how death occurs on a death certificate. First is the cause of death, probably some sort of disease process or injury, in this case the sepsis, and then there is the manner of death. The manner of death suggests how the cause of death occurred. They are homicide, suicide, natural and accidental. If the manner of death was neglect, that would tend to suggest homicide.

You need to contact a lawyer if you feel there was neglect or malpractice on the part of a caregiver.  (+ info)

What effects does sepsis have on one's body?

My aunt has been in the hospital since easter sunday. She went in thinking she had an upper respatory infection. Come to find out, she has pnemonia. The DRs found an infection of her blood. She had a kidney transplant a few years back and has now lost the kidney. She also underwent surgery to have about a foot of her colon removed due to infection. Yesturday, the DRs had to pump her lungs due to all the fluid in them. Well, they found blood in her lungs as well. This morning there was blood in her breathing tube hooked to the venelator. Was all of this caused by the infection or is the infection caused by all of this? And what can we expect the infection to do next if not stopped? I guess I am trying to ask what effects can the infection have on the body and how will we know when it has gone too far to save her?

Sorry to hear about your aunt. What you described sounds to me (in medical term) like a septicemic shock with multiorgan failure. Septicemia is when you have an infection in the blood stream. And in her case the sepsis (infection) may came from the pneumonia. Once the infection in the blood, it can travel to other part of the body, therefore causing damage to other part of the body. If it goes to the kidney, it can cause acute renal failure (even worse in the trasplanted kidney). Seems like it went to the colon also.

Fluid in the lung may be due to the pneumonia itself, or due to excessive fluid in the body - due to the failed kidney. And blood in lung might be the result of failure of the blood coagulation system (also caused by the infection). When the coagulation (clotting) system failed, patient prone to get bleeding everywhere as the blood loss its function to clot.

With all these system failing, the body cannot stand all this stress and therefore the term shock (septicemic shock). If patient in the state of septicemic shock with multiorgan failure, the treatment is very challanging and need very intensive care.

I am sure she is in a good care. I've seen patient survive this. Please give your full support to her. Let us all pray for her. But I still advice you to be prepared for the worse.  (+ info)

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