FAQ - Sciatica
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What is the best relief from sciatica?

I have acute sciatica for the 4th time and it is worse than ever. I have been taking diclofenac for 5 days and using a TENS machine for 2. Neither seem to be working

Pain is best treated with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen or codeine (in acute cases).

In some cases a cortisone like drug may be injected into the epidural space surrounding the spinal column. This procedure is similar to the epidural used during childbirth. A course of this type of treatment may offer temporary relief, but does not address the root of the problem.


Some patients with sciatica may find significant relief from surgery. In cases of herniated discs, a surgical procedure called a laminectomy may be performed. In this procedure, a portion of the posterior arch is removed to relieve pressure on affected nerve tissues.

In cases of spinal stenosis, the portion of bone that is putting pressure on the sciatic nerve system can be removed.

Surgery is not for everyone. However, for those who have shown no sign of improvement in four to six weeks and who have had CT scans (computed tomography) or MRI that show a herniated disc or spinal stenosis, surgery may offer significant relief.  (+ info)

Is it bad to work out with sciatica?

I have been having sciatica pains for about a month but just got diagnosed about a week ago and have been taking prednisone to help, but i still get pain. I have been trying to stay away from activity because i thought it would make it hurt more, but i feel like im getting out of shape and i was wondering if working out would really make it worse. I am a dancer, so would stretching hurt it more or no? what kinds of things are okay to do with sciatica? and is sciatica totally curable or will i have this pain forever?

The vast majority of people who experience sciatica get better with time (usually a few weeks or months) and find pain relief with non-surgical sciatica treatment. For others, however, sciatica can be severe and debilitating....
Try looking at this site, hope it can help you :) http://www.webmd.com/back-pain/tc/sciatica-related-information  (+ info)

Would discontinuing chiropractic maintenance visits cause sciatica to return?

I have seen a chiropractor for a number of years for the treatment of sciatica. I have had good benefits from this treatment, but lately I have not been going regularly. Could just not keeping up on maintenance cause it to return. I have not done anything else that would be responsible for bringing this on. I would especially like to hear from Chiropractors and Chiropractic techs.

sciatica may return even while you continue to see the chiropractic. I'm not a Chiropractors and Chiropractic techs but I do now that maintenance helps with pain relief not cure the problem. Your current chiropractic provider will tell you the same,
Good Luck  (+ info)

How can I tell if the pain coming from my butt is sciatica or an internal thrombose (blood clot) hemmorroid?

i read that thrombose hemmerhroids are painful but i dont know if i have this or sciatica. it feels like i have pain shooting from my butt into leg.

you,ll have to see a doc to find out. are you bleeding from the butt? any nasty poopy discharge from the anus? this would be a sign of hemorrhoids. i have internal hems'., and they don,t hurt. they do itch if they get irritated.  (+ info)

What should I expect going to the hospital for sciatica?

I almost certainly have sciatica. I'm fifteen. What should I expect for my appointment in a couple days?
yeah, probably

your probobly going to have to be put down  (+ info)

Is it better to walk around with sciatica or rest?

I have sciatica pain in my left leg, its been 4 days and my doctor told me it will take 2-3 weeks to feel better. I forgot to ask my doctor but is it better to try to walk around with this pain or would it be better to rest?

I ask because I can't stand laying around all day! I'm so bored!! and I have to go back to work tomorrow and I work in retail.

I also have sciatica, and my doctor told me it is best to walk...sitting actually makes it worse...which I can testify to since I have a management desk-jockey job that doesn't allow me much time to walk about.  (+ info)

Can Exercise Make Sciatica or Posterior Pelvic Pain While Pregnant Worse?

I had an adjustment today at the chiropractor which may help with some aching I am having directly in the middle of my buttocks. But I had read this is likely posterior pelvic pain and not sciatica and that I should not do things like stairs.
**So can exercise worsen this condition?
**Can I do the stair master?
**For this condition which would help more, chiropractor or physical therapist?
10 points

"sciatica" simply means that the sciatic nerve is irritated. Posterior pelvic laxity can aggrevate the sciatic nerve, but so can a bulging lumbar intervertebral disc. Therefore, the question becomes is your pain really lumbar in nature or due to posterior pelvic pain. It's hard to pigeon hold either one to whether exercise is "good" or "bad" for either one. However, generally speaking, mostly people with lumbar induced sciatica do better with upright exericse...walking, ellipitcal, etc, but worse with exercises that put the spine in flexion (cycling). Posterior pelvic pain, on the other hand, which in pregnancy tends to be due to laxity of the pelvic ligaments tend to get worse with increased activity. However, certain activities may be better...limited weight bearing exercises such as water aerobics, cycling MIGHT be OK, but the torsion on the pelvis may be bad. Elliptical might be OK, but stairmaster would tend to aggrevate it due to the torsion of the pelvis.

As far as who is better for you to see...chose a practitioner who is going to treat you with evidence based methods and keep you involved in active care to allow you to treat yourself at home rather than doing passive things to you that don't do any benefit once you leave the clinic. After that, the degree becomes irrelevant...  (+ info)

Is Yoga good for a person suffering from sciatica?

If not, what work out is good for sciatica?

It's possible that yoga could help sciatica but I would recommend talking to your dr about this to see what they suggest.  (+ info)

how can i reduce my sciatica pain without surgery?

i have a severe sciatica pain and i am unable to stand and sit for even 5 mnutes. Doctor suggested me a surgery and i am not ready for surgery. my age is 36.

....as long as you have explored all avenues of non-invasive treatment (physio/chiro), had a good rehab program for at least 6 weeks and then if no better had an epidural and still then no better.....then it looks as if surgery is the right way forward. don't be pushed into it, get a few opinions, but back surgery does work. especially for failed conservative treatment. i've looked after loads of people your age and they all get back to their old lifestyle. if you leave it too long, then it may start to become detrimental to your future health.....  (+ info)

What is a moist heating pad I could use for sciatica?

A friend uses coldpack and hotpad alternately. Is this good for sciatica? I am doing exercises the doctor recommended. Can't afford massages, treatments with acupuncture etc. (No Medical Insurance)

Most drugstores sell a heating pad that has a think foam rubber insert that goes in between the pad and the pad cover. You dampen the foam pad, not soak it, and place it over the heating pad.  (+ info)

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