FAQ - Rickets
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What is the difference between vitamins and minerals?

Which vitamins are antioxidants?
Which vitamins are fat-soluble?
Which each of the following indicate the correct vitamin needed:
a. sunshine vitamin
b. beriberi
c. rickets
d. scurvy
6. What is the difference between complete and incomplete protein?
7. What percent of calories should come from fat in a healthy diet?
8. Nutrition Facts on most labels are based on a diet that contains what calories?
9. What mineral is most abundant in your body?
10. What other minerals and vitamins work with it to give you strong bones and teeth?
11. What mineral produces hemoglobin and prevents anemia?
12.What are trace minerals?
13. What colors are foods high in vitamin "A"?
15. What is the mineral most often linked with high blood pressure?
16. Give three other names for fiber
17. What type of gas do most leavening agents produce?
18. Is butter a plant or animal product?
19. Is oil heavier or lighter than water?

Getting to your main question, vitamins and minerals are different. Vitamins ("vita" = life and "amine" = containing nitrogen) are organic (containing carbon, which is an element found in all living things) compounds (containing atoms of one or more different elements). Minerals are pure inorganic elements (containing atoms of the same element), meaning they are much simpler in chemical form than vitamins. All vitamins are essential or required by our bodies, whereas only some minerals are essential nutrients. Vitamins are vulnerable to heat, light, and chemical agents, so cooking, food preparation, processing, and storage must be appropriate to preserve vitamins in food. Minerals, on the other hand, are more stable to food preparation, but mineral loss can occur when they are bound to other substances in foods (such as oxalates found in spinach and tea, and phytates found in legumes and grains), making them unavailable for the body to utilize.  (+ info)

Has anyone meet a child with rickets?

I went to school with a girl who had rickets. She was very short and her legs were bowed. She walked with a limp. Ran in to her a few weeks ago and shes married with a couple kids now.  (+ info)

are dark skinned children more susceptible to rickets than fair skinned children?

yes but only in areas of really high longitudes.. rickets is basically caused by having not enough vitamin D absorbtion..
people evoved to have lighter skin in higher longitudes (far north and far south) so that they would be able to absorb more vitamin D from the sun. See you're doctor if you're concerned this applies to your children. They shoudl be able to ease your concerns or recommend a supplement  (+ info)

Are Rickets Behavioral?

Long story short I have an insane science project. Are rickets caused by a persons behavior or are they genetic?

There are rare cases of rickets that are genetic, but the vast majority of cases are caused by nutritional deficiencies. Please do more research than this before you submit your report, though. There are a lot of interesting stories about people in colder climates not getting enough Vitamin D - it'd make for a good illustrative case for your project.  (+ info)

what would happen if our bones were soft? (rickets disease)?

i need help for a project

If you are talking about this:
Rickets' is a vitamin deficiency disease of infancy and early childhood caused by lack of vitamin D. Rickets causes soft bones because enough vitamin D is not present to assist in calcium absorption. When enough calcium is not absorbed by
the bone, it does not harden properly, and is too soft to support the weight of the growing body properly.

Then I hope this is your anwser:
Hereditary rickets is an inherited form of the disease caused when the kidneys are unable to retain phosphate. Rickets may also be caused by kidney disorders involving renal tubular acidosis.

Occasionally, it can also affect children who have disorders of the liver, do not adequately absorb fats and vitamin D, or cannot convert vitamin D to its active form. Renal osteodystrophy occurs in people with chronic renal failure. The manifestation is virtually identical to that of rickets in children and that of osteomalacia or osteoporosis in adults.

Rickets causes malformed bones and teeth. In babies the skull remains soft and the bones do not close properly. The bones of the skeleton are soft and the ends of the long bones of the legs and arms are enlarged. Characteristic symptoms of rickets include bow legs, a condition called "rachitic rosary" in which knobs of bone stick out of the chest, pigeon breast (protruding breast-bone) and a curved spine. The wrists, knees and ankle joints may be enlarged.
Rickets is also associated with weak, poorly developed muscles, lack of muscle tone, a protruding tummy, and a delay in walking. Infants are often restless and irritable. Dental caries and misshapen teeth may be linked to rickets. Rickets causes bone pain, slowed growth in children, dental problems, muscle loss and increased risk of fractures (easily broken bones).

The x-ray, or radiograph, in the article is the classic image of advanced rickets sufferers: bow legs (outward curve of long bone of the legs)and a deformed chest. Changes in the skull also occur causing a distinctive "square headed" appearance. These deformities persist into adult life.

Hope this helps!  (+ info)

rickets and pancreas is there a link?

my dad getting a cat scan on his pancreas after they found a lot of gal stones in his gal bladder which they are going to remove the gal bladder. as a child he had ricket and didnt walk till he was 12 could this affect his pancreas or could it be a stone in his pancreas

The pancreas is separate from the gall bladder. The pancreas produces insulin, the gall bladder stores bile which is used to aid digestion.
Gallstones are lumps of solid material that form in the gall bladder - the reservoir for bile. Most are the size of peas, but they can be as large as pebbles. Gallstones can be found in the gall bladder itself, or in the bile duct that connects the gall bladder to the small intestine.
Gallstones are made of cholesterol, bile pigments or calcium, or a combination of these.
Rickets is a condition that affects growing bones - so it only occurs in children. (Children in this article includes babies and teenagers.) Bones are made strong by a mineral which contains calcium. When a child has rickets, there is not enough "mineral" in the bones. This makes the bones softer and weaker, and also causes weak muscles.
The main cause of rickets is lack of vitamin D. It is vitamin D which regulates the bone building process and the way the body handles calcium.
There has been some research to do with a link between the lack of vitamin D and diabetes type 1.
It was found children who took any amount of vitamin D had a lower rate of diabetes than those who did not, so there is thought to be a link between vitamin D and pancreatic health, but there doesn't appear to be a link betwee vit D and gallstones, other than we need the vitamin for good health.  (+ info)

Does anybody in the USA develop rickets anymore? Why or Why not?

I remember this as a childhood diease

As I recall rickets was associated with a deficiency in vtamin D, so assuming that's not a common issue for people anymore, the instances of that condition developing now are fairly rare. As a child however, I remember a great uncle of mine whose legs were horribly bowed as a result of that condition.  (+ info)

How long does external fixitor on leg stay on for?

i have an external fixitor on leg for corrective surgury for herreditary rickets. i have had it on for about 2 1/2 months, how much longer will i need to have it on for?

The short answer is:
until the length / alignment are satisfactory and the bone unites (heals).

If you are a good healer, it might be coming off in the next few weeks.
If you are a poor healer or the doctor is not satisfied with the alignment yet, it could be another four months.  (+ info)

What was penicillin first used to treat?

Was it rickets, or is this not a bacterial infection? Thanks.

yes, i do believe it was rickets, rickets is a bacterial disease, and penicillin was used to break down their cell walls.  (+ info)

Rickets?? Is It Worth It.?

I Have Herreditary Rickets In My Legs. I Have Had 2 Surgurys and Doctors Reccomending Another. Im Only 14. Is It Worth It. Yes There Is Lots Of Teasing, Staring, And Rejection From it, But There Are Also Understanding People. They Used To Be 26inches Bowed... Now Only 9.... But Im Not Sure If I Want To Waste Another Year In Casts And Go Through The Pain All For A Life Without Ridicual.

your 14 so ur still growing so get whatever treatment u can NOW.
afterall ur legs last u the rest of ur live and if ur older u might regret it seeing as ur bones will have fully formed, preferably without the effects of ricketts  (+ info)

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