FAQ - Rickets
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anxiously awaiting celiac and rickets test?

My two year old daughter is quite underweight and has even been loosing weight. Now we are waiting for test results on celiac sprue and rickets. I am very anxious. Anyone know how soon she should recover if she has celiac? I already have a daughter with multiple food allergies (not wheat). How will I be able to feed them and avoid milk, eggs, nuts and now wheat too?

You've obtained an excellent answer from " gluetenfreegirl". Great response. I agree with everything she has written. I am gluten intolerant and, unfortunately, one can only change one's diet to live with the auto-immune disease. I can only say its incredibly important to stick to the diet if your daughter proves to be a celiac. If you don't, her symptoms and condition will get worse. I wandered from my gluten-free diet while staying in a hotel this weekend (because I couldn't fly out of an airport and was forced to stay overnight in the hotel).....and I was very very uncomfortable with severe gas and irregular stools for days. Bad news. Make sure your whole family and friends and relatives understand the importance of a gluten-free diet!!!! Lots of people think people who say they have "food alllergies" are just thinking and acting neurotic about food. Good luck and my sympathies!  (+ info)

Why ox liver cures night blindness and why cod liver oil and sunshine can help to cure rickets?

I can't speak to the ox, but mammalian livers are rich in vitamin A, a necessary ingredient for night vision.

The ultraviolet rays in sunshine penetrate the skin for a few millimeters and lead to the body producing Vitamin D. Cod liver oil is also high in vitamin D. Lack of vitamin D in childhood leads to an abnormal growth of the ends of the bones, a condition known as rickets.  (+ info)

The condition of rickets is associated with a deficiency in which vitamin?

It is due to a deficiency in vitamin D, and also insufficient exposure to sunlight.  (+ info)

Why am I finding all these "answers" that say rickets is no longer a problem in the US?

I got to this site looking for information to give the mom of a child admitted to the hospital for tetany from severe NUTRITIONAL rickets in a breast fed baby. Do your research, folks!

Rickets is caused by Vit D deficiency.

Here is what Medline says about it:Vitamin D helps the body properly control calcium and phosphate levels in the body. When the body is deficient in vitamin D, it is unable to properly control calcium and phosphate levels. If the blood levels of these minerals become too low, the body may produce other body hormones to stimulate release of calcium and phosphate from the bones. This leads to weak and soft bones.

Vitamin D may be absorbed from food or may be produced by the skin when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Lack of vitamin D production by the skin may occur in people who must stay indoors, work indoors during the daylight hours, or live in climates with little exposure to sunlight.

Because vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, malabsorption disorders that reduce digestion or absorption of fats will decrease the ability of vitamin D to be absorbed into the body.

You may not get enough Vitamin D from your diet if you follow a vegetarian diet, do not drink milk products, or are lactose intolerant (have trouble digesting milk products). Infants who are exclusively breastfed may develop vitamin D deficiency. Human breast mil does not supply the proper amount of vitamin D. This can be a particular problem for darker-skinned children in winter months (when there are lower levels of sunlight).

Not getting enough calcium and phosphorous in your diet can also lead to rickets. Rickets caused by a dietary lack of these minerals is rare in developed countries because calcium and phosphorous are found in milk and green vegetables.

Your genes may increase your risk of rickets. Hereditary rickets is form of the disease that is passed down through families. It occurs when the kidneys are unable to retain the mineral phosphate. Rickets may also be caused by kidney disorders that involve renal tubular acidosis.

Occasionally, rickets may also occur in children who have disorders of the liver, or cannot convert vitamin D to its active form.

Rickets is rare in the United States. It is most likely to occur during periods of rapid growth, when the body demands high levels of calcium and phosphate. Rickets may be seen in young children 6 to 24 months old and is uncommon in newborns.  (+ info)

why dark skinned children are more susceptible to rickets than fair skinned children?

Sunlight needed for vitamin D synthesis does not get through darker pigmented skin as quickly as lighter skin. Need to get out more.  (+ info)

who is the scientist that did important research in leukemia, tuberculosis, rickets, tumors, and trihinosis?

is it only one? i thought there were several different ones.  (+ info)

How does health food drinks contribute to the disease called "rickets", and what can be done to prevent this?

deficiency in certain ethnic groups?

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Is dark skin a risk factor for getting rickets? why/why not? what about light skin? is that a risk factor?

Are dark skinned people more susceptible to rickets than lighter skinned people? Why/why not? What about light skin? Is that protection against rickets? why/why not? Only serious answers please.

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what is the treatment of rickets problem both legs and hands?

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Was there a surgical cure for rickets in the 1800's?

What i'm asking is if there was some kind of surgery to cure rickets in the 1800's! Please answer as soon as u can!
I'm talking about stuff like osteotomy

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