FAQ - Polymyalgia Rheumatica
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What are side effects of prednisone ?

After being diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica I was put on prednisone which offered quick relief. Now in trying to reduce the prednisone dosage, as ordered, I find a return to other medical problems which were previously under control. Have you had similar side effects from prednisone and if so please describe.

Sounds to me as though you came off too soon or possibly too abruptly, contact your physician/ specialist and explain the problem- that's what they get paid for and they are in the best position to answer your questions.

What I can tell you from personal experience is that although you don't say what the 'other' med. problems were, Prednisone has no favorites. This steroid is great for your polymyalgia rheumatica and pretty much any muscle joint/ inflammation problems which react quite quickly to it, but depending on the dosage can be real hard to remove, as your body and every disorder you may have come to depend on it as much as food.
As a plus and from what I know PR goes away about as fast as it shows up and with about the same level of reason- none.  (+ info)

What is the condition POLYMYALGIA?

Could someone please tell me abit more information about this condition?

heres a link that will be helpful http://www.medicinenet.com/polymyalgia_rheumatica/article.htm  (+ info)

I have Polymyalgia and been on Prednisone for 12 mths. Pred lowers your resistance to infections so can it ...?

can it cause an infection like herpes?

Additional short-term side-effects include insomnia, euphoria, and, rarely, mania (particularly in those suffering from Bipolar I and II).

This drug is used for a variety of illnesses and should NOT be abruptly stopped without medical advice, as there are side-effects when stopping, abruptly.

I would doubt that it would cause HERPES (the kissing disease)
I doubt it very much so.
Why do U ask?? Herpes is spread..

Herpes simplex is a viral disease caused by both herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2). Infection with the herpes virus is categorized into one of several distinct disorders based on the site of infection. Oral herpes, the visible symptoms of which are colloquially called cold sores, infects the face and mouth. Oral herpes is the most common form of infection. Genital herpes, commonly known simply as herpes, is the second most common form of herpes. Other disorders such as herpetic whitlow, herpes gladiatorum, ocular herpes (keratitis), cerebral herpes infection encephalitis, Mollaret's meningitis, neonatal herpes, and possibly Bell's palsy are all caused by herpes simplex viruses.
Prednisone doesnt come into the equation..

Hope all this Info assists U.  (+ info)

I've had Polymyalgia for 1 year..am on Pednisone 5 mg daily. What will happen if I stop taking the meds?

I am feeling good....my ESR is fine. Is it OK to stop the meds and see what happens?

Treatment of Polymyalgia Rheumatica
(there are other forms of Polymyalgia, but similar)
The goal of treatment is relief of discomfort and stiffness. The disease can be very bothersome if it is not treated. Corticosteroids, such as prednisone, are prescribed in low doses. ""Polymyalgia rheumatica usually resolves by itself, even when NOT treated, in *1 to 4* years.""
*SO..your nearly there..
{Symptoms diminish greatly with treatment.}

Prednisone is in a class of drugs called corticosteroids. Prednisone prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation.Prednisone is used to treat many different conditions such as allergic disorders, skin conditions, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, or breathing disorders.

Prednisone may also be used for other purposes.

Do not stop using prednisone suddenly, or you could have unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Talk to your doctor about how to avoid withdrawal symptoms when stopping prednisone . Carry an ID card or wear a medical alert bracelet stating that you are taking a steroid, in case of emergency. Any doctor, dentist, or emergency medical care provider who treats you should know that you are taking steroid medication.  (+ info)

Anybody find relief from pain from fibromyalgia/polymyalgia besides pain killers?

Possibly any alternative treatments? Thanks!
Anyone tryed adding Guafenisin for pain and/or treatment?

80% of adults are deficient in Magnesium. I have treated hundreds of Fibro patients with Mag. supplements and Mag. IVs and it works!!! Do a search for "Myer's cocktail" which has Mag, B-Vitamin, etc. The only issue is finding a practitioner who will administer the IV. If not, you need to take about 400 mg daily at bedtime. If you get diarrhea, you can take Mag Taurate which will help your gut to assimilate better. Mag. IV's are by far the best.  (+ info)

can having an electic shock cause you to get polymyalgia?

Well, yes. But Electric Shock Therepy can also be used to treat polymyalgia.  (+ info)

Husband 58 yr old male, had neck inj at work last yr, since that time, numbness, tingling, pain in right hand,?

tremendous swelling, like baseball mitt, primary doc, sent to rheumatologist, who referred to jhh rheumatology, they think polymyalgia rheumatica. Treat with prednisone. Also affects knees and feet. Is this from neck or separate disease

It could all be related. Has he been seen by an orthopedic dr? It could be a slipped disc, pinched nerve or polymyalgia rheumatic, which my mom has, but she hasn't had any swelling, just joint pain.  (+ info)

I have been diagnosed with Polymyalgia?

What are my options- I have googled and have seen doctors. I am about at my wits end. I can't work- no income- I need to find a way out of this or some help with my bills

Hi Avenger

I would do either of the following for your pain: Reiki, Healing Touch, and Therapeutic Touch, all of which can significantly improve fibromyalgia pain symptoms, and which can be taught to patients as a form of self-care, as well as being provided by professional energy healers.

Causes of Fibromyalgia
There is not one specific cause for primary fibromyalgia. Certain common features among fibromyalgia patients provide a better idea as to the primary factors that are involved in its onset, however. These include dental amalgam fillings, hormone imbalances, infection, neurotransmitter imbalances, sleep problems, problems with the thalamus gland, and physical trauma. Other factors that can play a role include chemical and food allergies and sensitivities, chronic stress, and dysfunctions in system.muscle metabolism.

Conventional physicians treat fibromyalgia primarily through the use of painkiller medications. Such an approach fails to address the multiple causes of fibromyalgia, and also carries with it the risk of serious side effects. In addition, this symptom care approach is typical of conventional medicine`s failure to properly understand chronic health conditions such as fibromyalgia, which explains why it so often fails to successfully treat such conditions. Practitioners of alternative medicine, on the other hand, focus their treatment approaches on the multiple factors involved in fibromyalgia in order to eliminate them, while simultaneously stimulating the body`s ability to repair itself. What follows is an overview of some of the most common therapies they employ in order to achieve those goals

Quick Action Plan for Fibromyalgia

1. A healthy, whole foods diet is an important part of any fibromyaglia treatment program. Emphasize organic foods, especially fresh, organic vegetables, and drink plenty of pure, filtered water throughout the day. For even more benefits, consider adopting a vegetarian diet, which has been shown to significantly reduce fibromyalgia symptoms.

2. Essential nutrients to help treat fibromyalgia include vitamin C, vitamin E, niacinimide (vitamin B3), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA-an essential fatty acid), magnesium, selenium, zinc, and the lipotrophic factors inositol, methionine, and phosphatidyl choline. The nutritional supplements cetyl myristoleate and SAMe are also highly beneficial, as it the Meyers Cocktail, which must be administered by a trained health care practitioner.

3. Herbal remedies for fibromyalgia include cayenne and chamomile. An herbal combination of tinctures of black cohosh, celery, dandelion, devil`s claw, Echinacea, and licorice in equal parts, can also be helpful.

4. Homeopathic remedies for fibromyalgia include Arnica, Bryonia, and Rhus. Tox.

5. Various bodywork therapies, such as Massage, Acupressure, Bowen Therapy, Feldenkrais, myotherapy, Rolfing, Shiatsu, Therapeutic Touch, and Trigger Point Therapy, can provide significant relief of fibromyalgia pain and speed healing.

6. Mind/body medicine therapies such as biofeedback, guided imagery and visualization, hypnotherapy, and meditation, can help relieve chronic stress, thereby soothing muscle tension and reducing pain

7. Be sure to do a colon and liver cleanse to clean out the toxins in the colon and the blood. Most important step is cleansing and detoxifying the body.

Best of health to you  (+ info)

Rheumatoid polymyalgia?

After months of suffering with painful joints and feeling unwell, a 70 year old friend of mine has been diagnosed with rheumatoid polymyalgia. She has just started taking some kind of steriods as treatment. Do you know anything about this condition and can you offer any advice for her? Up until now she was a very fit active person and it's awful to watch her suffer so much.

Polymyalgia rheumatica is a syndrome closely associated with temporal arteritis. It affects older adults, typically causing severe pain and stiffness in proximal muscles, without weakness or atrophy, and nonspecific systemic symptoms. ESR is usually markedly elevated. Diagnosis is clinical. Treatment with low-dose corticosteroids usually is effective.
Once you start taking medication for polymyalgia rheumatica, your pain and stiffness should greatly improve. But the suggestions below also can help:
* Exercise regularly. Exercise can reduce the pain of polymyalgia rheumatica and improve your overall sense of well-being. It can also help prevent weight gain, a common side effect of taking corticosteroids. Emphasize low-impact exercises such as swimming, walking and riding a stationary bicycle. Moderate stretching also is important for keeping your muscles and joints flexible.
If you're not used to exercising, start out slowly and build up gradually, aiming for at least 30 minutes on most days. Your doctor can help you plan an exercise program that's right for you.
* Eat a healthy diet. Eating well can help prevent potential problems such as thinning bones, high blood pressure and diabetes. Good nutrition can also support your immune system. Emphasize fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats and fish, while limiting salt, sugar and alcohol.
Get adequate amounts of bone-building nutrients — calcium and vitamin D. If you find it hard to get calcium from your diet because you can't eat dairy products, for example, try calcium supplements.
* Pace yourself. Try to alternate strenuous or repetitive tasks with easier ones to prevent straining painful muscles. Use luggage and grocery carts, reaching aids, and shower grab bars to help make daily tasks easier.  (+ info)

What do I say to relative with cancer tumor?

My father who lives in another state just emailed everybody that he has a tumor in the kidney. He will have cat scan to see if it has spread tomorrow. He only wants emails because he has severe pains from polymyalgia. I'm always at a loss for words, so what can I or should I say? We've always been on good terms. Thanks.

That you'll pray for him, and that you know everything will work out for him.
Try to get him not to worry too much, mental stress can aggravate conditions.  (+ info)

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