FAQ - Polio
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How many polio vaccines are produce worldwide and who produces them?

Can someone tell me how many polio vaccines (IPV) are produce worldwide and who produces them? A breakdown by company would be ideal.

2 out of 3 vaccines in the world are produced in India by the Serum Institute of India. However, I am not up to breaking them down into groups for 2 points for you.  (+ info)

How is Polio transmitted and how does it travel throughout the body?

I'm writing a paper on polio and i keep getting mixed results on this question. Can anyone help me out?

Its a virus thats transmitted person to person by the fecal-oral route. The second part of the question has a longer answer. See link.. it'll answer all your questions  (+ info)

Can my unvaccinated daughter get polio from a vaccinated baby?

She is 8.5 months old, and our doctor recommended waiting for her polio vaccine. Now I'm worried because she has had a low-grade fever for a few days, and unbeknownst to me, was with a baby just vaccinated for polio. I'm terrified. I have been searching but can't seem to find anything very helpful. Please help!

Only if she came into contact with the feces of the baby, AND the baby was given the oral polio vaccine. If the baby was given the shot, then there was no possibility of spreading it.

The United States does not use the oral polio vaccine anymore.  (+ info)

What causes nausea sore throat, fever and muscle weakness in polio?

I'm writing a paper about polio. I know that in type I polio, symptoms include sore throat, nausea, fever, and abdominal pain. what I really need to know is WHY these symptoms occur when you have polio.
also, what causes vomiting when you have polio?

"Poliovirus can survive and multiply within the blood and lymphatics for long periods of time, sometimes as long as 17 weeks. In a small percentage of cases, it can spread and replicate in other sites such as brown fat, the reticuloendothelial tissues, and muscle. This sustained replication causes a major viremia, and leads to the development of minor influenza-like symptoms. "  (+ info)

what is the movie about the polio vaccine and monkeys causing aids in africa?

a film similar to the constant gardner came out a few years ago about using live monkey cells to make a polio vaccine that may have caused the spread of aids, especially in congo, africa. Can't remember the title, does someone else know?

The polio vaccine, AIDS, and their US-made viruses

The polio vaccine, AIDS, and their US-made viruses
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor
Jan 11, 2008

When I was a teenager growing up in Brooklyn, my parents warned me every summer to stay away from public pools or taking any chances running under opened fire hydrants to cools us from the brick-and-tar baking heat. Their fear was the epidemic of polio that haunted the US -- 52,000 cases in 1952 alone. My parents worried that polio “germs” could be carried in the highly used and abused public waters.

Yet in April 1955, in my 17th year, lo and behold Dr. Jonas Salk, a funny looking guy from Pittsburgh, announced from the University of Michigan that he had developed a polio vaccine for distribution. Eureka. Thousands of families like mine flooded to the local doctors, clinics, and hospitals. It seemed all those rosaries my friends’ mothers and mine gave up to the Holy Mother paid off. But did they?

As William Carlsen reports in his SFGATE article “Rogue virus in the vaccine:” Salk’s vaccine was produced by actually growing live polio virus on kidney tissue from the Asian rhesus monkey. The virus was then killed with formaldehyde. Thus, when the vaccine was injected in humans, the dead virus generated antibodies that could fend off live polio. What a simple, beautiful idea. Or so it seemed.

What the millions of people who were injected didn’t know, nor would they until 1959, when Bernice Eddy, looking in her microscope at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), found that monkey kidney cells, the very same kind used to make the vaccine, were dying with no known cause. So she experimented.

She prepared extracts from kidneys from eight to 10 rhesus monkeys. She then injected tiny amounts beneath the skin of 23 newborn hamsters. In nine months, “large, malignant, subcutaneous tumors” showed up on 20 of the animals -- and the world shook. Or did it?

Eddy tried to spread the word

Horrified that a monkey virus could be contaminating the famous polio vaccine, on July 6, 1960, Eddy shared her findings with Dr. Joseph Smadel, chief of NIH’s biologics division, who summarily dismissed the tumors as harmless “lumps.” Meanwhile at a Pennsylvania Merck lab, Dr. Maurice Hilleman and Dr. Ben Sweet isolated the virus. They named it Simian Virus 40 or SV40 for being the 40th virus found in rhesus kidney tissue. So much for miracle drugs.

Nevertheless, by then we seemed to be winning the polio war. Sixty percent of the population, some 98 million Americans, had gotten at least one shot of the Salk vaccine and the number of cases was diving downwards.

Concurrently, an oral polio vaccine developed by virologist Albert Sabin was in its final trials in Russia and Eastern Europe. Tens of millions of people had been given it, and it was ready to be licensed in the US. Its big difference was that unlike the Salk vaccine, Sabin’s version contained a live but weakened form of polio virus that “promised” lifelong immunity.  (+ info)

How many people are infected with polio each year?

I really need help on a school project about polio! And no, i dont just want a link to another site...

Fewer then 2,000 in 2006.  (+ info)

What happens inside the body during Polio?

I'm doing a report for my science class on Polio, but I can't find anything online about what happens inside your body when a person is fighting the virus. If anyone knows, please explain!


Polio is an infection of the spinal fluid and the brain. If I remember correctly from my reading over the years, there are two kinds of viral polio, and one kind of bacterial polio. Like any other infection, the microbes attack the living tissue and cause it to malfunction. When polio germs attack the spinal cord, they cause the signals in the spinal nerves to transmit improperly or not all. This causes muscle weakness, because the brain can't tell the muscle to move. Eventually a muscle will atrophy, grow smaller, and waste away from lack of use.

I had polio when I was three years old. I was hospitalized for eleven days, then they sent me home with the expectation that I would wear a metal brace on my left arm for the rest of my life. As it turns out, I regained most of my ability to move, but I still have after effects. My spine is curved. (That's called scoliosis.) My left leg is shorter than my right leg by about one half inch. Apparently, the infection somehow made my left leg grow a little slower than my right leg. My left shoulder muscles never fully developed. I could function, but not as well as somebody whose muscles were normal.  (+ info)

what are the chances of a puppy surviving polio virus?

I'm in the process of adopting a puppy from the SPCA. When they went too take her into the vet too get checked up on and fixed, so she can come home, they found out she has a polio virus. What are the chances of puppies surviving?

I've never heard of a puppy getting polio. You might be better served asking in Dogs.  (+ info)

How has the polio vaccine provided new hope?

How has the polio vaccine transformed our world and provided new hope for the world.

the polio vaccine was invented decades ago. This sounds like a question for a student, and that means you need to do your own homework. Suggest you google "the history of Polio"  (+ info)

How important is immunising against tetanus, diphtheria and polio at the age of 14?

Im 14 and just got a letter through the school for tetanus, diphtheria and polio immunisation...
Im really doubtful about this kind of thing (I hardly ever believe things first time explained etc)

Are all 3 diseases, separate vaccination needles?
Is it 100% necessary to have them done?

Im told the side effects are only swelling, redness tenderness on the injection spot. Sometimes fever headache dizziness and swollen glands. Is this all? Is there anything I have not been told?

thanks in advance

It is called the DPT vaccine and it is very important. It is only one vaccine, so no worries there. You just need a booster, you have already had the vaccine once. This particular vaccine only helps for about 10 years. It is probably one of the safer vaccines you will ever get.

Let me tell you about what can happen if you don't get the vaccine. First, Tetanus... It can cause lockjaw, irregular heartbeat, and muscle contractions. Look up pictures on google image search. You won't like what you see.

The P in DPT actually stands for pertussis: it is also known as whooping cough. It can cause a horrible cough that you will have for a long time.

D is diphtheria is kind of like a cold, but much much worse. It can make your entire neck swollen and you can suffocate. Totally not cool

You may actually need the polio immunization, but you should have gotten that before school. If not it can actually be a nasal spray I believe. More than likely though, you just need the DPT vaccine.  (+ info)

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