FAQ - Pityriasis rubra pilaris
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have Keratosis Pilaris Rubra and my skin gets really itchy I have it on my face arms and bum and a bit on my?

legs and I ahve a lot on my cheeks they are really red and sometimes I get teased and I was wondering how to make it not itchy and get rid of it?

<>"KP" sounds like a real problem for its sufferers. I have found some info and here is a support site that may be able to offer some answers:
http://www.helpforkp.com/keratosis_pilaris_rubra_faceii.html  (+ info)

What is the visual difference between chicken pox and pityriasis rosea?

My 2 year old got diagnosed with pityriasis on Friday. However, my Dad is convinced its chicken pox.

small pearly white blisters , raised above the skin level surrounded by a rim of redness is the chikenpox lesion , it starts abruptly and soon spreads to cover the whole body and the child looks sick ,  (+ info)

How severe are most cases of pityriasis rosea?

I recently went to the dermatologist and was diagnosed with pityriasis rosea. For over a month, i have had the Herald's patch on the back of my thigh. In the last week, the little bumps are starting to pop up. Do all cases get really bad? Should I expect to get quite a few? How long does a typical case last? Just want to know what I am in for in the next month or so. My dr said it just depends but just curious what other peoples experiences have been. I am a 29 year old female. Thanks.

I have it right now. They say it can last 1 to 3 months. I have had mine for two weeks and it is very itchy.. or was until I started sun-taning. Tons of sites said that this has helped them. I have light skin thge color of carmel candies so i typically don't go tanning. However, I am doing it and it helps. I was at the beach yesterday and it didn't hurt or itch. Today I layed out and it was better afterward. Not all cases get bad. I used lots of benedryl though at first it was horrible.  (+ info)

Is there any help websites for Pityriasis Rosea? like some help where i can meet others who have Pityriasis?

My grandmother has it, Just wondering if there is like a website that has other Pityriasis Rosea people on it.
Does it appear in the Lower part of body?
also like on top/bottom of feet
Right now she is tanking bendaryl, and it just makes it worse? ataran, but it just increases burning sensation more.

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/pityriasis-rosea/DS00720/DSECTION=7  (+ info)

How can you cure or help stop itching of pityriasis?

I have this skin virus called pityriasis. Ive had it for about 2 months now. Its spread and is getting more itchy day by day and causing me to lose sleep from it. How can I get rid of it or stop the itching? Ive tried E45 and this cream that people with dry skin use but it dont really help.

i had the same thing happen to me after experiencing extreme stress!
the doctor prescribed a corto-steroid lotion.the problem was applying it to all the areas(back especially).reduce your stress levels with meditation and rest,apply as required the lotion,and it should go away in a month!
p.s.-i know how totally irritating it feels,best of success to you.  (+ info)

How to quell itching caused by pityriasis rosea?

I was diagnosed with pityriasis rosea a two weeks ago. My doctor told me it will go away on its own but it itches so badly! I'm getting spots all over my torso and a little bit on my arms, so it can get very irritating. I use Aveeno lotion but it doesn't hold up for the whole day.

Some say sun exposure will help. What should I do?

CORTISONE  (+ info)

What are some home remedies for keratosis pilaris?

I have keratosis pilaris on my arms, legs, and back. My mum won't let me see a dermatologist because she things I do not have to, but the little red bumps (not acne they are keratosis pilaris) and red patches are so embarrassing especially with summer coming. Plz help. Thanx!

I just googled this myself earlier today and found there is actually quite a lot of information online from other sufferers talking about what helped or didn't help them. Mostly they suggest using a moisturising body wash and a loofa in a circular motion. Pat the skin dry and follow up by using a good moisturiser. Others are suggesting eliminating dairy or wheat from your diet. Some people say tanning or steam baths or saunas have helped them. I know how embarrassing this is for you as it really bothered me too as a teenager, but it isn't the end of the world. I think you should just google keratosis and try some of the things that others have suggested for yourself.  (+ info)

What are good treatments for treating Keratosis Pilaris on your face and arms?

I have Keratosis Pilaris on my face and arms. I already drink lots of water, use some baby oil on my arms, and use a face cream/scrub. What would be a better alternative instead of using baby oil and face scrub. What is your favorite treatment. Btw, water helps a lot.

Scrubs containing AHA (glycolic acid)  (+ info)

What would work better for keratosis pilaris scars: bio oil or maderma?

I have scars all over my arms from picking and scratching at my bumps on my arms, also know as keratosis pilaris. I have heard good things about both, but before i go and spend $20 on cream, i want to know whats better! And if anyone had keratosis pilaris and used a different cream to get rid of the scars, please let me know!!!

I would recommend using Bio Oil. Its natural and from what ive seen cheaper. But i would recommend exfoliating your arms with any thing that will remove any dead skin and then rub on the Bio Oil. only thing is its really sticky so don't put it on right before you go to bed it will get on everything.  (+ info)

Does Acneticin really work for getting rid of Keratosis Pilaris?

I'm 13 and have Keratosis Pilaris. I've heard of this pill called Acneticin. From the reviews all around the web, I guess it's like a miracle. How many of you have used this before and does it work?

Hello, the Acneticin is an acne treatment that is for people that haven’t seen significant results from the many run of the mill topical treatments. Almost all of these topical treatments contain some form of ìcleansing agentî, usually benzoyl peroxide. These agents are very mild acids that ìburn awayî dead skin, allowing younger skin to rise to the surface and flourish.  (+ info)

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