FAQ - Pityriasis Rosea
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Any recommendations on removing pityriasis rosea and fungi?

I've had pityriasis for at least 5 months now and no sign of improvement and I get hyper-pigmentation on the fungi which makes it stand out more which really irritates me. So what should I do to relieve the itching (it gets extremly irritated by water and soap)(water makes it itch soap makes it itch worse) so any suggestions on curing this?
I live in Florida that will be kinda of hard...

Unfortunately, this condition can last for several months and will go away on its own. However, since it's been 5 months, I think that you may want to give a call to your doctor to inform him of this, just for a peace of mind and to keep him updated on its progress.

As far as the itching, you can use lukewarm water with a non-perfumed soap (Dial or Ivory soap); oatmeal baths may be of use as well. Also take things such as Benadryl or topical anti-itch cream such as calamine lotion.. Also, keep the area where you are cool as heat tends to exacerbate the itching. If this doesn't help, then steroid creams may be prescribed.  (+ info)

What exactly is pityriasis rosea and is there a cure?

Pityriasis rosea is a skin disorder with a characteristic rash.

This disorder is a common skin rash of young people, especially young adults. It occurs most commonly in the fall and spring, and a virus is suspected as the cause. Although pityriasis rosea may occur in more than one person in a household at a time, it is not thought to be highly contagious.

Attacks generally last 4 - 8 weeks. Symptoms may disappear by 3 weeks or last as long as 12 weeks. There is generally a single larger patch called a herald patch followed several days later by more a rash. Although the disorder usually resolves in time, a health care provider should be consulted to rule out other disorders including syphilis.  (+ info)

Anybody know of any natural or herbal treatments that help the rash called Pityriasis Rosea?

everything I know about it suggests it will clear up on its own. There is no 'cure' for it, but try to avoid soap, and too much physical activity as it seems to be much worse when we get too hot.
http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com/articles/150/medicines-and-remedies/home-remedies-for-pityriasis-rosea.html  (+ info)

What is pityriasis rosea? How do you get ?How do you get rid of it? Is it contagious?

Pityriasis rosea ia an acute inflammatory skin disease of unknown origin, marked by a macular eruption on the trunk, obliquely to the ribs, and on the upper extremities. The initial patch appears in nore than half the cases. In a few days it enlarges to several centimeters. Then, within 2 to 2 days secondary eruptions occur. They are rose-red and somewhat scaly with a clearing in the center, or reddish ring-shaped patches symetrically distributed over the limbs. The symptoms disappear spontaneously within 2 to 10 weeks. Treatment consists of the local application of antipuritics.  (+ info)

Information about pityriasis rosea? Actually, how many times can it appear on a single person?


I was just researching the same question; i had pityriasis about 4 years ago, and now i have it again. As in your case mine is not as severe as last time. I don't really feel like going to the doctor again, because it appears to be the same thing and there isnt a cure...sigh i hope it goes away faster this time, mine lastest about 6 months before.  (+ info)

what cream do I use to get rid of the scars left on my skin from Pityriasis rosea.?

whitening cream/fading cream is not working. Please someone suggest something to me. Never had good skin to beginning with, but this just makes my self esteem very low. Cause now I can't even wear short sleeves, short, skirt, etc.

Try patato. Slice a patato up in thin sliced about 3 - 4 and leave the rest of the patato in the fridge.

Rub the slices all over your face, and then allow the patato juice to soak up, you can leave it on overnight, or you could wash it off after 15 minutes. I recommend you leaving it on for about 30 mins if you dont want to leave it on for longer. Do this for about 2 - 4 weeks and your scars should have faded or maybe even gone.  (+ info)

Have you ever had pityriasis rosea?

I found out that I have pityriasis rosea after being misdiagnosed twice, once with folliculitus and the second time with psoriasis.

If you have, do mind sharing you story? How long did it take for it to clear up for you?

Thanks! =)

My 20 year old son had it last month. He had a bad cold, then had a herald patch come out, then the rash. It was gone in about 2 to 3 weeks and he swears that the Triamcinolone cream that the doctor gave him really helped. Hope yours gets better soon, and ask for that cream if you are having a hard time getting rid of it.  (+ info)

is heat bad for pityriasis rosea?

is being in the heat/sun bad for someone with pityriasis rosea all over both of their legs?
ive had it for two months already and bathing suit season is starting and i cant even wear shorts. what do you guys think i should do?

Although heat has no therapeutic value for pityriasis, the use of ultraviolet light is beneficial in treating that disorder. As an aside, pityriasis rosea is usually a disorder of the chest and back, and rarely occurs below the very upper thighs; so your description of having it on the legs makes me wonder a bit about the diagnosis.  (+ info)

How do you catch/get Pityriasis rosea?

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Anybody out there know anything about Pityriasis Rosea?

I've been reading up on this pain in the ass rash and was wondering about natural med's to speed up the process, I'm going on vacation and need to be bikini ready...PR is not helping!!
I've been reading up on this pain in the ass rash and was wondering about natural med's to speed up the process, I'm going on vacation and need to be bikini ready...PR is not helping!!

Pityriasis rosea is most common in the spring and fall. It usually goes away on its own within six to eight weeks. It usually begins as one large spot on your chest, abdomen or back and then spreads. The rash of pityriasis rosea often sweeps out from the middle of your body, and its shape resembles drooping pine-tree branches.

Initial phase. Pityriasis rosea typically begins with a large, slightly raised, scaly patch — called the herald patch — on your back, chest or abdomen.

Progression. Smaller fine, scaly spots usually appear across your back, chest or abdomen in a pine-tree pattern a few days to a few weeks after the herald patch. Rarely, smaller spots may also appear on your arms, legs or face. The rash may itch.

Color. The rash of pityriasis rosea often is scaly and pink, but if you have darker skin, it may be gray, dark brown or even black.

Other signs and symptoms. About half the people who develop pityriasis rosea have signs or symptoms of an upper respiratory infection — such as a stuffy nose, sore throat, cough or congestion — just before the herald patch appears.

Pityriasis rosea treatment usually focuses on controlling itching. The antiviral drugs acyclovir and famciclovir and the antibiotic erythromycin may reduce the duration of pityriasis rosea to one to two weeks. These medications often are not necessary, however, because itching is usually mild and the condition clears up on its own.

If itching is a problem, your doctor may recommend the following to provide relief:

Steroid creams or ointments. These creams will help ease itching and decrease redness.

Oral antihistamines. These medications are available by prescription as cetirizine (Zyrtec) and fexofenadine (Allegra), and over-the-counter as diphenhydramine (Benadryl), chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton), clemastine (Tavist) and loratadine (Claritin).

Light therapy (phototherapy). This can be with ultraviolet B (UVB) light or sunlight. Talk to your doctor before using sunlight to treat your rash. UVB therapy is most often available at your doctor's office.

The exact cause of pityriasis rosea is unclear, although the cause may be a viral infection, such as certain strains of the human herpes virus (HHV6 or HHV7). It's not believed to be contagious  (+ info)

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