FAQ - Pelvic Infection
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What will a doctor give you to treat a pelvic infection?

What kind of medicine..and what all do these medicines treat??

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Can Pelvic Inflammatory Disease be mistaken for a Bacterial Infection?

Pelvic inflammatory disease IS a type of bacterial infection, and is usually treated with antibiotics.  (+ info)

What is Pelvic Infection. Can it prevent one from getting pregnant.?

I just got pregnant about one month ago and I want to get pregnant as age is not on my side. My period came out even when I taught I was pregnant, what can be the cause.

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how long do you have to have a bacterial infection before you get pelvic infammitory disese?

Not very long. Here's more from webmd.com:

Pelvic inflammatory disease, commonly called PID, is an infection of the female reproductive organs. PID is one of the most serious complications of a sexually transmitted disease in women. PID can cause irreversible damage to the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other parts of the female reproductive system, and is the primary preventable cause of infertility in women.

How Common Is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?
Each year, more than 1 million women in the U.S. experience an episode of PID. As a result of PID, more than 100,000 women become infertile each year. In addition, a large proportion of the 100,000 ectopic (tubal) pregnancies that occur each year can be linked to PID. The rate of infection is highest among teenagers.

What Causes Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?
Normally, the cervix prevents bacteria that enter the vagina from spreading to the internal reproductive organs. If the cervix is exposed to a sexually transmitted disease -- such as gonorrhea and/or chlamydia -- the cervix itself becomes infected and less able to prevent the spread of organisms to the internal organs. PID occurs when the disease-causing organisms travel from the cervix to the upper genital tract. Untreated gonorrhea and chlamydia cause about 90% of all cases of PID. Other causes include abortion, childbirth, and pelvic procedures.

What Are the Symptoms of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?
The symptoms of PID can vary, but may include the following:

Dull pain or tenderness in the stomach or lower abdominal area, or pain in the right upper abdomen.
Abnormal vaginal discharge that is yellow or green in color or that has an unusual odor.
Irregular and/or painful periods.
Painful urination.
Spotting or cramping throughout the month.
Chills or high fever.
Nausea and vomiting.
Pain during sex.
What Puts a Person at Risk for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?
There are several things which would put a woman at risk for PID, including:

Women with sexually transmitted diseases -- especially gonorrhea and chlamydia -- are at greater risk for developing PID.
Women who have had a prior episode of PID are at higher risk for another episode.
Sexually active teenagers are more likely to develop PID than are older women.
Women with many sexual partners are at greater risk for sexually transmitted diseases(STDs) and PID.
Some studies suggest that douching may contribute to PID. Douching may push bacteria into the upper genital tract and may mask the discharge that could alert a woman to seek medical attention.

How Is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Diagnosed?
Your doctor will begin with a detailed history of your general health and sexual activity. He or she will perform a pelvic exam to check the health of your reproductive organs, and look for evidence of gonorrhea and chlamydia infection. Your doctor may find the abnormal cervical discharge and tenderness of the cervix, fallopian tubes and cervix on examination. This discharge will be tested to determine the cause of the infection, including cultures for gonorrhea and chlamydia.

If your doctor suspects PID, he or she may order other tests, including:

Blood tests to analyze blood for evidence of infection.
Ultrasound (sonogram) to view the reproductive organs.
Other tests less commonly performed include:

Endometrial biopsy, a procedure in which a small sample of tissue from the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is removed for evaluation and testing
Laparoscopy, a procedure during which a thin, lighted instrument (laparoscope) is inserted through a small cut in the lower abdomen to allow the doctor to examine the internal reproductive organs
Culdocentesis, a procedure in which a needle is inserted through the vaginal wall just behind the uterus. (Fluid is removed through the needle and examined for signs of bleeding or infection.)

What Is the Treatment for PID?
If the findings of your exam and tests suggest PID, treatment is started immediately.

Antibiotics. The initial treatment for PID usually consists of one or more antibiotic medications taken by mouth. If treatment is not effective, if you cannot take antibiotics by mouth, or if the infection is severe, you may need to be hospitalized to receive medication intravenously (directly into a vein).
If you are diagnosed with PID, your sexual partner(s) also must be treated even if they do not have any symptoms. Otherwise, the infection will likely recur when you have sex again.

Surgery. When PID causes an abscess (when the inflamed tissue forms a collection of pus), antibiotics are no longer as effective. Surgery is often needed to remove the abscesses (or the organ with the abscess) to prevent them from rupturing and causing widespread infection throughout the pelvis and abdomen. Depending on the conditions, this may be done with a laparoscope (a thin, lighted instrument) or with a procedure in which the doctor opens the abdomen to view the internal organs (laparotomy). Both techniques are major surgical procedures and are performed under general anesthesia (you are put to sleep).
If abscesses have formed on the uterus or ovaries, your doctor may recommend hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) or oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries).

Another surgical procedure that could be recommended to treat chronic pain when there is no infection, inflammation, or abscess present are those that involve nerve ablation (destruction) surgeries. In these types of surgeries the nerves which provide sensation to the organs in the pelvis are removed or destroyed. In the hands of an experienced surgeon, these procedures can be effective in eliminating pain.

What Problems Could Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Cause?
Recurrent episodes of PID can result in scarring of the fallopian tubes, which can lead to infertility, ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, or chronic pelvic pain. Infertility occurs in about one in eight women who have PID.

How Can I Prevent Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?
PID is completely preventable. The number one cause of PID is untreated STDs (also called STIs, sexually transmitted infections).Steps you can take to prevent PID include:

Avoid multiple sexual partners.
Use barrier methods of birth control (condoms and/or a diaphragm) and spermicides -- even if you use birth control pills.
Avoid IUDs if you have multiple sexual partners.
Seek treatment immediately if you notice signs of PID or any sexually transmitted disease, including unusual vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, or bleeding between periods.
Have regular gynecologic check-ups and screenings since many cervical infections can be identified and treated before they spread to the internal reproductive organs.  (+ info)

Pelvic/Uterine infection and being able to conceive?

I was told yesterday that the reason I have been cramping for months (like 6) is that I have an infection. I had my IUD removed in May because I had been cramping for months and my uterus wasnt happy with the IUD. June I got pregnant, and June 26th I miscarried. The doctor seems to think its because I already had inflammation and the start of an infection from the IUD. Well, I was given the A-ok to go ahead and get pregnant because they thought it was just a chemical pregnancy.
The infection was only diagnosed yesterday. After months of brewing!! If I hadnt gone back to question the months of pregnancy, it would never have been diagnosed.

I am on two antibiotics: Flagyl and Doxycycline. They hope that will clear up the infection. I am worried though. Could this infection make me infertile? Its been developing for months now! I am so worried. We have been trying to conceive since May, only to miscarry and its all because I chose the Mirena IUD as birth control and my body rejected it!
My question is: How does this affect my chances of falling pregnant in the future and what can I do to help heal myself beyond the antibiotics?

I'm so glad they finally found the problem. I remember your earlier posts and the pain you were feeling.

A pelvic/uterine infection would only be a problem if it was left untreated or left scar tissue. I would suggest that after you're done with medication and things have cleared up, go in for an ultrasound of your female organs to look for scar tissue. Chances are everything is fine. They caught it early girl, believe me...for some women these things brew for months and months or years. A friend of mine had it for several months before they figured it out.

So give yourself some time to heal and then go in for an ultrasound for peace of mind. I'm sure everything will be fine. Skip this cycle though, don't TTC. Those antibiotics are pretty powerful.

Good luck Pumpkin, glad you're feeling better :)  (+ info)

If you go to a doctor about a yeast infection do you have to get a bikini wax i.e do you need a pelvic exam?

I'm 16 and have never been to a doctor about anything like this so am obviously feaking out!!! Do I need to wax for something like that???

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how do you get a pelvic infection?

soo today I was in the emergency room and come to find out I have a pelvic incetion..
they said its a sexually transmitted infection.. but I've only had sex with my boyfriend with a condom.. soo does that mean he cheated on me? Does it spread like HIV/AIDS?? Because he said he's not cheating on me;and I kno I'm not cheatin on him.. but he says it has to be me because its not him!
and does that mean my boyfriend has something?

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Mom's who have had an IUD or pelvic infection?

I had an IUD placed on Tuesday, and now I'm feeling really sore in my joints, I've had a nasty headache the last few days, and now I've got a slight fever of 99.5. Does it sound like the thing is infected or do I just have a bug? I really hate to go to the ER to have bloodwork and a pelvic for nothing. I can't wait and see either as my husband works all day tomorrow and I have to be home with the kids.

I had an IUD in for a year (before it fell out on it's own and I got pregnant with DD #1) and I had nothing but problems with it! I was ALWAYS in some of pain (mainly extreme cramps) but yes I got a fever in the beginning too..it's just your bodys way of telling you that this thing doesn't belong lol  (+ info)

why do obesity, STD, smoking and pelvic infection cause dysmennorhea?

well, our teacher is assigning us this topic for our reasearxch paper...and i have ahrd time finding answers in the web..so i hope i can get ianswers in here. thanks!

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can someone help me with pelvic inflammatory infection?

i may have pelvic inflammatory infection, could someone explain to me everything about it please!!

PID is the resulted of an untreated STD--gonorrhea, clamidia, etc. PID can cause permanent problems with the reproductive organs, leading to infertility, etc. Abdominal pain, cramping, spotting, pain during urination or sex are common side effects.

Definitely check out that WebMD page and see if those symptoms sound like yours. PID is relatively serious; if you think you have it you need to go to a women's clinic ASAP and get threatment.  (+ info)

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