FAQ - Oligohydramnios
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I just lost my 5 week old fetus because of oligohydramnios. What is oligohydramnios and what causes this?

would there be a way to have saved the 5 week old baby from abortion?

Oligohydramnios is a condition in pregnancy characterised by a deficiency of amniotic fluid. It is almost invariably associated with Potter's syndrome.

Diagnosis is made by ultrasound measurement of the AFI (amniotic fluid index) which is ≤ 5. It is typically caused by fetal urinary tract abnormalities such as bilateral renal agenesis, fetal polycystic kidneys or genitourinary obstruction. Uteroplacental insufficiency is another common cause. Most of these abnormalities can also be detected by obstetric ultrasound.  (+ info)

Has anyone had Oligohydramnios in there pregnancy?

I am 31 weeks and been told i have Oligohydramnios.
Has anyone else had this, tell me what happened.

thanx =)

im having a scan friday as my midwife feels i have low fluid too she gave me this link hope its helpful.


good luck!  (+ info)

I have oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid). What are your experiences with this complication?

My doctor told me he will check me after a weeks worth of bedrest & fluids for improvement. How well does this "treatment" work? Is the amnio infusion painful? What should I expect before, during, & after delivery. I am 36 weeks, with the baby weighing only 4lbs 6oz. I am a wreck with worry. Thanks for sharing.

*Please,do not respond with, "ask your doctor". I know only he can provide medical advice. I just want others thoughts & experiences.

I didn't experience this, but the two women I know who did both ended up having the baby taken. Both babies turned out fine (one of them did have to stay in the hospital for three weeks until he gained more weight). Try not to worry. At 36 weeks and with the baby weighing over four pounds, you're at a pretty good point should they need to take the baby.  (+ info)

I had Preeclampsia, Oligohydramnios, IGR and Placent Abrubtio with my first pregnancy...?

If I chose to have some tests done, what test may my doctor want to do before getting pregnant a second time? And would I be better off seeing a high risk OB if I ever want to have another baby?

P.S: My daughter pulled through her early (3 Months) arrival, and is now a happy, healtly 9 Month Old!
I think the IGR happened because of my hypothyroidism-they didn't find it until I was 3 months pregnant, and yes I did have a c-section.

Good heavens, it sounds like you had a rough time! Did you have a c-section?

Really I don't think any of these conditions are things that you can test for before getting pregnant a second time. All are acquired throughout pregnancy, if they're going to happen. Aside from high BP, which you can control through diet and exercise, I can't think of any tests that would determine if these things are going to happen again. What was the reason for IGR? Do you have a cleft/bicornate uterus? If so, that might not happen again, either due to the way the baby might grow in your uterus, in a totally different spot.

It depends on how your last doctor treated you during that pregnancy as to whether you should see a high risk specialist. All of these are conditions that can be handled by a regular OB, I would think. unless you felt you weren't being treated properly, I would probably just stay with the practice since they know your history (as long as you have a good relationship with them and like them).

here's to hoping that your next pregnancy is much, much easier! Good luck!  (+ info)

i had the probvlem of severe oligohydramnios at 17 weeks of my pregnancy.?

i had the probvlem of severe oligohydramnios at 17 weeks of my pregnancy. the problem was the baby had polycystic kidney (left). there was no right kidney. why does it happened? i had a good diet during my pregnancy.i got a induced premature delivery in 17th week as per the doctor advice. will it affect my next pregnancy? will it occur again? please give me answers . I am really worried .

1 second ago

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what is the common multi vitamins given/used for oligohydramnios patient?

None specifically. Oligohydramnios means that the foetus has a small amount of amniotic fluid around it and this can mean a number of things. One of the most common things this is associated with is kidney problems and haring problems in the baby. Many times it doesn't mean anything though. There are no vitamins that can help reverse or prevent oligohydramnios. An ultrasound may help determine the exact cause, but sometimes there really isn't one.

However, anybody who is preganant or thinking of becoming pregnant should be taking folic acid supplements. These help prevent neural tube defects like spina bifida.  (+ info)

about the oligohydramnios borderline, what is the meaning & is it fatal to the baby, and some other facts.?

does is it the cause of having a small size of a baby? is it an abnormality? does iot affect the unborn child if there is a presence of this kind of abnormality

Oligohydramnios has been associated with adverse perinatal outcome, specifically an increased incidence of meconium-stained amniotic fluid and abnormal fetal heart rates with accompanying fetal distress. In small studies, intrapartum assessment of the volume of amniotic fluid has been shown to be as efficacious as fetal heart rate patterns in determining the parameters for adverse outcome. Baron and associates sought to determine whether the presence of oligohydramnios during the intrapartum course is associated with an increased risk of cesarean delivery.

read more at the link i found this info at  (+ info)

am 33 weeks, borderline oligohydramnios and fetal skull measuring a week behind on u/s?

i am sooo scared.... plz help!!! the dr has me in for another appt in 5 days but ill die of stress.... is thr somethin wrong with my baby?? ive had 2 miscarraiges in the past... yhis is my 3rd pregnancy... id hate for everthing to go wrong now!!!
oligohydramnios is low amniotic fluid

if I'm not mistaken Oligohydramnions is low level opf amniotic fluid right? I had polyhydramnios with my second baby. which was excessive amniotic fluid. they just kept an eye on me. My baby was just fine. I had to go in for alot of ultrasound testa nd was put on bedrest. They want to make sure your baby is growing. I can't tell you if something is wrong. Try to breath and hang in there and don't over stress yourself. its not good for you or the baby. If you are that upset call your doctor and let them know the stress is overwelming you. they might be able to explain some things over the phone or help you in another way.  (+ info)

How long before trying to concieve or think about trying should I start taking Prenatal vitamins?

I was taking Prenatals 3 months before I got pregnant-but I still had complications. (Hypothyroidism, Oligohydramnios, Preeclampsia, Intrauterine Growth restriction, and placenta abruptio) My daughter was born 3 months early because of all this. She is fine now and growing as expected. Should I have been taking them sooner?Before we try again, when should I start taking Prenatals?

Start taking them as soon as possible. It can only help!

You were taking them plenty soon enough before last time. Sounds like your complications were completely unrelated. The main thing prenatals do is keep baby safe in the first trimester from neurological defects (via folic acid). They also provide you with some extra needed vitamins. Prenatals can't stop the problems you had. Your doctor may be able to help for next time though, so discuss it with him or her ASAP!

Good luck. :)  (+ info)

Oligohydramnios ( Low Amniotic Fluid )?

I am currently 21 weeks pregnant and have just been diagnosed with Oligohydramnios ( low amniotic fluid ). Has anyone else had this and what has your outcome been?

Oligohydramnios is a fairly common problem in pregnancy, however to be diagnosed this early is somewhat concerning. Usually the Ob doc will advise some bed rest, to see if that helps fluid levels. Amniotic fluid is a collection of fetal urine, so there may be a problem with fetal kidneys or bladder. OB docs may want ( or I would advocate) for getting a level 2 ultrasound down to check for any abnormalities or a cause for the low fluid. You may have PROM, premature rupture of membranes, where you are leaking some fluid too. Talk with your physician closely, sit and put your feet up whenever possible ( let gravity work for you not against you). It could just be that this baby has lower levels, and that sometimes is ok too. Good Luck!  (+ info)

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