FAQ - Myoma
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What is Myoma? What is its removal and what is its risks?

What is uterine myoma and its symptoms

Uterine myoma – benign tumor formed from muscular and connective tissues, which is one of the most common tumors found in women's reproductive organs.

Depending on the prevailing type of tissues- parenchyma or interstitial, this tumor was used to be called differently: myoma, fibroma, fibromyoma. However, since the myoma nodules are developed mainly from muscle cells, the most correct terminology is considered to be myoma (leiomyoma).

Uterine myoma is the most common pelvic tumor and they are diagnosed in upto15 to 20% of women in pubertal period [1].

Although myoma (uterine fibroids) is generally considered to be a slowly growing tumor, in 20-40% of women at the age of 35 and more have uterine fibroids of significant sizes with severe clinical symptoms [2]. Moreover, myoma can be relapsed in 7-28% of patients after surgical treatments and in certain cases it may even turn into malignant tumor.

The researchers have remarked that women who gave birth to at least two children have 2 times less risk of developing myoma than the childless women. Though, the scientists are not sure at this point whether the child delivery actually protects them from myoma, or if the myoma itself is the causative factor of infertility in those childless women.

For the growth of thus formed tumors, they need to be further supported by negative factors: abortions, long term use of inadequate contraceptive pills, chronic, sub acute and acute inflammations of uterus or its appendices, stresses, ultra-violet irradiation, cystic formation of ovary etc. For example, the women who had 10 abortions by the age of 30 have double the risk to develop uterine myoma at 40 years of age.

The growth of uterine myoma is featured as a benign, hormone sensitive diffuse or nodulous hyperplasia of myometrium and characterized by having multiple factors of pathogenesis, systemic changes, though the exact etiology of myoma is not known yet.

Uterine myoma is developed on the background of hyper estrogens, progesterone deficits and hyper gonadotropins. The majority of the researchers consider, that the growth of myoma depends on concentration of cytosolic receptors to the sexual hormones, and their interactions with the endogen or exogen hormones. In accordance to clinical observations, it can be admitted that both growth and regression of myoma are estrogen-dependant; the tumor size gets increased during pregnancy and is regressed after menopause [3]. The only moment that needs to clear is to find out whether it is the decrease in receptor numbers or estrogen, progesterone and androgen hormone quantities which lead to regression in myoma size (regarding androgen – there is an hypothesis that myoma is sensitive to androgen).

The chromosomal anomaly (12q13-15) is quite common in myomatous cells [4]. In fact, in 30-40% cases, the predisposition to uterine myoma is passed down from mothers to daughters on hereditary line. A form of myoma so called 'family type' is present where uterine myoma are seen in all the family line – in grandmother, mother, aunts and sisters.

Uterine myomas are often identified during routine gynecological examinations. In such examinations, the gynecologists may only assert the fact – presence of uterine myoma. In other cases the primary symptoms of myoma may appear as: hypo gastric pains, low backaches, bleedings, impairments of close up organs –example, tachyuresis (frequent urination).

We need special examinations to determine the number of nodules, sizes and their exact localizations. Mostly ultrasound examinations are enough for this, but in certain cases CT scans, MRI could be necessary.

Myoma may be located in the external, middle or inner layers of uterus (subserous, interstitial and submucous). Nodules can be located in the isthmus (5%) or in the uterine body (95%) [5]. The most 'unpleasant' ones are those, which are located in the inner layer.

Such types of myoma deform the uterus cavity, and thus cause severe bleedings during menses resulting into low hemoglobin levels (this is why during iron deficit anemia in women, they should have gynecological examinations).

The conventional treatment options

The uterine myoma by itself is not an indication for operative method of treatment. Mainly it depends upon the patients' overall health condition, severities of the clinical symptoms and the sizes of the tumor.

The major indications for the operative methods of treatment are severe pains, fast growth rate of the nodules, arising suspicions about the malignancy of myoma, inflammatory changes in the tumor nodules and dysfunction of closely lying organs (urinary bladder, intestines etc.), infertility (when all other reasons are already excluded). If an experienced gynecologist recommends you an operative method of treatments, you should go for it as early as possible.
  (+ info)

i have myoma. is their a way to stop the growth of it?

its in my uterine and it's 1.6 cm is their any other way to stop the growth of it and treat it without surgery?? and i also feel confuse because im diagnosed with myoma but when i researd the symptoms its said there that "heavy bleedings" but i have irregular periods and sometimes absence. i need answers please. Thanks
and is their a way to stop without surgery and without early menopause?

hey check this site out, it might help

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000914.htm  (+ info)

My ultrasound shows that I have intramural myoma and she said it will not be a problem in conceiving.?

Can anyone tell me that intramural myoma is not dangerous and will i really be able to conceive? I really wanted to get pregnant. My doctor told me that my cycle is good i just have to get an ovulation kit to know when i will be fertile. I am so papranoid, please enlighten me.

Uterine Fibroids, Myoma or Leiomyoma

Uterine Fibroids (proper medical terminology is myoma or leiomyoma)

Fibroids are very common - they are benign (noncancerous) tumors of the uterine muscle. The size and location of the fibroid are important. The large majority of them are very small or located in an area of the uterus such that they will not have any impact on reproductive function.

There are 3 general locations for fibroids:

1. Subserosal - on the outside surface of the uterus
2. Intramural - within the muscular wall of the uterus
3. Submucous - bulging in to the uterine cavity

The only type that will have any impact on reproductive function (unless it is very large) is the submucous type that pushes in to the uterine cavity. These are much less common than the other 2 types of fibroids. Because of their location inside the uterine cavity, submucous fibroids can cause infertility or miscarriages.

I would use an online fertility calculator to chart your fertility its free and very accurate  (+ info)

what do you recommend to those patient with myoma uteri to eliminate their condition?tnx?

Submucous- D & C
Others- Myomectomy or Hysterectomy if recurrent myoma or it is difficult to remove myoma (and family is complete).  (+ info)

what is the pathophysiology of myoma uterine?

Estrogen and progesterone receptors are in higher concentrations in myomas than in the normal surrounding myometrium. The growth rate of myomas is related to their number of estrogen and progesterone receptors. Gonoadotrophic-releasing hormone agonists result in a temporary reduction in the size of myomas by 45% at 24 weeks of treatment.  (+ info)

I have multiple myoma ranging 1.4x4.8 cm in sizes. 1st obygne said uterus to be removed, 2nd said no. Advice?

I have occassional discharge but is not bloody after 5 days of menstrution. It not smell bad
Thank for everyone who shared theri opinion. I am 45 yrs. old single (no experience). My mother was menopause when she was 53 y/o. I know that myoma will shrink when woman get menopaused, is 8 years safe to wait of not having uterine surgery? TY

  (+ info)

what is the percentage of uterine myoma in Davao city, philippines?

the local health department would be the best place for this inquiry, good luck  (+ info)

Myoma removal recuperation time? Your experience?

My cousin is flying in to have a myoma removed by laparoscopy tomorrow, my aunt insist that the day after tomorrow she can fly back to her home (2 connected flights, 2 hours each and a 2 hour bus trip plus taxi, plus carrying her suitcases). I try to insist to change her plane ticket, but even the doctor assured my aunt that she will be ok and can actually walk out the clinic.
Is this true? What is your experience?

If the doctor said she can I do not see a problem. I do not understand what suitcase she needs tocarry, maybe a small bag is enough? But the flights should not cause any problems.

After surgery, you will wake up in the recovery room. The nurse will check your blood pressure, pulse and temperature frequently. The nurse will check your dressing and intravenous. If you are cold, ask for an extra blanket. The nurse or physician will tell you when you will be allowed to drink something.

As soon as you are transferred from the Recovery Room (about one hour after surgery), you may have visitors. You may not remember conversations immediately after surgery, which is normal and lasts only a short period.

Your physician will discuss the findings with your family immediately after the surgical procedure is complete. If your family leaves the waiting area please have them notify the receptionist regarding how they can be contacted.

Medication will be available for pain or nausea. Ask your nurse for this medication if you are uncomfortable. Medication will be in the form of injections until you are able to drink. Once you are able to drink, the doctor will change your medication to pills. Pain medication is usually allowed every 3-4 hours. Medication for nausea is usually allowed every 4-6 hours.

Sore Throat: You may experience a sore throat. This is caused by irritation from a tube placed in your throat (trachea) during anesthesia. It usually lasts for just a few days and can sometimes be helped by throat lozenges.

You will remain in the Outpatient Surgery Center for approximately three or four hours after the procedure. After you are able to empty your bladder, you will be allowed to go home. If additional medications are required, you will be given prescriptions to take with you. If you are unable to empty your bladder or nausea is severe, a 23 hour hospital stay over night may be considered.

Care After Your Surgery At Home

Incisions - You will have a 1/2" incision just below your navel. This incision will have one suture which will dissolve. You will have 2 to 4 tiny (1/4") incisions near the pubic hair line. These incisions accommodate the instruments needed to perform the surgery. They may or may not have a suture. They will be covered with small strips of adhesive. These strips may be removed two or three days following surgery.

You may have drainage from these incisions for a day or two. It will be watery and pink-tinged. If needed, you may reinforce your dressings or change them if they become saturated. In most cases, this drainage lasts less than 48 hours. You may go without dressings 48 hours after surgery if you so desire. You may want to cover your incisions with a light dressing to protect your clothes or to prevent your clothing from rubbing on your incisions. If you have had a microlaparoscopy no sutures will be used and bandaids can be removed the next morning.  (+ info)

can Myoma be cured through herbal medicines?

yes there is hope


Read through this entire link and do what is recommended and the potassium info apply as well

here are two of the formulas he mentioned. I looked up the proportions of the formulas in his book, school of natural healing

read about the formulas


for this you will need to make a tincture using bulk organic or wildcrafted herbs (preferably cut and sifted over powdered) and 80 proof vodka distilled from grain as the menstrum to extract thew pytochemicals from the herbs

use three part of the goldenseal root and one part of each of the other herbs (blessed thistle/cayenne/cramp bark/false unicorn root/ginger/red raspberry leaves/squaw vine and uva ursi) take 30-6o drops (1-2 dropperfuls) 3-5 times a day (you can add a spoon of water or juice if desired)

http://www.herballegacy.com/Hormonal_Changease.html for this formula you use one part of each of the following herbs (use equal amounts of each in your herb formula mixture and then tincture..(check online how to make a tincture..it is easy then after you strain after shaking two weeks, label it with contents and usage and an expiration date 5 years from when you strained it (but it will be good many years longer)

if you cannot make it, you could probably substitute his student's formula at herbdoc.com under products female formulas

you can email me for the lower bowel formula directions he recommends for fibroids or use herbdoc.com's intestinal cleanse #1 and #2 and any other formulas he mentions and I will see if they are in his book and give you herb proportion. You can also get things like the bone, flesh and cartilage formula here and maybe some of his other herb formulas (and schulze from herbdoc though his are the best, these are excellent too)

For more on the mucusless diet go here and read some of arnold ehret's book scroll down to mucusless diet at this link

http://naturalhealing.wikispaces.com/Professor+Arnold+Ehret some is also found here on the mucusless diet

http://www.herballegacy.com/Mucusless_Diet.html and here


if you want more help, do dr schulze's incurables program http://naturalhealing.wikispaces.com/Save+Your+Life read the 700 page manual and download the 12 videos and watch them for how to do the program..also see his patient handbook at curezone.com the herb formulas are available at herbdoc.com-

also since this site talks of estrogen dominance, you might take a natural progesterone cream form the health food store but the female formulas may be enough to help

http://www.fibroid101.com/  (+ info)

what is the pathophysio of myoma uteri?

The uterus is made of hard and strong muscle. A uterine myoma is a hard benign growth that forms on this muscle layer. Most myomas form on the corpus uteri, but occasionally they form around the cervical duct. Myomas are not found in teenagers, but the incidence rate increases with age as women enter their 20s, 30s, and 40s. The rate also increases among women who have pregnancies later in life, or women who had an uneventful first pregnancy, but whose second pregnancy is marked by the discovery of a myoma.
A myoma can be a cause of infertility in women who previously had a successful pregnancy but several years later are unable to conceive. If the myoma interferes with conception, a myomectomy is performed. Many women do become pregnant after this surgery.
Usually, a myoma will not interfere with a pregnancy; as the fact that a woman is pregnant with a myoma, means that the myoma is small. Generally, when a myoma becomes larger, the amount of menstruation increases and cramps become severe. This is especially true in the case of myoma uteri submucosa, myomas that form on the inside of the uterus. This type of myoma can cause infertility or miscarriage.
If a woman is somehow pregnant and a large myoma is present, the myoma can cause abnormalities with the position of the fetus. Normally after 30 weeks into pregnancy, the fetus is positioned head down, but if a myoma interferes, the baby can be reversed. This can be detected early using ultrasound. Although the placenta and fetus may be in normal positions, a cesarean section is done if a myoma interferes with natural birth.  (+ info)

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