FAQ - Ludwigs angina
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How long is recovery from Ludwigs Angina?

I spent 3 weeks in ICU and have been home for 2 weeks now. I currently have a trach and cant open my jaw even 1/2 way. I dont feel worse but dont feel I am getting better. still on antibiotics. any advice?

  (+ info)

Paramedic student looking for info on Ludwigs Angina.?

I saw my first case of this today in the E.R. and was intrigued by the symptoms. I was told this is pretty rare.

Ludwig's angina is a type of cellulitis that involves inflammation of the tissues of the floor of the mouth, under the tongue. It often occurs following an infection of the roots of the teeth (such as tooth abscess) or after a mouth injury. Swelling of the tissues occurs rapidly and may block the airway or prevent swallowing of saliva.  (+ info)

How do you know the difference between angina and heartburn?

For a few days I have this burning like stabbing pain in my chest under my left breast that comes and goes a few times a day. I don't have acid reflux or anything but how can I know if it's angina without getting an EKG. I am not overweight and I don't have high blood pressure but I am constantly fatigued.

you should get an EKG just to be safe. Chances are it's nothing serious, but it's best to rule it out. There are a lot of weird things that can happen in that area of the body.  (+ info)

Is Angina always accompanied by a sense of pressure on the chest or heart, and located more mid-thorax?

I've been researching Angina on internet and it appears that pressure on the chest is symptomatic. What about a simple, non-throbbing but continuous dull pain in the heart region on the left side of the chest but not mid-chest in location and no feelings of pressure? Could that be Angina? Or something else?

Please provide your information reference or source as this is a medical question where credibility, versus laymen's guess, is key.

I had angina for 3 years. Then I had a heart attack
Then I had a triple by-pass .. That's my source, and I trust it is good enough for your purposes?
I never once experienced any "pressure" on my chest, (either mid- or LHS.. .) Many people I spoke with on the ward said the same, and my opinion is that the expression "pressure on the chest" is heard so often is (a) because it's difficult to describe angina pains, and this is one way of trying to get the 'feel" of it across, and (b) once it's been said, the phrase trips off the tongue very easily. It even sounds plausible, like the other phrase "tight bands round my chest"... which also crops up many times.

The most accurate description of the symptoms I felt is as follows:

First, a dull 'heart-burn' - like pain and discomfort in the pit of your stomach, which then got more and more intense, cold, and hostile, spreading from the centre outwards into the whole chest cavity, but then becoming an intense dull ache, not just pain.
This radiated out as the attack progressed and the heavy painful ache radiated into the upper arms, neck, and shoulder-blades.

Because the cause is pulsed blood trying to pass into the heart, it is a throbbing pain, obviously.

TNT alleviated it, as with the inhaler. This I would suggest, is one of the surest ways of telling if your dull throbbing pain is angina. Get a spray and try it.
The other way is to experiment, and exert yourself physically.
Angina will come and go, precisely in line with the exertion. You can induce it, and then alleviate it. THat's Angina.
If it doesn't, then it's not.

But when the heart attack came, the additional symptom was a steadily rising pulse (up to about 200 bpm +) and falling BP readings.  (+ info)

What is the difference between a heart attack and Angina ?

How do you know if you are having a heart attack or it's just "Angina" ?

Angina and heart attacks are both severe forms of chest pain associated with the heart muscle being deprived of oxygen. This is usually caused by atherosclerosis blocking the coronary arteries wgich supply the heart with blood. When the blockage first happens, the pain felt is referred to as angina pectoris. The longer the vessel remains blocked is the less oxygen the muscle has left and it eventually begins to die. After one hour, the condition is usually called a heart attack, since even after restoring the blood supply to the area, some tissue already would have died and start to form scar tissue.
Angina is a warning sign that you might have a heart attack if you do not do something about your arteries, but after the attack, the heart is able to go back to normal. Angina also is a warning sign for strokes and other vascular problems that can affect different systems of the body.  (+ info)

What is the likelihood of having a heart attack after an attack of pectoral angina?

My grandfather had an angina attack on the weekend and I was just wondering the likelihood of him now having a heart attack. And also if it is highly likely how soon after the angina attack?

ask a cardiologist.  (+ info)

What kinds of heart conditions cause angina pain?

There is someone that plays an important role in my life that suffers from angina pain. This person is sensitive to shock and emotional unrest. What kinds of heart problems cause this and is there any way to ease the symptoms or cure the problems?

Angina, means heart pain due to decreased blood supply to a particular portion of the heart, mostly it is due to narrowing of the blood vessels (coronary arteries) supplying the heart. The narrowing is due to scar and what is known as plaque formation a process termed as atherosclerosis, the blood vessels become stiff and narrow, when the plaque ruptures or ulcerate, locally blood clots are formed which further occlude the arteries of heart known as coronary vessels

There are several risk factors which include, smoking, drugs cocaine, meth etc., High blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, diabetes, overweight, lack of exercise, hereditary factors, men in general, race and most importantly stress and bad food choices  (+ info)

Are angina attacks a month after a mild heart attack a common occurence for a male in his mid 40s?

I know a guy who is 44 and had a heart attack (mild one) about a month ago. He was feeling great the first four weeks, but suddenly started having minor bouts of angina the last week or so. Nothing debilitating, just tweaks of heartburn and light-headedness, but would go away with a blast of nitro spay. Is this common? Should it be a major concern, or is it part of the healing process?

Angina is an indication that an ischemia occurs. Ischemia is a state wherein the heart does not get enough oxygen. I would say that this is not normal and is not part of the healing process. The nitro spray (nitrates) help relieve the pain because it produces an effect that increases blood flow and gives increased oxygen to the heart. Your friend better get to a doctor especially if the angina lasts more than 15 minutes - an indication that myocardial infarction has occured.  (+ info)

What precautions should be taken by a person suspected for Angina Pectoris?

After a maximal exercise test, and due to mild chest pain, I am suspected for Angina Pectoris, apparently difficulty in oxygen supply to the heart due to partial blockage of one or more of the arterial paths. I will be apparently proceeding to angiographical test, but I am using medications such as metoprolol, nitroglycerin tablets, and aspirin in light dose.
What are the most serious precautions that I may take in order to avoid a probable anginal attack? Professional advice appreciated.

Angina occurs when there is a mismatch between the supply of blood to the heart and the demand of the heart (how hard it is working). You have to listen to your body regarding the activities you can tolerate. If you get chest pain or shortness of breath, this is an indication that your activity is more than your heart can handle. It takes a different amount of activity to produce angina in different patients. So activity must be individualized. It sounds like you are getting an appropriate evaluation and are being treated with the most appropriate medications. While you are awaiting evaluation you should take it easy activity wise. Limit the amount of heavy exercise, lifting etc. Most importantly listen to your body and stop when you get chest pain or shortness of breath. Take your nitroglycerin every five and if you are still having pain after 2 doses call 911. Most importantly you should ask your doctor this, because he/she is most familiar with your case. I hope this helps.  (+ info)

Will angina improve if I completely stop drinking alcohol?

I have mild, unstable angina. I have been a binge-drinker for about 12 years. I have stopped drinking alcohol and I intend to take up a healthy diet, consume vitamins, pilates, mild cardio and meditation.

If I persist with these good habits will the angina improve on its own?

The human body is capable of repairing almost all damage assuming there are no mutations (as in Cancer) or widespread cell death.

Providing nutrient and oxygen rich blood to your heart is very likely to help it rebuild and reduce your risk of a heart attack.

Without knowing the true severity of your angina (seeing your charts) I cannot be certain, but I believe it is very likely that your angina will improve with positive lifestyle changes, and the proper medications.

Regards.  (+ info)

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