FAQ - Lichen planus
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What is the cause of Lichen Planus? Any effective treatments?


The cause of lichen planus is not known, however there are cases of lichen planus-type rashes (known as lichenoid reactions) occurring as allergic reactions to medications for high blood pressure, heart disease and arthritis. These lichenoid reactions are referred to as lichenoid mucositis (of the mucosa) or dermatitis (of the skin). Lichen planus has been reported as a complication of chronic hepatitis C virus infection. It has been suggested that true lichen planus may respond to stress, where lesions may present on the mucosa or skin during times of stress in those with the disease. Lichen planus affects women more than men 3:2, and occurs most often in middle-aged adults. Lichen planus in children is rare.

Currently there is no cure for lichen planus but there are certain types of medicines used to reduce the effects of the inflammation. Lichen planus may go into a dormant state after treatment. There are also reports that lichen planus can flare up years after it is considered cured.

Medicines used to treat lichen planus include:

* Oral and topical steroids.
* Oral retinoids
* immunosuppressant medications
* hydroxychloroquine
* tacrolimus
* dapsone

Lichen Planus Treatment with homeopathy: A large sample study of 800 cases by Dr Rajesh Shah, M.D. at Homoeopathy India Foundation, India, has documented encouraging results in the cases of dermal and oral Lichen Planus. Homeopathy treatment uses ultra minute doses of substances like gold salts(Aurum muriaticum), Mercury salts (Mecurius solubus, Mercurius corrosive), as well as some nosodes. Homeopathy is claimed to be working at the immune level controlling the auto-immune activity underlying the pathogenesis of Lichen Planus.

Lichen planopilaris

Lichen Planopilaris is the specific name given to lichen planus on the scalp that may cause permanent, scarring alopecia. If left untreated the scarring will cause permanent hair loss. The Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides support and resources for people with lichen planopilaris.  (+ info)

Which drug causes Lichen Planus ?

Lichen Planus is a skin disorder which is caused by taking some anti-hypersensitivity drugs. I want the list of those drugs which causes Lichen Planus as a side effect. Plz help me out on this....

These drugs have been linked to causing Lichen planus:

NSAIDS (Motrin, Advil, etc.)
Oral and topical steroids
Oral retinoids
Imunosuppressant medications

Ceratin chemicals have been linked, too, such as gold, arsenic compounds, bismuth, and photographic chemicals

Hope this helps.

Rick the pharmacist  (+ info)

what is lichen planus and what is thee cure?

Lichen planus is a disorder of the skin and mucous membranes resulting in inflammation, itching, and distinctive skin lesions

Usually develop after exposure to a substance, chemicals or medications (actual cause i feel is unknown)

treatment is to reduce your symptoms and speed healing
an outbreak may last for a week, months or come and go for years
Sorry No cure that i know of  (+ info)

Does anyone out there suffer a skin disease called Lichen Planus if so what's your treatment?

Webmd had the following information..........

International Oral Lichen Planus Support Group
Baylor College Of Dentristy
3302 Gaston Ave
Attn: The Stomaology Center
Dallas, TX 75246
Tel: 2148288100
Fax: 2148744532
Email: nburkhart@tambcd,edu
Internet: http://www.tambcd.edu/lichen

This is a link to the website...............


I hope this is what you are looking for.  (+ info)

What is Lichen Planus and how is caused and what treatment is best for it.?

Lichen planus is a type of rash where purplish lumps arise on the skin. Often the bumps are itchy. My dermatologist says there is no specific cause but that LP is considered an immune system dysfunction. Not contagious and not curable. The rash and itching comes and goes in response to treatment and also for no apparent reason.


If you get LP in your mouth or develop the erosive variety, then the disease becomes much more serious and more of a problem.

Treatment ranges from various strength topical steroids to oral prednisone. It can take many months of daily treatment to get LP under control but if you are diligent with treatments then usually it disappears more quickly.

LP can range from a minor nuisance to a major hassle. It is not cancerous.


http://www.aocd.org/skin/dermatologic_diseases/lichen_planus.html  (+ info)

Lichen Planus treatment?

I have suffered with Lichen Planus since the 1980s. I was included in a trial for treatment with Cyclosporin which gave me several years of remission. The condition returned a few years ago and I have been treated with topical steroids and lauromacrogols. These help with the itching but the rashes and lesions are spreading. Is there any reason why my doctor would not give me another course of Cyclosporin. I know that the low doses needed for treating Lichen Planus are not commonly available.

  (+ info)

how do you pronounce lichen planus>>>?

how do you pronounce lichen planus???

Liken plane-us  (+ info)

Does prednisone help someone with Lichen Planus?

  (+ info)

Ever heard of Lichen Planus?

Well, about 3 yrs. ago I noticed a spot on my wrist and it was very itchy.( I didn't get it check out) And now I have spots on my lower legs and they are very dark in color, itchy and some times painful. I saw a derm. and he said it's a condition called Lichen Planus. There is no known cure or a real explanation why it happens. I have yet to meet or hear of any one else with this condition. I can't ever wear shorts or a dress, It's a very sad thing.... Any answers for me would be much appreciated.

My husband had that. He mostly had it around his waist and ankles. The dermatologist had him take some pills that make you super sensitive to the sun. An hour after he took the pills he had to go for a "tan" under the ultraviolet lights. Basically a tanning bed. After about 1 month, all the rash was gone, and he had an amazing tan. That was years ago & it's never come back. If you're dermatologist isn't going to do anything, what about going to a tanning salon on your own & seeing if that helps. If that doesn't work, go for a 2nd opinion.  (+ info)

can toprolxl cause lichen planus?

im taking toprol and haverecently been diagnosed with oral lichen planus, can it be caused by toprol xl which i take for my heart?

lichen planus effects about 1% of the population. The cause of it is still unknown, but drugs & chemicals have been shown to produce lechenoid lesions. The lesions have shown to worsen under stress. if the lesions are painful, topical corticosteroids are available.  (+ info)

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