FAQ - Lichen planus
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I have been diagnosed with Oral Lichen Planus and is very painful. Anyone have any helpful home remedies?

I have been given predisone and triamcinolone to help with the lesions on my skin, but neither do anything for my tongue and I'm at the end of my rope. Any suggestions would be so deeply appreciated.

I've read that aloe vera juice (the kind you can drink) is great for gargling, then swollowing. Also, you should avoid all products with sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) and peroxide, so check your toothpaste/mouthwash carefully. I've read that biotene is good. Finally, avoid all acidic foods, such as tomatoes. You can neutralize the acid by adding a bit of sugar.

This is a nasty autoimmune disorder, so the prednisone should help a bit. I'd also suggest finding an online forum/group for this disorder because you'll glean incredible information from people who've had this for a while.

Best to you, and good luck.  (+ info)

Where can I find the most detailed information about vaginal lichen planus?

Causes, cures, topical creams, does the vulva / labia return after it disappears? Any info and details are greatly appreciated.

Laura, I hope to God you went to see a doctor about this instead of wasting your time on the computer. What you need for treatment can be prescribed only by a health care provider. What you want and need to know is best explained by your health care provider who will have examined you.  (+ info)

Has anyone with Oral Lichen Planus been able to keep it under control?

I am getting so peeved off with it and so far everything the doctors have prescribed only gives temporary short term relief. In fact I don't even think they really know how to treat it.

Oral Lichen Planus can definitely be very well controlled with Homeopathy. The medicines will help in preventing flare-ups and don't give you any side-effects. Cortico-steroids are not very good in the long run and are better avoided. Check out the following page for more information: http://www.lichenplanus.com/oral_lp.htm

Hope to see you fine soon.  (+ info)

How may I get relief from Lichen Planus?

My mouth hurts most all the time and it burns when eating food. My mouth is very tender all the time. Brushing my teeth is a hard thing to do because of the pain.

Lichen planus of the mouth most commonly affects the inside of the cheeks, gums and tongue. Oral lichen planus is more difficult to treat and typically lasts longer than skin lichen planus. Fortunately, most cases of lichen planus of the mouth cause minimal problems. About a third of all people who have oral lichen planus also have skin lichen planus. Women may also have lichen planus of the vaginal area.

Oral lichen planus typically appears as patches of fine white lines and dots. These changes usually do not cause symptoms. Dentists during routine check-ups often find them. More severe forms of oral lichen planus can cause painful sores and ulcers in the mouth.

Often a biopsy of affected tissue is needed to confirm a diagnosis of lichen planus. Sometimes, several biopsies are needed at various times, along with blood tests. It is common for a yeast infection to be present with lichen planus. In these cases, the yeast infection is usually treated first. The treatment often improves the lichen planus. There have been cases of lichen planus like allergic reactions to gold and mercury in dental materials but they are rare.

When lichen planus is very severe, especially if the underside of the tongue is involved, there is a slightly increased risk of developing oral cancer. If this is present, avoid the use of alcohol and tobacco products, which also increase the risk. Schedule visits to the dentist and exams for oral cancer at least twice a year.  (+ info)

Will a tattoo trigger lichen planus?

I have lichen planus but i have been taking meds that my dermatologist prescribed. The rashes have healed but of course the scars are still there. I plan on getting a tattoo in the near future (not in an area where i have had an lp rash) I was wondering if a tattoo would trigger new lichen planus outbreaks.

  (+ info)

What is the difference between Lichen Planus and Leukoplakia?

Lichen Planus and Leukoplakia in the oral cavity

The best site I know of to tell you the difference between lichen planus and leukoplakia in the mouth is http://www.oceansurgical.com.au/WhiteLesionsOfTheMouth.html  (+ info)

Does anyone out there have a skin condition called Lichen Planus ?

I have had this condition on one leg for at least 10 years. I have seen numerous dermatologists, nothing helps. Does anyone have any home remedy for this condition ?

I don't know of any home remedies, but I found this from Medline and a mention of menthol-lotions in the 2nd link.

Good Luck!  (+ info)

Are there any home remedies to help Lichen Planus ?

Thanks alot : ) My Mum has been using Palomar E creame
& it doesn't seem to be working although she has only used it for a few days lol ! She has also tried Salt Water/Cider Vinegar etc..

I am afraid the things your mum is trying are quite worthless. Only steroids, immune suppressants and PUVA have been shown to be useful.  (+ info)

What photographic chemicals cause Lichen Planus?

I'm told color development chemicals cause lichen planus - I'm just wondering exactly which one(s). What resources are available for reference?

1: Arch Dermatol. 1964 Mar;89:357-9.

Other Possible Causes

It affects about 1 percent of the population, predominantly women, and usually appears during the fifth or sixth decade. Possible causes of oral lichen planus include non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), iodides, tetracycline, gold, streptomycin, hydrochlorothiazide, dental fillings containing mercury in the form of amalgam (if the patient is allergic to mercury), and rough fillings. Causes may have an allergic reaction pattern, particularly following exposure to dyes and color film developers. Links have been seen with alopecia areata, vitiligo, chronic ulcerative colitis, graft-versus-host reactions, and viruses  (+ info)

What is the difference between lichen planus (LPP)& lupus erythematosus (LE)?

I would also like to know what is blaschkoid LE. are both LP & BLE autoimmune diseases ? What are the remedies ?

More detailed info can be found at: http://www.maxillofacialcenter.com/BondBook/mucosa/lichenplanus.html

Lichen planus is a lichenoid autoimmune mucositis with a clinically different but microscopically similar dermal counterpart. On the skin the disease is usually of shorter duration, approximately 3 years, and does not have the ulcerating and blistering effects seen frequently in oral lesions. In the mouth lichen planus has several clinical variants with considerable cross-over between variants, and with occasional shifting from one variant to another. Some of these variants are thought to represent an elevated cancer risk but there is ongoing debate as to the validity of this hypothesis.

Some cases have obvious etiologic associations, usually a systemic medication or mucosal contact with dental materials or certain spices, but the etiology in most cases remains unknown. There is no strong association between oral and dermal lesions and most persons with oral involvement never have skin involvement. Oral lichen planus can be found in 1/1,000 adults (Table 1).

Discoid and systemic lupus erythematosus may present with oral keratotic and ulcerative lesions which are clinically identical to lichen planus and show a strong histopathologic similarity as well. Elongated, thin rete ridges are more likely to be associated with lupus, as is deep extension of the subepithelial lymphocytic band, especially with lymphoid aggregates present. Rete hyperplasia in lupus may, in fact, be so extensive that dyskeratosis occurs and the epithelium takes on the localized appearance of pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia. Thickened or degenerated endothelium with perivascular infiltrates is, of course, very helpful for the identification of lupus vasculitis, but these changes are often missing in oral examples. Cutaneous lupus lesions usually show a positive IgG and IgA reactivity along the basement membrane, and a patchy band of complement reactivity may be seen on immunofluorescence. Circulating anti-nuclear antibodies may also be present in cases of systemic disease, but an extensive discussion of the extraoral characteristics of lupus is beyond the scope of the present chapter.

Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus is the final lesion to differentiate from oral lichen planus. Extremely rare in the mouth, this typically genital mucositis may be clinically indistinguishable from oral lichen planus. The epithelium is uniformly atrophic, often extremely so, and only a thin layer of surface keratin is seen. There is typically extensive subepithelial fibrosis or hyalinization and a lesser inflammatory infiltrate is noticed; the infiltrate is often separated from the epithelium by a hyalinized band. Subepithelial hyalinization is also a feature of systemic sclerosis or scleroderma, amyloidosis and oral submucous fibrosis. Congo red birefringence and thioflavin T fluorescence can help to rule out amyloidosis, but differences in clinical features may be needed to rule out the other disorders.

There is no cure for this disease and therapy is only palliative. Fortunately, oral lichen planus lesions wax and wane, and are typically asymptomatic. For those patients suffering from tenderness and sensitivity to acidic foods, topical or systemic prednisolone is usually effective but should be used sparingly because of the potential systemic side effects. Persons affected with oral lesions seldom develop skin lesions, although the clinician should be on the lookout for evidence of lupus erythematosus during follow-up examinations, especially in patients with arthritic joint pains.

For patients with atrophic or ulcerative or bullous forms of the disease, an examination for early oral cancer should be performed every 4-6 months. This follow-up may entail repeat biopsies of areas of unhealing ulceration, induration or deep erythema. The estimated risk of malignant transformation, if real, is less than 2% over a 10 year period. Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus of the mouth carries no malignant potential, as it does in the genital region.

2nd part of your question:

Widespread Blaschkoid lichen planus by
Heather A Klein MD, Richard A Krathen MD, Sylvia Hsu MD
Dermatology Online Journal 12 (7): 17:

this info can be found here: http://dermatology.cdlib.org/127/case_presentations/blashkoid/klein.html

Lichen planus is a cutaneous and mucous-membrane disorder of unknown etiology characterized by pruritic, planar, polygonal, purple papules that upon close examination have a white lacy reticular surface. Several variants have been described, including linear lichen planus sometimes following Blaschko lines. Blaschko lines, distinct from Voight lines, Langer lines, and the lines of innervation of the spinal nerves, follow a V-shape on the back, an S-shape on the abdomen, an inverted U-shape on the upper chest, and a linear pattern down the front and back of the lower extremities [1]. Long et al. reported linear lichen planus following Blaschko lines, as in our patient [2]. This patient's lesions were not confined to one side of the body, but rather began on the right side of the chest and spread to the trunk, arms, left thigh, left foot, and third finger of both hands.

This patient was given a 3-week course of prednisone 40 mg daily with clinical and symptomatic improvement, at which time the patient was tapered off prednisone over the next few weeks.

Blaschko's lines, also called the Lines of Blaschko, are an extremely rare and unexplained phenomenon of human anatomy first presented in 1901 by German dermatologist Alfred Blaschko. Neither a specific disease nor a predictable symptom of a disease, Blaschko's lines are an invisible pattern built into human DNA[citation needed]. Many inherited and acquired diseases of the skin or mucosa manifest themselves according to these patterns, creating the visual appearance of stripes.

The cause of the stripes is thought to result from mosaicism; they do not correspond to nervous, muscular, or lymphatic systems. What makes them more remarkable is that they correspond quite closely from patient to patient, usually forming a "V" shape over the spine and "S" shapes over the chest, stomach, and sides.  (+ info)

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