FAQ - Lichen nitidus
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What can you do for Lichen Simplex Chronicus?

I have Lichen simplex chronicus on my thumb, I've had it for about 4 years now and went to a dermotologist recommended by my family Doctor about 4 years ago, he cut off a small sample and after having it sent for tests determined it was LSC, he perscribed me an ointment but it never helped much. It's seems to be thickening and causing a little bit of pain and I was to know if there's anything I can do on my own or what are the options if I go to a dermotologist? Are there any cures for it, will going back to a dermotologist just be a waste of money, should I just learn to live with it?? Any imput will be very appreciated.

Lichen simplex chronicus (neurodermatitis) is eczema created by repeated scratching; by several mechanisms, chronic scratching itself causes further itching, creating a vicious circle.
Primary treatment is patient education about the effects of scratching and rubbing. Secondary treatment is topical corticosteroids (eg, triamcinolone-Some Trade Names- ARISTOCORT
acetonide, fluocinonide-Some Trade Names
surgical tape impregnated with flurandrenolide (applied in the morning and replaced in the evening) may be preferred because occlusion prevents scratching. Small areas may be locally infiltrated (intralesional injections) with a long-acting corticosteroid such as triamcinolone-Some Trade Names
acetonide 2.5 mg/mL (diluted with saline), 0.3 mL/cm2 of lesion; treatment can be repeated q 3 to 4 wk. Oral H1-blocking antihistamines may be useful.
Please see the web pages for more details and images on Lichen simplex chronicus.  (+ info)

How long do I need to cook reindeer so that the meat is tender and still has the flavor of Norwegian lichen?

We had Rudolph stew last night (red nose and all). Yum.  (+ info)

What is the difference between Lichen Planus and Leukoplakia?

Lichen Planus and Leukoplakia in the oral cavity

The best site I know of to tell you the difference between lichen planus and leukoplakia in the mouth is http://www.oceansurgical.com.au/WhiteLesionsOfTheMouth.html  (+ info)

how can i tell if i have psoriasis, celiac's disease or lichen planar?

I can't get a dermatologist appointment for 6 weeks. The rash is on my lower shin in the front, mildly itchy, started with a single spot and spread. It gets better and worse. It might be diet related, I can't quite tell.

Why not try going on a gluten free diet for a little while to find out? Go gluten free for a few weeks and do the diet properly. I had "psoriasis" all the time until I was diagnosed with celiac disease and went on the diet, I haven't seen it since. Mine also got "better and worse". Give it a shot, good luck.  (+ info)

what is the fastest way to get rid of lichen striatus? - a rash common in children?

it is supposed to go away on its own but i would like to speed up the process and make sure that i don't end up with skin discoloration from the dryness.

  (+ info)

I have been diagnosed with Lichen neurodermititis I need natural suggestions to help me?

this is a rash in the form of raised white bumps under the skin that itch me crazy its on my neck shoulders and on top of eyelids and no where else, I get cortizone injections and prednisone everytime I go to the hospital and they only help for awhile, any suggestions itching to know?


Lichen Simplex Chronicus symptom in my pubic region. Please advice how to get rid of it.?

My wife had been experiencing it over a month now. We are married for a year and half. I have observed that she maintains genital cleanliness always, in spite of which this happened.
People please advice on is cure.

Being extra clean may contribute. Excessive washing or rubbing or scratching leads to thickening of the skin called lichen simplex chronicus. Must avoid scratching and rubbing. Often there is enough itch that it requires medication to help, or the urge to scratch overpowers the willpower to not scratch. The doc who made the diagnosis should give a medication to help stop the itch. If the diagnosis was made by looking on the internet, it's time to verify it by a dermatologist.  (+ info)

What is the best treatment and/or medication for lichen schlerosus?

First, it's sclerosus. Second, the best treatment woud be an anti-inflammatory cream or a cream with a cortisone base since it probably really itches. Your dermatologist should know this  (+ info)

Does anyone out there have a skin condition called Lichen Planus ?

I have had this condition on one leg for at least 10 years. I have seen numerous dermatologists, nothing helps. Does anyone have any home remedy for this condition ?

I don't know of any home remedies, but I found this from Medline and a mention of menthol-lotions in the 2nd link.

Good Luck!  (+ info)

Are there any home remedies to help Lichen Planus ?

Thanks alot : ) My Mum has been using Palomar E creame
& it doesn't seem to be working although she has only used it for a few days lol ! She has also tried Salt Water/Cider Vinegar etc..

  (+ info)

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