FAQ - Larva migrans
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Can hand sanitizer kill tapeworm larvae on human skin?

I have a puppy that we recently dewormed and found a tapeworm. I am concerned that my young children might play in our backyard and come in contact with the eggs or larvae from my dogs' feces and contract a tapeworm. Any possibility that common hand sanitizer can eliminate the possibility of contracting a tapeworm or do their hands have to be washed immediately after playing outside?

Growing up, I was taught that it was very important for children to always wash their hands with antibacterial soap and hot/warm water after playing and before eating.

Hand sanitizer should never be an alternative for washing your hands because it only kills some of the bacteria by stripping away the outer layer of oil in your skin, while all the dirt and other disgusting bacteria is still there (so its like spreading the germs around). And yes, that would only mean you're spreading the larvae around even more. The only time you should use hand sanitizer is as a supplement (i.e. some hospitals want people to use alcohol rub after washing their hands).

You may also want to take caution in letting the young children use hand sanitizer because it can weaken their immunity to fight off bacterial infections.

For better understanding, this website has more information about hand sanitizer: http://biology.about.com/library/weekly/aa022400a.htm  (+ info)

what can you do to help ease the pain of migrans?

I would keep a journal & find out what triggers your migraines.
Are you drinking enough water, are you getting adequate sleep, do you skip meals, are they heat related, stress related, do they show up when you exercise...this will help diminish a lot of them. My son gets frequently & there is usually a reason they show up.
Otherwise, you can apply a cold wrap, acupuncture, meds., quiet & dark room...& other methods mentioned by other folks.  (+ info)

Am I sick? Migrans and nausea.?

Idk if Im sick but For the past like 5 days I've had a really bad migran. Even during school. During school like after lunch.Idk why. I feel like nausea I almost like threw up cuz my stomach bothered me. Now its like kinda on and off. It feels like car sick. I do feel better but still migrans on and off. Idk if its the weather why my head hurts or like if I have the flu or something.
My head was warm but not a fever..

  (+ info)

larva in strawberries?

HELP! My mom just bought some strawberries and me and my son were eating them. They were fresh and not very sweet but still refreshing. My son discovered a larva when eating one, I dont know if it was inside the strawberry or not but what do I do? Im afraid that we might have ingested one or more when eating the strawberries. Im not sure what "kind" of larva it was...it was incredibly TINY and itty bitty and pure white with a tiny black speck of a head.

Strawberries are a raw agricultural product. Despite the use of modern cleaning equipment, it is not always possible to remove all foreign material.

Inspect, sort and rinse strawberries before consuming.  (+ info)

What kind of phobia is it if I feel queazy everytime i see a collection of circles?

the tiny holes made by the insects on the soil, the larva in circles, patches of rounded rashes, sometimes a cracked windshield etc will give me chills!

stop it...lol...reading that gave me the chills....I feel all creeped out now  (+ info)

Media repts cereals contain larva (nuke to kill larva. Are health food store cereals (premium brands) safe?

all cereals potentially contain organisms...they get into the equiptment etc....and there is really no way to avoid them...they are in much more than cereals too...basically anything processed they appear in larger amounts...they aren't normally harmfull though...just kindof gross to think about  (+ info)

Can freezing salmon kill tapeworms/larvae? hurry because i just ate some thawed raw salmon?

Will freezing kill tapeworms? i had it in the freezer for a while.
i need to know now because i want to make sure im okayyyyyyy

Freezing salmon is not likely to kill larva. That said, you probably didn't get a tapeworm since they are quite rare. I mean sushi has raw salmon sometimes. So eating it doesn't = tapeworm. Also if you got it you're "still ok". It won't kill you, and you won’t even feel it - most people don’t feel it until its huge - VERY rare. What you should do if you're worried is go to your doctor and get a simple stool test, then you'll know for sure. I think antibiotics will get it out.
You're just fine either way :)  (+ info)

Is it safe to get in a lake when pregnant, even though their may be algae and parasites or larva in that water

it's fine! don't worry about it ...the bacteria isn't going to climb up your cervix and infect your baby - trust me!  (+ info)

can migrans be related to peirods?

Yes, you can get headaches when your hormones are out of whack.

Good luck.  (+ info)

What are the most common causes for swelling in the left side of the brain?

Also, could parasite larvae that break through the blood barrier cause swelling in the brain?

Also, if you know anything about Segawa's Dystonia, what complications could occur that could possibly cause swelling?

Please don't give me WebMD or MayoClinic unless you have a specific article to support your knowledge.

there are a million things that could cause swelling in the brain. might as well put em all on the wall and throw a dart at them.  (+ info)

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