FAQ - Klinefelter Syndrome
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Is klinefelter syndrome fatal if then in what stage?

Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic abnormality where a male has an extra X chromosome. It's sometimes called XXY Syndrome. The most common symptoms are less body hair and infertility. It's not fatal.  (+ info)

Can someone with Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY) have children?

I am 27 years old and have been on testosterone for about 3 years. Just looking at me, it would be impossible to tell I had this.

Check this site-
http://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/klinefelter_syndrome.cfm  (+ info)

Klinefelter syndrome and hormone levels?

hey guys i just found out i might have this klinefelter syndrome thing so i cant help but wonder do i have to take a karotyping test or can i just take a hormone test to check my hormones and if there good the odds of me having this condition isn't to good right?


Klinefelter syndrome is a condition where one or more extra X-chromosomes are present in a male. Boys with this condition appear normal at birth. They enter puberty normally, but by mid puberty have low levels of testosterone causing small testicles and the inability to make sperm. Affected males may also have learning disabilities and behavior problems such as shyness and immaturity and an increased risk for certain other health problems.

Klinefelter syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities. About 1 in every 500 to 800 males is born with this disorder. Approximately 3% of the infertile male population have Klinefelter syndrome.
http://www.answers.com/topic/klinefelter-s-syndrome  (+ info)

Symptoms of Klinefelter's Syndrome In Women?

My first cousin is a male and he has Klinefelter's Syndrome and I wanted to know if it is genetic, and if I may have it? What are the symptoms in women?

  (+ info)

Is it possible to pass on Klinefelter syndrome? (include resource)?

I don't have it... I need to know for a project.

No, it's the result of a random process during cell division.  (+ info)

Do you think Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel might have Klinefelter's syndrome?

No. He and Tom (they're identical twins) just have very feminine bone structures and extremely smooth faces and skinny, tall, lanky bodies. When he doesn't wear eyeliner or fix his hair, he looks exactly like Tom and very boyish.  (+ info)

I am 19 years of age male i have little gynecomastia does that mean i have Klinefelter syndrome? please help?

doctor did my hormone blood work and they were perfect my testosterone level was 8.95 and normal range is from 1.95 to 11.98 but i am still concerned about gynecomastia plzz help

go back and ask your dr  (+ info)

Is Klinefelter's syndrome a somatic mutation?

It is for a report.

I dont believe its a mutation, i believe its a chromosomal condition. basically its when your born with an extra "X" chromosome.

Check this out:  (+ info)

Do xxy klinefelter syndrome guys lead a normal life in love and on going mates?

No... They are sterile...  (+ info)

Does this mean I have Klinefelter syndrome?

I am tall, have small testicles? and my balls haven't dropped? i'm actually not sure, how do you know if your testes dropped? i have a deep voice. i also have some big nipples.
i'm also taller than my father and brothers

The only way to tell is to have a karyotype of your white blood cells.  (+ info)

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