FAQ - Ketosis
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How efficient is ketosis during cardio activity?

Is it as efficient as a carb diet at providing the required energy? Does the ketogenic process use more calories to break down fat than using carbs?

Ketogenesis is what happens when you breakdown fat stored in your body. This is because your body has used up all your glycogen stores and therefore you start to burn fat sotred in your body. Ketones are then used as an energy source since you are out of glycogen / glucose (carbs).

1 g of fat has more calories than 1 g of carbohydrate. To start with you may be weak but as time goes on your body adjust to ketosis and the use of ketones.  (+ info)

How long does it take for you body to become Ketosis?

I am not interested in starving myself, i just want to know how long do you have to starve yourself ( water fast) for in order for your body to release ketones?

Based on a dieting web site, your body will enter a state of ketosis after about 2 days of fasting.  (+ info)

Would i go in ketosis during a water fast?

Im 5'9'' 525lbs would i go in ketosis during a water fast? if so how long would it take? Just answer the question and dont give me none of that Its unhealthy crap. I just want to know how long will it take & how many pounds would i lose during this. Im already on the 2nd day.

Urine is darker and smelly when ketotic - take some potassium supplements

The Process of Ketosis

Under normal eating circumstances, the body will use the food you eat to extract the sugar "glucose."

Glucose is thus used by the body as "gasoline" to get you through the day and provide the energy you need to function.

But all of this changes drastically when you stop eating. When you are water fasting, the body amazingly shifts its fuel production from that of glucose from food, to that of "ketones" or fuel extracted from stored fat.

As part of water fasting tips I want you to be aware that: this reorganization of fuel production (from glucose to stored fat) starts the second day of food abstinence and is usually completed at the end of of your first 72 hours.

In some cases it may take up to four to five days, but three days is the average.

By the third day, the production of ketone will become enough to deliver pretty much all the fuel it needs.

From the third day on, the body accelerates its consumption and breakdown of fatty acids and fat. This miraculous process hits is peak usually from the ninth to eleventh day.

This seven-day period, after the body has shifted completely over to ketosis, is where the maximum breakdown of fat tissue occurs.  (+ info)

Do you stay on ketosis or does it go away?

I'm following a really low carb diet and I'm pretty sure I'm in ketosis even though I don't have keto stix. It's been a week now. I was just wondering, once you're in ketosis do you always stay in it or does it go away even if you're still low on carbs? I'm confused about this. Thanks.

As long as you continue on very low carbs you will stay in ketosis. But you may consider trying a cycled ketogenic diet, as it is easier to maintain. I know what you are going through with a keto diet it is really draining and you never feel mentally sharp.  (+ info)

What is better for removing unwanted fat? Ketosis or pooping?

It's almost impossible for me to keep my poop regular when I'm eating less than 20 grams of carbohydrate a day but it's good for ketosis, when your body burns body fat to keep you energized.

That's telling you something.

Eat your carbs in the form of fibrous veggies. It is my belief that you can stay in ketosis eating 80 grams of carbs per day in the form of leafy green vegetables. (because the net carbs still stay low)  (+ info)

Which dietary nutrients would most rapidly reverse a state of ketosis in a starving person?

I was thinking Fat but it can also be Protein, Amino acids, or Carbohydrate. What do you think?

Carbs, High glycemic combined with low glysemic.

Consume these food for over 48 hours and your body will be 100% out of ketosis. I keep myself in a light state of ketosis constantly... there really is no harm if your taking in heavy carbs on the weekends though. Fat actually encourages ketosis, protein will have minimal effect. Amino acids really assist with preventing catabolism, not ketosis.

Its fine to stay in a state of ketosis, but its best if you only test with trace amounts of Ketones in your body (Minimal change in your urine test strips).  (+ info)

why am i never above fair trace of ketosis on ketosis sticks?

is there anything i can do to help boost my stage of ketosis whilst on atkins. ive lost 14lb in 3 weeks and now ive came to a stand still in my weight. the ketosis sticks state only traces of ketosis or fair and never get to the darker colours where i want to be. is there something i can do to help the process?

If you drink alot of water then the color wont be as dark. Try doing it first thing in the morning. I think as long as you have some color you are in ketosis so I wouldn't worry about it.  (+ info)

What happens when you stop losing weight while in ketosis?

I actually gained a half of a pound.
I can see what you are saying. I didn't realize that the sugar free gum that I chew has calories and I chew at least 7 pieces per day. I have really been trying to stay strict with my food intake and didn't realize that just the calories from the gum has been hindering me. I have also been trying to get to the gym and exercise more often, but this week it hasn't worked.

All ketosis means is that your body is using protein fat for energy and creating ketones, aka, you are on a low carb diet. The thing is your weight does not depend on carbs vs. fat vs. protein. It depends on the number of calories you put in vs. the number of calories you use each day. If you are on a low carb diet and do not eat any carbs, but you eat a 24oz prime rib with 1 litter of whole milk everyday cause you can eat protein and fat and you are going to gain weight because you are not burning off enough calories. I assume that since you are in ketosis you are doing an atkins (or at least what you think is atkins cause most people have not read the book and don't really understand how the "diet" works) or a modified atkins diet. The main thing that people miss about all of those low carb diets is that they are also designed to be low calorie diet as well as a low carb. The reason you are gaining weight could be due to water weight (drank 3 liters of water the day before) you actually gained weight cause you are taking in more calories than you are burning, or you have plateaued in your current regiment and unless you make more changes you will either stay where you are or gain more weight. A fourth option could be that you go to the gym everyday and work out a lot and are in great shape and you have actually gained muscle mass (since muscle is heavier than fat).  (+ info)

How long until you get into ketosis?

Ive been on a under-20g-per-day low-carb diet for a couple days now. How much longer until I shift into ketosis?

I have a coworker who carb/protein cycles and he gets the effects in just a few days. Mental slowing can take less than one day. Your brain and red blood cells alone need 130 g per day to operate correctly.  (+ info)

Why does it take a minimum of 3 days to convert a body's metabolism to ketosis?

If exercise can deplete glycogen stores and reduce insulin levels (fat hormone), can't one reduce the three days to less, ie. get into ketosis sooner than 3 days by exercising?

I don't know if the conversion process is time dependent or glycogen dependent. I don't know if this is a one time process (I would think so though) or not. It takes time (I'm guessing a minimum of 3 days) to convert the body's metabolism to not being dependent on glucose for fuel.

This is my problem with carb cycling programs, they never allow the body to become fully fat adapted, which I believe takes 6 weeks. I fear the metabolism will just shut down & await a return to glycolysis.

The body wants to be in glycolysis, it's so much easier. The body uses alcohol even more efficiently than carbs to fuel the body, but there has never been dispute about the effects of alcohol in the destruction of the human body. Easy & efficient does not equate to healthy, the body has to have many defenses to counteract the damaging effects of glycolysis. Glycolysis creates production of free radicals which oxidizes the body (somewhat akin to rust oxidizing metal). The body also creates VLDL only during carbohydrate metabolism. My theory is to bandage the damage done by glycation which creates thick arterial walls reducing blood flow.

I think that ketosis is not the back up fuel plan. I think ketosis was meant to be primary fuel plan, that is easily overridden (one bite) by ingestion of carbs (or alcohol). The body is rarely allowed to become fully fat adapted, especially in these days of people using processed food formula to feed infants instead of breast milk. Carbs were never supposed to be available year around, only seasonally during harvest. The body can easily handle carbs even in excess occasionally, just not continuously. The body can also be fueled by protein (via gluconeogenesis) but long term protein synthesis creates the byproducts of ammonia & nitrogen. The body can easily handle clearing out these byproducts but if gluconeogenesis is used as the primary fuel source for long term, the body can be overwhelmed (poisoned) by the excess ammonia & nitrogen. It's all contingent on balance but the body functions at optimal levels on more dietary fat & suboptimal levels on less dietary fat. The body is a self healing unit & has many defenses to rid the body of toxins. If you input more toxins faster than the body can clear them out, you create a breakdown in the entire system.

The body always has the ability to use ketone bodies as fuel. Even people in glycolysis (except those that are hyperinsulimic) burn some fat as they sleep, this helps preserve glycogen stores. Using fat as fuel & being fueled by fat are the difference in the body becoming fully fat adaped to being fueled by ketone bodies & glycerol.

It's not an instantaneous process, athletes reach this stage when they "hit the wall" by depleting glycogen stores, but they still only just do a fuel changeover. It still takes time for the body to become fully fat adapted to being fueled by fat stores.

This study referenced:


show that the body (even for athletes) become fat adapted *with time* & allow unimpaired endurance performance despite nutritional ketosis.

"The most obvious of these is the time allotted (or not) for keto-adaptation. In this context, the prescient observation of Schwatka (that adaptation to "a diet of reindeer meat" takes 2–3 weeks) says it all. None of the comparative low-carbohydrate versus high-carbohydrate studies done in support of the carbohydrate loading hypothesis sustained the low carbohydrate diet for more than 2 weeks ....

There are to date no studies that carefully examine the optimum length of this keto-adaptation period, but it is clearly longer than one week and likely well advanced within 3–4 weeks. The process does not appear to happen any faster in highly trained athletes than in overweight or untrained individuals. This adaptation process also appears to require consistent adherence to carbohydrate restriction, as people who intermittently consume carbohydrates while attempting a ketogenic diet report subjectively reduced exercise tolerance."

This also seems to suggest that after one has become fat adapted, endurance exercise performance returns to normal, but sprint performance remains poor. The suggested reason is that this type of exercise can not be fueled by fat, it must be fueled by glucose.  (+ info)

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