FAQ - Keratosis
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Can you exfoliate on keratosis with sugar?

I have keratosis pilaris on my arms and I don't have an exfoliant right now so can I use sugar?

Btw keratosis is a skin condition that causes red bumps on the skin.

I've had it for years and I find that panoxyl is the only thing that really helps, ask your doctor about it.

As for sugar, that would probably not be smart because it will clog the pores on ur skin causing further irritation and more red bumps.

Do you have a loofa sponge of a pumice stone to rub on ur skin in the shower? That would be better.  (+ info)

What's the best way to get rid of keratosis pilaris?

OK, so I worked out and got a really awesome body and the only thing stopping me from wearing a bathing suit is the keratosis pilaris on my legs. Does anybody know a GREAT way to cure them?

You should try "oil pulling" with coconut oil, take a look at this link
It looks like it could be an answer, hopefully this helps!  (+ info)

Are there any home cures for keratosis pilaris?

My daughter (4) has keratosis pilaris. I would like to know if there are any home cures for that. My doctor told me it would go away on its own, but I would like to minimize it at least.

Try these...
I hope some of these can help her. Good-luck.  (+ info)

Is it a good idea to use hair removal creams such as Veet or Revitol, on areas affected with keratosis pilaris?

I found this idea on a keratosis pilaris message board:


So, anyone here think it would it work?

I would check with my doctor. You dont' want to make the problem worse.

GL  (+ info)

Do you need a prescription for tretinoin cream for keratosis Polaris?

If this isn't the case where can I buy it? What are your experiences with it? And does it work well for treating keratosis Polaris ? Thankyou x

Keratosis Pilaris is currently incurable. Your cream may be made for a similar condition, but the only thing that can cure it is time. My husband has it very severely, and has had it since he was a baby.

Tretinoin cream is actually used to treat wrinkles, discolorations, and acne. It won't do much for KP.

Sorry, hon... You may have to deal with it for a while. There's no cure yet. If you're trying to get Tretinoin to cure your KP, it isn't going to work. If you're still interested, I would talk to your doctor about it. Last I checked, it was available only through prescription.  (+ info)

Does Amlactin really work for Keratosis Pilaris?

Hello everyone, I just bought a bottle of Amlactin lotion 3 days ago, and I was wondering if it really truely works for keratosis pilaris? Has it worked for you, and if so how long does it generally take to see improvements/results? Thanks!

YES IT DOES!!!! I have really bad keratosis pilaris. Amlactin worked within the first two weeks. It didn't completely eliminate the condition, but it makes it less noticeable. I swear by Amlactin!! However, if you stop using it, the keratosis pilaris comes back.  (+ info)

How can I heal my keratosis pilaris?

I have keratosis pilaris on the backs of my upper arms and all around my upper legs. What can I do to improve my skin and help cure this? I have used a steroid base lotion prescribed by my doctor and I have also tried an over the counter lotion but they only help to a certain degree and then the improvement seems to plateau. Is there anything else I can try?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for keratosis pilaris. I have it too, and after meeting with a few dermatologists, I have discovered that all you can really do is wait for it to go away. Most people outgrow keratosis pilaris in their twenties or so. However it does help to keep the area moisturized, especially if you are using some sort of treatment on it.  (+ info)

What do you think causes Keratosis Pilaris?

Genetics is a stupid answer that doctors give us so they can gain profit from us buying creams that only cover the symptoms. I believe people who have family history of Keratosis Pilaris are more susceptible to it, though.

What do you think causes this annoying problem that covers my face?

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How do you get rid of keratosis pilaris?

I have keratosis pilaris and am desperate to get rid of it. Anybody that knows a way to get rid of it, has an idea or has experienced it themselves could u please help. this is making me very self conscious :(

thx so much!!

I had this condition as well. The "permanent goosebumps" may not seem like a big deal to other people, but I understand how you feel! I have found KP will resolve once nutritional deficiencies are resolved.

The two main things needed are:

1. High quality omega-3 supplement like Neptune Antarctic Krill oil. You will also need to back off consumption of omega-6 rich foods because omega-6 competes with omega-3 for absorption.

2. Adequate minerals. You will want to consider how mineral rich your diet is (probably a little low is my guess!) as well as how well you are absorbing the minerals you take in. Some things that helped me are Vital Earth fulvic minerals (results in just days), cultured foods and drinks (like kombucha, kefir and kimchee) and a Betaine HCl pill that helps me to break down and absorb the foods I eat. I tend to have low stomach acid (many if not most people do!) which makes it difficult to absorb nutrients, especially minerals and fats. No wonder I had KP!

Try the recommended things above and see how your skin improves.

CC  (+ info)

Hi i have a mild case of Keratosis Pilaris Is there any treatment for it?

What is keratosis pilaris and how do you get it?

Keratosis it is a genetic folicular condition which can be treated with the help of Forever Living Products. I know some one who has used these products successfully


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