FAQ - Hypotension
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Who specialises in treating the patients suffering from Orthostatic Hypotension and Syncope.?

Chronic Blood Pressure and Blood Diseases cure.
How to increase the blood supply to the brain.

You need to see an Internist or ask your primary MD (who might be an Internist) for a referral to a Cardiologist.  (+ info)

What should i do when severe hypotension episode stirke?

Yesterday, i felt very fatigued when i was going to sleep, after some time i was shivering with cold, fast breath, etc..
after i woke up the other day i went to have my blood pressure measured it was 110/70 ...
i don't know if that is relevant but i drank 2 espressos in half an hour (i dont drink coffee usually, but to make me awake as i was driving a long distance late at night)..
Allah ysalemak yabo sala7! kont bawada3 ya khoya! bas rabena satar!:-)

Because you don't usually drink coffee, drinking two cups of espressos in half an hour might be too much for you. Anxiety attacks such as fast breath, feelings of lethargy or fatigue; nervousness ; shivering with cold are all the negative effects of caffeine to a sensitive individual such as yourself. You shouldn't be concerned about your blood pressure as 110/70 is within normal range.

But to get to your question, if your blood pressure should drop; you should try to ambulate or move around. Drink some fluids or water. Or try to eat something. Try to relax if the cause is an anxiety or panic attack. These might be some of the common reasons why you're hypotensive. Other grave ones might be bleeding or MI or heat attack.

Next time, don't rely on coffee to keep you awake. Try traveling with a companion. Listen to upbeat music. on the radio or CD. Or make frequent stops along the way for rest and sleep. .  (+ info)

I think I have orthostatic hypotension, can I still be an airforce pilot?

Whenever I stand up after a period of lying down, I black out and have once fainted. Since this is a blood pressure issue, will it stop me from becoming an airforce pilot. I'm thinking that it might increase my risk of fainting during a high g-force manouver. What do you think?

I'm not sure about their rules, but there are things you can do for yourself to minimize having those effects. Most everyone in the world has orthostatic hypotension at one point or another - many people daily - it's just a fancy way of saying you actually feel the effects of changing posture. Everyone's blood pressure drops a little (some people a lot) when they sit up or stand up quickly. Then your heart naturally will speed up, your peripheral circulation will vasoconstrict and the valves in your legs will activate to compensate and you will stabilize (BP comes back to normal) in under a minute.

The important thing to remember here is orthostatic hypotension is a symptom - it's really not a disease. It is indicative of another process going on in your body and/or a sign of your body trying to compensate for something, even if that something is only decreased flow to your torso & brain due to standing up to quickly (AKA gravity!)

Are you chronically dehydrated? That is one of the the main causes of orthostatic hypotension (OH that can't be attributed to simply lying down for a LONG period of time, that is). You might consider making an extra effort to hydrate yourself and see if it goes away. There are also medications you can take to improve your blood pressure so that doesn't happen.

Have you been tested for anemia? That disorder can also cause OH and is easily treated. It can also be related to thyroid disorders, diabetes, neuro disorders, etc. OH is also is a side effect of many medications like diuretics, anti-hypertensives, antidepressants (TCAs), and MAOIs, marijuana use and alcohol use.

You said you passed out... truly syncopized (unresponsive/completely unaware of anything for one second or more) or just everything went black in your vision for a moment? True syncope (passing out) related to OH is very uncommon unless you have underlying heart problems. So if you are really "passing out", you need to see your doctor and get a cardiac work-up.

You should talk to your doctor anyone because there are many medications you could take to possible improve your problem and qualify for the air force. Steroids, drugs that stimulate red blood cell prodution (erythropoietin), vasoconstrictors, SSRIs, and certain stimulant drugs are all options. So... that's what I would do. Don't give up on your dream!! Treat the problem!!! Like I said, it's a symptom of something else, which means it IS treatable. Good luck!!  (+ info)

URGENT!! What role does the autonomic system play in orthostatic hypotension?

Hi I just need to summarize in a couple of sentences what problems there may be with the autonomic system when it comes to orthostatic hypotension.. I've read through bits and pieces but am so confused!Please help!!

Autonomic Nervous System

What is the autonomic nervous system?

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a regulatory structure that helps people adapt to changes in their environment. It adjusts or modifies some functions in response to stress. The ANS helps regulate...

* blood vessels' size and blood pressure
* the heart's electrical activity and ability to contract
* the bronchium's (BRON'ke-um) diameter (and thus air flow) in the lungs

The ANS also regulates the movement and work of the stomach, intestine and salivary glands, the secretion of insulin and the urinary and sexual functions. The ANS acts through a balance of its two components, the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system.

What is autonomic failure?

Malfunction of the ANS is called autonomic failure. It results from an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. Aging is associated with several abnormalities in ANS function that can impair elderly people's adaptation to stress.

The most common signs of ANS impairment are ...

* a drop in blood pressure when a person is standing or stands up suddenly (orthostatic hypotension) or
* a drop in blood pressure within one hour of eating a meal (postprandial hypotension).

The drop in blood pressure causes inadequate blood flow to the brain. That's why it's common for people with this problem to feel dizzy or lightheaded. These conditions occur more often in people with high blood pressure.

Several abnormalities make normal elderly people more likely to have low blood pressure. The onset of disease in old age, such as diabetes, stroke and Parkinson's disease, as well as medications used to treat them, may have other adverse effects in the ANS that are obvious in the cardiovascular system.

How is autonomic failure diagnosed and treated?

There are many tests of the ANS. Most of them easy to perform but hard to interpret individually. The most valuable diagnostic resources are a carefully taken history and a physical exam.

So far there's no cure for autonomic disorders. Still, several physical measures and drugs can help people with autonomic failure prevent low blood pressure or feel less uncomfortable during episodes.

* Applying external pressure to the lower half of the body helps prevent blood from pooling in the legs. This maintains blood pressure and improves blood flow to the brain. Custom-fitted counterpressure support garments are used for this.
* Physical maneuvers are easy to apply and effective in combating standing dizziness. Leg-crossing, squatting, abdominal compression and bending forward are examples of these maneuvers.
* Fludrocortisone (FLOO'dro-COR'tih-sOn) is a drug that's been very successful in retaining water and maintaining blood pressure in autonomic failure. Many patients respond to a combination of the maneuvers listed above and fludrocortisone. For more severe cases, further drug intervention is required.  (+ info)

Can coffee be used in case of hypotension ?

how comes it causes increase in blood pressure while it have a diuretic effect ?

This depends on what is causing the hypotension, if it's a chronic cond or acute, such as in shock. Also, effects of caffeine wear off quickly and one would have to constantly drink coffee to have any results. I don't know if that could be monitored effectively, even in a clinical setting.  (+ info)

What to eat against hypotension?

I have no serious health problem, I just have low blood pressure and I feel really tired in the summer. Should I increase my intake of any specific food?

Hypotension is much more difficult to deal with than hypertension. All you can really do is eat well and make sure you are well hydrated. If you are still suffering with this you must see a Doctor. I would be surprised if your tiredness is related to this condition, unless you are mal nurished. Low blood pressure is generaly genetic and is not indicative of disease. Get some professional advice.

Jules, Australia.  (+ info)

is it possible to have postprandial hypotension at a young age?

i'm 21 over the past few years ive blacked out. given the symptoms and mitigating circumstances the only thing i've come across that fits the picture is PPH. the research ive done says it only occurs in seniors. this is not something i experience on a regular basis and usually occurs with the consumption of alcohol and smoking weed (although i do these things regularly with no problems)

any information would be helpful

First please don't use abbreviation while you are not medical staff( this PPH you said is also used for primary pulmonary hypertension)
Post prandial hypotension is due to :
1-hypoglycemia after eating
2-mesentric ischemia
3-heart-vascular disorders
4-autonomic neuropathy
best wishes  (+ info)

what do we mean by postural hypotension?

what do we mean by postural hypotension?

hey sarah.......a drop in blood pressure (hypotension) due to a change in body position (posture) when a person moves to a more vertical position: from sitting to standing or from lying down to sitting or standing. Postural hypotension is more common in older people.  (+ info)

What are the consequences of increased and decreased BP & cause of hypotension?

high BP means that blood is flowing through ur vain's more than it should.. exerting pressure on ur vain's..
this can cause stroke n even brain hammerage..   (+ info)

What could be causing my orthostatic hypotension, I am only 16?

The most common cause of orthostatic hypotension is dehydration. The first step in taking care of a person with orthostatic hypotension is to increase their oral intake or via IV fluids and reevaluate whether the orthostatic hypotension persists. Anemia is another possible cause, especially in females due to blood loss with menses. Anemia can be tested for with simple blood tests. The most common cause in a 16 year old female would be iron deficiency anemia and the treatment would be Iron supplementation. There are also some medications that can cause orthostatic hypotension, such as some blood pressure lowering medications. There are many other less common causes for orthostatic hypotension, but they are less likely in someone your age. Abnormalities in the nerves that control blood pressure can lead to orthostatic hypotension and this is referred to as autonomic neuropathy. There are many causes for autonomic neuropathy. The most common cause is diabetes mellitus. It is important to follow up with your doctor to determine the cause in your case. Most likely it is either dehydration or anemia. Good luck.  (+ info)

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