FAQ - Hyperopia
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What's the difference between hyperopia (hypermetropia) and presbyopia?

I cannot understand the difference b/c in both situations the person can't see near him, for example can't read. Also, I've heard that people with hyperopia have also sometimes problems, seeing at a far distance. Is this the reason they are apart as a condition? Help :)

Plz don't be hard with your answers cause I am not an optician or optometrist or ophthalmologist to know. I really appreciate your answers. Thanks! (:

Actually, hyperopia (farsightedness) means that your eye at rest (not accomodating) is focusing beyond infinity. A normal young person can accomodate over a certain range. Ideally, your resting eye focuses exactly at infinity and you accomodate to look close. You can be slightly hyperopic and accomodate to see far away and even more to see near. This may lead to eye strain over time. Very hyperopic people need glasses to read, or possibly even to see far things.

Presbyopia is when you start losing your ability to accomodate. For people who had good vision most of their life, this manifests as an inability to focus close up. For people who are nearsighted to begin with, they may still be able to read fine without their glasses but put them on to see far. It's pretty common to see nearsighted people remove their glasses when trying to look at small things up close.  (+ info)

Is there a cure for myopia and hyperopia?

From my understanding, myopia and hyperopia (as well as certain forms of astigmatism) are caused by an irregular shape of the eyeball. If this is so, have scientists found a way to reshape the eyeball and cure these conditions? Are there other implications that conditions like myopia and hyperopia cause that make this difficult? What relevant research is being done today?

I developed myopia and a very young age and had it get increasingly worse, up until the point where I can not see anything more then a few inches away clearly without glasses. I've always been curious about this. I don't mind wearing contacts or glasses all the time, but it would be nice if there was a way to actually cure this!

A person developing a refractive error (myopia/hyperopia/astigmatism) is mainly due to their genetics.
However, it is still not fully understood what causes people genetically susceptible to refractive errors to develop them while others do not. That is where the environmental factors apparently come into play. This issue is very complex and as of now there is no concrete evidence to actually prove any theory 100 percent. The only thing that has been proven is that genes are involved in developing refractive error and many other factors are involved! Scientists believe that people who develop refractive error because they are genetically susceptibility also combined with tissue alterations influenced by environmental factors. Since the development of refractive errors is still not fully understood, at this time there still is no "cure". You cannot cure something that is not fully understood.
Laser eye treatments can be preformed to correct vision and obviously contact lenses and glasses can be worn to correct vision, but at this time there is no actual cure or way to prevent refractive errors.
Most of the research that I have seen done involves myopia and focuses mainly on what causes a person to develop it.
Here is some information I have dug up from some myopia studies if you are interested:
"A study of 506 pairs of twins (both identical and non-identical) confirmed an earlier study by the same group that genes are by far the most important factor with a heritability of 89% - environmental factors only accounted for 11%. "
Research is still not conclusive on this matter so as it stands nearsightedness is predominately genetic, since even small deviations from normal structure cause significant refractive errors, it may be difficult to single out any specific genetic or environmental factor as their cause.
"Only 6%-15% of children with myopia come from families in which neither parent is myopic. In families with one myopic parent, 23%-40% of the children develop myopia. If both parents are myopic, the rate rises to 33%-60% for their children. One American study found that children with two myopic parents are 6.42 times as likely to develop myopia themselves as children with only one or no myopic parents. The precise interplay of genetic and environmental factors in these family patterns, however, is not yet known."

Anyways check out the links for more info :) Hope this helps a bit :)  (+ info)

Is this correct about short sightedness and long sightedness (myopia and hyperopia respecively)?

Commonly referred to as hyperopia, this sight
defect is the inability to focus on objects in a close
proximity. However, a person with hyperopia will be able to see images in the distance very clearly.
Hyperopia is the opposite of myopia or short
sightedness, another vision condition, in which there is an inability to focus on objects in the
distance (whereas close objects are seen clearly.)

Long sightedness does not deteriorate over time; without treatment, it is prone to worsen as you age.

Nearsightedness is the ability to see things clearly that are closer to you. Meaning that you would have trouble seeing things at a distance. Farsightedness is the ability to see things clearly farther away from you. Meaning that you would have trouble seeing things at a very close range.
Nearsightedness will not correct itself at all with age, only worsen.

Farsightedness.......not so sure about.

Good Luck,

Mark  (+ info)

what is the difference between hyperopia and presbyopia?

what is the difference between hyperopia and presbyopia?

The eyeball of a farsighted person is shorter than normal.
Many children are born with hyperopia, and some of them "outgrow" it as the eyeball lengthens with normal growth.
Sometimes people confuse hyperopia with presbyopia, which also is a difficulty in seeing up close, but has a different cause.
When people develop presbyopia, they find they need to hold books, magazines, newspapers, menus and other reading materials at arm's length in order to focus properly. When they perform near work, such as embroidery or handwriting, they may have headaches or eyestrain, or feel fatigued.
Presbyopia is caused by an age-related process. This is different from farsightedness, which is related to the shape of the eyeball and caused by genetic factors, disease, or trauma. Presbyopia is generally believed to stem from a gradual loss of flexibility in the natural lens inside your eye. Did I confuse you more? I hope not! I hope this helps! O^O  (+ info)

Is there such a condition that a person can have myopia with one eye and hyperopia with the other?

If such a condition exists, why does it happen and is it curable?

It is rare when one eye is myopic and the other hyperopic but happens occasionally. It happens the same reason why myopia or hyperopia occurs. A lot of it is genetic. The only difference is each eye decides to have the opposite problem. And unfortunately it's not curable.... Just like if both eyes were myopic or hyperopic.  (+ info)

My friend has hyperopia in one eye and myopia in the other. Unusual. Anyone with info or advice?

She is Chinese, 21 years old, otherwise quite healthy. I am not sure if this is a very rare condition. I am also not sure if she is getting good advice in China - she was told only that she could wear glasses to relax her eyes if she wants. A search on Google gave info on either myopia or hyperopia, but nothing about having one in each eye. I would like to pass on to her any useful ideas that may be generated from this query. Thanks.

Her refractive error is known as antimetropia. As far as I know, it's pretty rare but shouldn't be a problem. Glasses and contacts should be able to correct her vision. If the prescriptions in her two eyes are very different, it can be hard to get equal image sizes on the retinas. A good optometrist or optician should be able to correct it, though.  (+ info)

What are the pros and cons of using eyeglasses to treat Hyperopia? Pros and Cons of Myopia?

As well as pros and cons for Contacts(hyperopia/myopia)
and Laser Surgery (hyperopia/myopia)

Pros for glasses, both conditions: You see clearly and don't have headaches
Cons for not using glasses, both conditions: You don't see clearly and/or you have headaches.  (+ info)

Can you have both astigmatism and hyperopia/myopia?

If you have astigmatism, can you also have hyperopia or myopia in the same eye? I heard you can, but I don't get how that works. I have astigmatism, so everything near and far are blurry. How would that work if I have astigmatism and say myopia in my left eye?

Yes. Myopia and hyperopia are often accompanied by at least some astigmatism. If you have both myopia and astigmatism, everything is blurry but far distance is most blurry. Astigmatism is basically radial asymmetry of focus which means, for example, that you might not be able to focus both the horizontal and vertical edges of an object at the same time. It's just another type of refractive error which prevents light rays being focused to a sharp point on the retina, and it can add to the blur caused by myopia or hyperopia.  (+ info)

Why can glasses cure astigmatism and hyperopia but not myopia?

Well I had a classmate who had astigmatism and she just kept on wearing the glasses until it was fixed. o.o

Boy have you got it wrong. Glasses don't cure anything because these eye conditions are all genetic being inherited from your parents. Glasses only focus light so you see better with the glasses on.  (+ info)

What is the treatment for hyperopia?

I was diagnosed with hyperopia today and my doctor explained what it was, but I am still confused about the treatment. She said I will have to wear glasses and it will not be enjoyable. Will the glasses make me see out of focus severely? Once it is corrected will my vision be worse when I don't wear glasses?
"not enjoyable" ie. headaches, poor vision . . .

I question your doctor. Perhaps you just had a severe communication breakdown with the doctor. However I would consider finding another eye doctor if this is what was said to you.

Hyperopia is when you can't see things close up. IE: Trying to read a book, or even your computer screen.

The treatment is glasses and/or contact lenses.

These will adjust the refraction (bending) of the incoming light. Think of a convex shape,.. this type of shape (in simple terms) will be placed in front of your eyes. Making objects appear slightly larger. Since your eye is already shorter than the optical length it is making things appear 'smaller'.. so this corrects for this.

Glasses don't hurt -- unenjoyable? Again, that sounds like terrible communication. The only real unenjoyable part of glasses is having to 'keep up with them'.. and if you are self-conscious about wearing them. Some people LIKE wearing glasses for looks.. and some even look better , smarter, or more distinguished with them.

They won't hurt -- you will have MUCH better vision with the proper lenses.. and you will likely be more comfortable because you won't have to strain on focusing with close up items.

The glasses are designed to subtly correct for the shape of the eye and thus the cause of your hyperopia --- as a result images at all lengths will appear in proper focus. It isn't as if the glasses are like reading glasses which only give a range of a few feet before the light is bent well out of focus. Your range will be just as it is now,.. only a bit better across the entire useful part of it.

It will correct fairly quickly -- You might have a period of adjustment with the glasses where things look a a little 'odd' in them.. but this will quickly pass and it will all look normal. When you take the glasses off your vision should not be 'worse' than when you don't wear glasses.

However,.. your eyes will adapt to the lenses (with less strain, and so on) -- So when you remove the glasses you might perceive more blur than you currently do because your eyes are already in the 'strained' mode to accommodate for your refractive error.

You see,.. we often flex our 'eye muscles' to compensate for myopia and hyperopia -- In other words we literally change the focus to such a degree that we bend the crystalline lens to refract the light drastically for better focus (to a straining extreme). The glasses will now do this for you, and you will likely find your academic work improving,.. reading improving, .. and head/face/neck and eye/forehead tension going away (if you had/have) any.

Though the doctor which said it would be uncomfortable.. might have simply meant the 'transition' period you might go through getting used to your glasses. It is nothing painful,.. just a little odd. The eyes and brain adapt sometimes in hours, sometimes days.. and sometimes it takes a week or so. Depends on the person.

Good luck,  (+ info)

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