FAQ - Hepatomegaly
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nutrition question , plz help?

Karen Bauman is a 27 year old employed in the cosmetic and fashion industry. Lately, she has reported feeling fatigued. But, she feels her long hours and hectic schedule are the main contributors. Her past medical history includes type I diabetes. She returns to her doctor due to abnormal lab results from her last physical.

1. Karen is surprised to be diagnosed with fatty liver disease. Which laboratory values would you expect to be elevated?

a. Potassium b. Triglycerides c. albumin d. essential fatty acids

2. Her doctors explains that she will need to:

a. Control her blood glucose b. Have gastric bypass surgery

c. Increase alcohol intake d. Start TPN

3. If she does not follow her physician’s recommendation, all of the following may result except:

a. cirrhosis b. cancer c. hepatitis d. ascites

4. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Rapid weight loss is encouraged to treat fatty liver disease

b. Elevated liver enzymes are a good indicator for liver disease

c. Metabolic syndrome is not a risk for liver disease

d. Hepatomegaly includes liver inflammation

5. To improve her health status, Karen will need to:

a. Adjust her diet and exercise regimen

b. Adjust her medications

c. Change her job

d. A and B

e. B and C

thanks :)

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My father has Hep C. , yellow eyes, bloating etc.. Refusing treatment?

My father ( 49 yrs old) was diagnosed with Hepatitis C at least five years ago, maybe more and also told that his liver was enlarged. He quit drinking about 3 or 4 years ago. He was a very heavy drinker and drug abuser. Last year he had x-rays done that showed that his liver had lesions (about 6?) and that his liver was enlarged ( I have no idea if it was the same as when he was first treated or if the swelling had increased) He seemed to be sorta okay healthwise for the last few years except for chronic hemorrhoids, very dry looking pale skin and excessive lip smacking (don't know what that is about..) Over the last few weeks he has been extremely fatigued, having sharp pains in his right abdomen every few minutes and last week we noticed that his eyes are VERY yellow..His tongue is very white..Is that a symptom of Hep C or something else? He has some emphysema and I suspect COPD... Is this disease fatal? I mean, I know it can cause liver failure, liver sclerosis, hepatomegaly, etc.. What I dont know is how far advanced his case is. He is not too fond of medical help... I am trying to convince him to see a doctor.... If you have an educated opinion on this disease, please give me some advice/ answers. Is he dying??? If you are going to post things like " make him go to the dr" or " I don't know" or " any other asinine answer, please kindly refrain. I know that this site is not a panel of experts but I am at a loss until I can convince him to let me get help for him. Thank you in advance for your help.
I forgot to add that he is also vomiting and has diarrhea.
I also forgot to add that he is confused a lot (like he can't think or his mind is moving slowly) and that his doc said his levels were "elevated" a few years ago.

I'm sorry, luv, but the signs and symptoms you describe do indicate a severe worsening of the liver condition. I hesitate to use the term "liver failure" without a lab test to back me up, but that IS what it sounds like. A blood test of liver function (AST/ALT very elevated) could prove that. The yellowing eyes indicate the liver is not performing its task of breakdown of old red blood cells efficiently. The vomiting and diarrhea on top of the other symptoms mean his electrolytes will get skewed and only hospitalization can correct this worsening clinical picture. For example, the body cannot conserve potassium; if his levels get too low he could experience heart problems as well. Other elements (sodium, etc.) are critical as well. He also sounds severely dehydrated.

With your additional details, the mental condition is probably from elevated ammonia levels, which causes a kind of encephalopathy-- fancy word for altered brain function (can't think clearly, impaired judgment, etc.). This also needs treatment with an ammonia binder like lactulose.

It would probably take too long to have him declared mentally incompetent so that the family can initiate treatment for him, but you could explore this with a social worker. His judgment is definitely impaired at this time.

I sincerely hope he will listen to your advice and allow himself to be hospitalized.
Best wishes to you.  (+ info)

Really scared now, afraid of liver metastasis?

Now, I'm going to make clear that I haven't gotten any diagnosis of anything and I had an X-ray revealing no bowel obstruction, bone or other dense tumor. That being said, I have been having a lot of abdominal issues for the past few months, such as abdominal pain (which was severe a while ago but has recently been not quite as bad since I've lowered my stress levels), occasional low fevers, very occasional blood in the stool (usually this happens only with diarrhea, but sometimes on a fully formed stool), and other things such as mild nausea, heartburn, and I'll occasionally get sores on my lips and a little arthritis. Today when I woke up I noticed a pressure-like pain under my rib cage on my right side. In the beginning the pain was in my back but as time went on it became more and more of an issue in my front side. I went to the health center at my university and they found no evidence of an enlarged liver when the palpated me nor did they find anything abnormal when they percussed it. This made me feel slightly better, but then I found out that I had a fever of 99.6. Also, I took 2 ibuprofen and am currently wearing a heatpad, neither of which has done much to get rid of the irritation. My appetite has been stunted for the day, but I'm also very stressed out, so that may have something to do with it. Either way, I did force myself to eat and nothing made me nauseous or made me vomit. I don't think I have any other liver mets. symptoms other than the dull pain (i.e. no jaundice or hepatomegaly) but I've heard that cancer that spreads effects everyone differently and may even be asymptomatic. Btw, I'm 18 years old with no family history of any specific cancer, but my mothers side has a variety of bowel issues such as Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Does this sound like liver metastasis? As I've said, I have had arthritis in my knees, fingers, and shoulders, but this pain under the rib cage only began today and got worse fast. Could some sort of benign condition be causing all this? I am seeing a specialist soon, but I need input before then so I can maybe sleep tonight...

There is no reason to worry about liver mets when you don’t have cancer.  (+ info)

information about hepatomegaly with fatty infilteration?

it sounds like you have an enlargment of the liver  (+ info)

A 68y.o. male complaining of dyspnea and arrythmia,what are the differential diagnosis and cause of death?

history of RHD,CHF,CAD,cardiomegaly,hepatomegaly,smoker-100 pack years but discontinued 10 years prior to admission,alcoholic beverage drinker-12 cans of beer daily,atrial fibrillation,pleural effusion,pulmonary edema,mitral valve prosthesis,coronary bypass,complete RBBB,oliguria,hypotension and patiet eventually expired 3 days post thoracotomy.

ur Question is it self ur answer,,,  (+ info)

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