FAQ - Hemoglobin SC-sjukdom
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What could be the ill effects of having a high hemoglobin count?

I have an 18 years old son and he has a hemoglobin count of 17.7. I want to know what sort of health problems my son may face due to this high Hb count and how can this Hb count be brought down to within a normal range?

Well you son could develop hemochromatosis, if he does as long as he is a blood donor then he will probably not have any problems. Your son should be proud to know he will be able to donate to stay healthy while helping others. for more go to www.pathguy.com and click on the link to liver disease on the left follow it down and you can read all about hemachromatosis.  (+ info)

What is a healthy hemoglobin level?

I recently had a physical, and got the results and saw that my hemoglobin level is 13.1. I know this is the level of iron in your blood, but is this amount healthy, too low, or higher than it's supposed to be? What is the range that is considered a healthy hemoglobin level?

Hemoglobin also is an indicator of oxygen carrying capacity. For a female, 13.1 is very healthy. Below 7.5 (at some hospitals) they would want to do a blood transfusion. I forget the exact numbers but I think for a female they should be about 10 - 17. For a male this should be higher. This should be a pretty easy Google to get more accurate.  (+ info)

What's the relationship between blood sugar and hemoglobin?

Because I have Anemia so I wanna know my hemoglobin often in Hb, but the hemoglobin test equipments are expensive so I am thinking if that's possible to get the machine which test the blood sugar maybe i can calculate my Hb??

It is not possible to determine you hemoglobin from testing blood glucose. Significant anemia may affect the accuracy of a glycated hemoglobin A1C which is the 90 day mean glucose reading. You are correct that purchasing a finger stick hemoglobin machine is expensive. The cost to a physician to draw blood to check your hemoglobin is approximately $5 US. Typically physicians charge a bit more as they like to profit from testing. I wish you the very best of health and may God bless.  (+ info)

how long will it take 4 iron rich diet 2 increase hemoglobin in blood?

i have low stamina n concentration.once during a blood test i found my hemoglobin is 12 and i am 16 yrs old.i have problem in doing everything.now i take iron rich food lyk cornflaks and raisins.how long will it take to get my hemoglobin to 14.are there any other measures to increase hemoglobin?

  (+ info)

My hemoglobin level is 9.5 and I am on iron supplement, how long it will take to raise my hemoglobin level?

I am 30 years old married woman, My hemoglobin level is 9.5 and I am on iron supplement, how long it will take to raise it? Bcoz I am trying to conceive but littile bit worried about my hemoglobin level. Plz plz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply me. Thank you.

It really depends on your body and how it reacts to the supplement. But there is some information regarding anemia and here is a little bit about time frames....

I have been taking the iron supplements my doctor recommended, so why haven’t my symptoms gone away?

In order to correct anemia, your body must manufacture new red blood cells to replace those that were lost. It takes about 5-7 days to start developing red blood cells which should increase hemoglobin levels within 2-3 weeks of starting iron supplementation. Therapeutic doses of iron (50-60 mg of oral elemental iron twice daily) should increase hemoglobin levels by 0.7-1.0 g/dL per week.3 You may need to continue to take an iron supplement for several months in order to build up iron stored in your body and prevent anemia from returning. Therefore, it is important to take pills for as long as your doctor recommends, even if your symptoms have lessened or disappeared.

Hope that helps and good luck.  (+ info)

Can low hemoglobin levels delay a surgery?

next friday ill be getting surgery.
but they havent been able to take my blood because my hemoglobin levels are to low.
partially why is because im a vegeterian and anemic.
will my low hemoglobin levels delay my surgery?
what foods with iron can i eat so i can get higher iron levels in the next 5 days?

It depends what your haemoglobin level actually is and what surgery you are having.
Generally most surgeons and anaesthetists will be ok with levels of around 10 (mild anaemia) if less than 8 then they would want to put you on iron or give you a blood transfusion

Anaemia is not a reason not to take a blood sample. (They only need a few mls) So Im not sure why you have not had any blood taken

Being a vegetarian limits the amount of iron in your diet and if you are female then with monthly menstruation it is quite easy to become anaemic over time.
The best veggie food with iron is spinach. However as this is non-haem iron its not as effective as the iron in red meat.
I would advise speaking to your doctor or surgeon as you may need iron tablets prior to surgery - this would be the quickest way to boost your levels for surgery

Hope this helps  (+ info)

What does it mean your hemoglobin is low, your blood pressure is low and your white blood count is high?

my aunt is in the hospital and she is having problems with the hemoglobin, blood pressure and white blood count. i am not getting the answers i would like so if anyone has anything to offer that would be greatly appreciated

Low haemoglobin levels could simply be down to microcytic anaemia which is usually caused by a lack of dietary iron. An elevated WBC count indicates any number of things, the most common of which is a basic infection. The low blood pressure could be down to polyuria (excess urination) or possibly due to bleeding (if she had surgery of a traumatic injury). Hope this helps.  (+ info)

Can you be iron deficent with normal hemoglobin levels?

Just wondering since I was put on iron supplements whem my hemoglobin was 16.1. I'm a 17 year old male.

Yes. You can have normal levels in your blood but your iron stores can be low. If this happens the doctor will give you supplements to build up your iron store levels to normal.  (+ info)

What causes a heightened hemoglobin level?

My hemoglobin was 156 g/L 3 mos ago. Now it's 166 g/L. Both are out of range, but what caused the sudden rise?

http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/hemoglobin/test.html  (+ info)

Any GOOD recommended vegetables to increase hemoglobin in blood?

Any GOOD recommended vegetables to increase hemoglobin in blood? Thanks
Actually I did my blood test last month and doctor found that my hemoglobin is low, so I'ld like to know what vegetables should I eat to increase hemoglobin level?

Hemoglobin's purpose in a red blood cell is to carry oxygen. In fact almost all the oxygen in your blood is carried on hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is made of protein and iron, if you don't have enough hemoglobin it is called anemia. This is why people who take in no iron can become anemic.
The following foods are relatively high in iron: red meat, chicken, pork, fortified breakfast cereal, bran, pumpkin seeds, blackstrap molasses, soybean nuts, spinach, red kidney beans, lima beans, prune juice, pretzels, rice, raisins, and prunes. Green leafy vegetables (brussel sprouts, broccoli) will help the body absorb iron.

If your iron levels are too low, your doctor may prescribe iron tablets.  (+ info)

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