FAQ - Granuloma, Giant Cell
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Anyone ever ordered a giant fortune cookie?

I'm thinking about ordering one of those giant fortune cookies for a birthday present. There are so many companies that make them!
So i was wondering if you've ever ordered one, and from who? Who makes the best?


nope never have
sorry  (+ info)

How do i make a giant cupcake cake without buying a cupcake pan?

I've seen the WIlton cupcake cake pan, but I don't want to buy it. Is there any way I can bake a giant cupcake with cake pans I already have? Help!

Any oven safe pot or ironstone dish will work. (I cook popovers in my ironstone coffee mugs) Just be sure and grease and flour it before putting the batter in so you can get it out without destroying it after it's cooked.  (+ info)

How harmful are cell phones to the brain and the human body?

You read about all the magnetic waves that cell phones radiate, and how it is bad for your body (especially your brain.) But what are the worst case scenarios for using a cell phone for a long period of time? Do you get cancer? Less intelligent?

Also, is it true that the lower the battery of the cell phone, the more radiation it emits?

One final question, is it harmful to keep your cell phone next to your testicles/penis (scientific terms I'm using)?


After years of observation and argument, nobody has come up with proof that cell phones are dangerous to health, but it is reasonable to limit the exposure in children, whose brains are still developing. They really don't need to be on the phone all the time anyway.

A low battery does not increase the radiation. However, the further you are from the base station, the greater the radiation. this is because the phone senses that reception is weak, and increases its own output to ensure good contact  (+ info)

How is cancer is more potent than a cell inflicted with a virus if they have similar characteristics?

A virus is foreign RNA enters the body and actually becomes part of the cell's DNA. Cancer is caused when the DNA of a cell becomes mutated one way or another and the cell will divide and replicate uncontrollably. Both "virused" and cancerous cells are cells with mutations in the DNA. To me, virus is just RNA that causes mutation from the outside whereas cancer is mutations that come from within. Where is the real difference between these two mutations, if not in potency and ability to damage the body?

Not all viruses are RNA viruses - but this is an intelligent question.
Most viruses insert a message that says "make more of me"
- - more viral particles.
The DNA damage of malignancies turns off the cellular control mechanisms that tell cells to stop dividing - so cells divide / reproduce without control as you say.
The differences is reproduction of cells vs reproduction of viral particles.

There are over 26,000 genes in the human genome.
Damage to each one has different consequences.
Nothing is simple in the human body, and it gets more complicated each year as brilliant researchers unravel the mechanisms of function associated with each gene.

There are some very smart people on this site who can explain this in much more elaborate detail if they see this question. Good question. You are thinking.
That's what I ask of my students first and foremost - think.

There are viruses associated with some human malignancies.
I think we will find more of these in the future.  (+ info)

How should i treat a giant raised scar on my kneecap?

I have a giant scare I got from a laceration 3 months ago. It sticks out quite a bit. Should I treat it or should I leave it alone. Will it ever go away?

If it is raised quite a bit, it may be either a keloid scar or a hypertrophic scar. Here are some websites with more info on these types of scars. Hypertrophic scars do not grow beyond the boundaries of the original site of injury whereas keloid scars can. Sometimes these raised scars can be injected with steroids to help them shrink. Dermabrasion is another treatment. There is no photo to determine how bad your scar is, but a surgeon or dermatologist could give you a better idea of if it should be treated or not. Also, it would depend on your financial situation, as some insurances will not cover cosmetic surgeries and it would be up to a doctor and the insurance to see if it is medically necessary.  (+ info)

How far should you keep your cell phone from your body when sleeping because of cell phone radiation?

When you are sleeping, how far should your cell phone be from your body? I am concerned about getting cancer so what is a good distance to keep it from my body?

"Cell phone radiation" does not induce cancer. If you get a lot of phone calls while you are asleep, it might be practical to place it on the bedside table.  (+ info)

Where can I buy a giant gummy bear?

I want to buy one of my friends a giant gummy bear for Christmas. Anyone know where I can buy one online?

http://www.giantgummybear.com/  (+ info)

What's the relationship between sickle cell disease and the sickle cell disease?

Also, why does a fever accompany the sickle cell disease?
Sorry, the title of the question should be What's the relationship between sickle cell disease and gallstones. :) thanks.

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How do you get rid of giant pimples?

My brother has had these giant pimples for a while now. Nothing he has tried has gotten rid of them :O He also has them on his back, so please answer. He's desperate lol.

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What is the recipe for makinr a giant cookie?

I would like to bake a giant chocolate chip cookie for mothers day but i dont know how.I looked around and everywere, i did not find what i was looking for.So if you know a websight or a recipie then let me kno. Thank you,

giant chocolate chip cookie
http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Giant-Chocolate-Chip-Cookie/Detail.aspx  (+ info)

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