FAQ - Erythema multiforme
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so I think I have Idiopathic craniofacial erythema?

if anyone has any info about this how is non-invasive procedure, what exactly is it?

  (+ info)

If nobody survives Glioblastoma Multiforme, why do they treat it with radiation and chemo?

Just wondering. Everything I've read says it's terminal. Just want to know the facts. Thanks for any info you can offer.
Thanks for the answers so far. Toots, if you see this and wouldn't mind, would you email me? I have a few questions if you wouldn't mind sharing your knowledge with me. Thank you.

Treatment is not only to prolong life. Chemo and radiation can also be palliative. That means to relieve pain.
A brain tumor can be very painful and can cause visual, hearing, taste, balance, and motor disturbances among others.
Sometimes the treatment will shrink the tumor enough that a person can have a tolerable end-of-life without being drugged into insensibility. If a cancer victim can have a good death, it's worth the trouble and expense.  (+ info)

describe erythema and state what would cause this to happen following a arm massage?

erythema is a skin condition that causes red painful skin
there are different types so maybe you can add a little more info
usually occurs because of problems with the capillaries
http://www.answers.com/topic/erythema?cat=health  (+ info)

Have any of y'all ever been diagnosed with Erythema Nodosum?

I went to the doctor recently about a condition in my lower leg. Most of the symptoms led him to believe that I have Erythema Nodosum. Have y'all ever suffered with this? How was it treated? What brought it on, and has it gone away...or is it still reoccurring?

For me it first appeared a few weeks after I had my son. It has since come and gone 4 times...he is now 10 months old.

So weird... you're question was just e-mailed to me. Wednesday night at 11:00 PM.

I haven't been receiving any of my contacts questions via e-mail, until now AND it's like 2 days late.

To answer your question... I am not familiar with this. We manufacture compression socks where I work though... not sure if it would help you.

.  (+ info)

what could cause "diffuse erythema" in my lower esophagus and how should I treat it?

For over two years I've experienced a daily irritation/itching/nausea feeling from inside my abdomen as well as fatigue, sneezing and a general chilliness feeling, even in warm weather. A recent endoscopy shows that I have "diffuse erythema" in my lower esophagus, however, I don't experience any of the typical symptoms of esophagitis, which are heartburn and dysphagia. The sensation that I feel makes me want (if it were possible) to itch all around the inside of my abdomen. Also, taking deep breaths in general feels very uncomfortable. I recently quit smoking, which seems to make the condition worse, however, I had to quit due to an intolerable sensation that I'd feel immediately upon smoking. Another remote possibility as to the cause of this is it might be an allergic reaction to taking a prescription med Lamictal over a year ago. It could also be a very strange withdrawl symptom to quitting smoking. Any help would be great as well as anyone experiencing anything similar.

The term "diffuse erythema" means widely spread redness. The redness could be caused by capillary congestion, usually do to dilatation of the superficial capillaries from some nervous mechanism within the body or inflammation. I doubt it would be an allergic reaction to something taken over a year ago. The MD that did your scope couldn't figure anything out? Maybe check with another internist, particularly a gastroenterologist...
Good luck...  (+ info)

what does mild erythema in ti mean?

Hi all, I have recently been for a colonoscopy and the result was mild erythema in ti, does anyone have any idea what it means? Thanks

Erythema means redness or inflammation. It does not imply any particular cause.  (+ info)

Hello: I would like to know if anyone has been diagnosed with erythema nodosum?

I was diagnosed with erythema nodosum and wondered if anyone out there has it. Also, I was born premature and wondered if the erythema nodosum could be related somehow. My rheumetologist told me that it was because of taking anti depressants. Then another told me that it didn't have anything to do with it. I get tired so easily could that be from the erythema nodosum?

You might find the forum below useful for specific info;  (+ info)

My Mom has had Glioblastoma Multiforme for 4 months. Can anyone tell me what to expect?

My husband died from a Glioblastoma brain tumour 10 yrs ago. When he was diagnosed mid January, he was told he wouldn't see Valentines Day but he lived for 22 months.
His was located in the speech control centre in the parietal lobe so they could not operate. We went through 6 weeks of radiation 5 x/week and then did 6 rounds of Chemotherapy. He had MRI's done every 6 weeks.
He was put on Dexamethazone which is a steroid to reduce swelling and inflammation around the tumour. This medication can also raise blood sugar levels and make the person diabetic.
When Glioblastomas are in an active growth period they can double their size in 10 days. They are unlike other types of tumors in that they are not encapsulated but grow like a cobweb throughout the brain.
He had petit mal seizures so was also put on seizure medication.
His tumour was on the left side of his brain so it affected his speech and the right side of his body......almost like a stroke victim.
He never had any pain but did say that sometimes he felt a tightness......like wearing a baseball cap that was too tight.
Other than some physical disabilities that developed during the course of his illness, he remained healthy and well.
Unfortunately, with this type of tumour, there is no cure and death is inevitable. It will not spread to other parts of the body..........it starts in the brain and ends in the brain.
Depending where the tumour is located, as it progresses you could see personality changes.......anger and aggression is quite common....please remember that this is part of the disease process.....don't take things they might say or do personally (although it can be very difficult and challenging at times)
On the Friday of the weekend he died.......he went for a 2 mile walk in the morning, swam in the pool in the afternoon (had to wear a lifejacket in case he seizured in the water), had a big dinner and went to bed. During the night he slipped into a coma and he died Sunday afternoon. It was peaceful and pain free and for that I'm very thankful. I was able to keep him at home until he died which was a real blessing for him and our entire family.

If you would like to keep my details, I'm more than happy to chat with you if you have questions, concerns or just need someone to talk to.

I've always said if you have to have a terminal illness that this is the one to have....it doesn't ravage your body like some cancers do.

Just keep loving her and treasure every day you have with her.  (+ info)

Does anybody have information on skin condition?

A friend of mines little baby has a skin condition called erythema-multiforme syndrome. He has patches of rashes all over his body. My friend is scared and would like to know if you all have any information.

Dear Asker!

Here are some information about erythema multiform.

Alternative Names:
Lyell's syndrome; Stevens-Johnson syndrome; Toxic epidermal necrolysis


Erythema multiforme is a skin disorder resulting from an allergic reaction.


Erythema multiforme is a type of hypersensitivity (allergic) reaction that occurs in response to medications, infections, or illness. Medications associated with erythema multiforme include sulfonamides, penicillins, barbiturates, and phenytoin. Associated infections include herpes simplex and mycoplasma infections.

The exact cause is unknown. The disorder is believed to involve damage to the blood vessels of the skin with subsequent damage to skin tissues. Approximately 90% of erythema multiforme cases are associated with herpes simplex or mycoplasma infections. The disorder occurs primarily in children and young adults.

Erythema multiforme may become noticeable with a classic skin lesion, with or without systemic (whole body) symptoms. In Stevens-Johnson syndrome, the systemic symptoms are severe and the lesions are extensive, involving multiple body areas, especially the mucous membranes. Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN syndrome, or Lyell's syndrome) involves multiple large blisters (bullae) that coalesce, followed by sloughing of all or most of the skin and mucous membranes.


Multiple skin lesions:

With sudden onset, which may recur
That may spread
That may appear as nodule, papule, or macule
Central lesion surrounded by concentric rings of paleness and redness, also called "target", "iris", or "bull's eye"
May have vesicles and bullae (blisters of various sizes)
Located on the legs, arms, palms, hands, or feet
May involve the face or lips
Trunk is usually not involved
Usually symmetrical
Itching of the skin may be present
General ill feeling
Joint aches
Additional symptoms that may be associated with this disease:
Vision abnormalities
Dry eyes
Bloodshot eyes
Eye pain
Eye burning, itching and discharge
Mouth sores

Exams and Tests

The diagnosis is primarily based on the appearance of the skin lesion and its typical symmetrical distribution, especially if there is a history of risk factors or associated diseases.

There may be a positive Nikolsky's sign.

A skin lesion biopsy and microscopic examination may be helpful to differentiate erythema multiforme from other disorders. Erythema multiforme may show tissue death and other changes. Microscopic examination of the tissue may also show antibody deposits.


Treatment goals include control of the underlying causes or illnesses, treatment of the symptoms, and prevention of infection. Suspected medications should be discontinued.

Treatment of mild symptoms may include:

Moist compresses applied to skin lesions
Medications such as antihistamines to control itching
Over-the-counter medications (such as acetaminophen) to reduce fever and discomfort
Topical anesthetics (especially for mouth lesions) to ease discomfort that interferes with eating and drinking
Treatment of severe symptoms may include:

Hospitalization and treatment in an intensive care or burn care unit for severe cases, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis
Systemic corticosteroids to control inflammation
Intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) to stop the process
Antibiotics to control secondary skin infections
Good hygiene and isolation from others may be required to prevent secondary infections.

Extensive skin involvement may cause the loss of large quantities of body fluids, causing shock in addition to the risk of infection. Intensive care with support of body systems may be required.

Skin grafting may be helpful in cases in which large areas of the body are affected.

In cases that are caused by the herpes virus, daily antiviral medications may be prescribed to prevent recurrences of erythema multiforme.

Outlook (Prognosis)

Mild forms of erythema multiforme usually resolve without difficulty in 2 - 6 weeks, but they may recur. More severe forms may be difficult to treat. Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis are associated with high death rates.

Possible Complications

Permanent skin damage and scarring
Occasionally, lesions on internal organs causing:
Pneumonitis (lung inflammation)
Myocarditis (heart inflammation)
Nephritis (kidney inflammation)
Hepatitis (liver inflammation)
Secondary skin infection (cellulitis)
Systemic infection, sepsis
Loss of body fluids, shock

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Go to the emergency room or call the local emergency number (such as 911) if symptoms indicate erythema multiforme. Involvement of a large area of the body is an emergency situation

Hope that may help you!
Good luck!  (+ info)

erythema nodosum alternative remedies?

a young boy has contracted erythema nodosum and his family wishes to treat him alternatively, with natural medicine, he was diagnosed by a physician, it is a long running disease and the boy is very sick, any ideas?

Erethema nodosum usually have a life and no cure is prescribed except raised legs and rest. The specific medicine in homeopathy is Rhus Venenata. May look into its symptoms from the following link:
www.vithoulkas.com/content/view/1771/lang,en/  (+ info)

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