FAQ - Embolism And Thrombosis
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I recently had a pulmonary embolism, currently on warfrin. What are the risks of getting pregnant?

I am concerned about what complications might arrise if I were to get pregnant after my warfrin treatment. Complications for the baby and for myself...Is it ok to have another child after a pulmonary embolism and being on warfrin or are there too many risks invloved?

I have a genetic blood clotting disorder. The disorder predisposes me to having DVT's. I've had 4. Luckily, they were caught early and didn't end up going into a pulmonary embolism. Each time, I was placed on coumadin (warfrin) for at least 6 months.
The first time I got pregnant, I was on the blood thinner. I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks. I miscarried 2 days later. I lost so much blood, I needed transfusions.
My doctor told me Warfrin causes miscarriages in a lot of women. He advised that if I wanted to become pregnant,
to stop the Warfrin and start Lovonox injections instead.
The injections have to be given in the stomach every day,
usually twice a day. They hurt a lot. There is intense burning
feeling afterwards for a couple of hours. Most injection sites bruise badly.
Having had a blood clot, that makes you high risk, so they will insist on the shots every day for the entire 9 months of pregnancy and after if you want to breastfeed.
The downside of Lovenox is that it is very expensive. Over $3000.00 for a month's supply retail. If you have Medicaid,
they'll pay for all of it. If you have private insurance with a prescription copay, you'll just have your copay, unless you hit the max for prescriptions in a year.
They will probably insist on a planned C-section, because your heart and lungs probably won't deal very well with the strain of labor. They won't let you have an epidural and be awake during it, though. You'll get general because of the risk of bleeding around your spine from the Lovenox, iif they gave you the epidural.
Bed rest for the last 6 months of the pregnancy is very probable, too. Been there, done that.
I've had 2 children that are both very heathy toddlers, now.
They are 17 months apart in age.
I had Lovenox shots with them both, bed rest for 6 months with my first, 4 with the second.
If you really want another child and are willing to deal with the risks, it is very very worth it.
As for getting pregnant on warfrin, highly risky....you'll miscarry 80 percent of the time....birth defects for the other 20. Lots of blood loss for you, could be very serious, if not fatal.
Stop the warfrin, go on Lovenox ...then get pregnant, is a better option.  (+ info)

How do you explain an air embolism in a 16 year old?

16 year old male, taking unknown weight loss supplement for 1 year, develops chest pain/ shortness of breath while weight lifting, is ultimately found to have an air embolism in his right ventricle. Had no recent venous access, no surgeries/procedures, no prior medical history. How could this have happened??

Weight Lifting?

I may be 100% wrong, but he could be abusing steroids.

You know when you watch a medical program and they spray liquid out of a syringe and then tap the end of the needle? Well, that's to get rid of the air bubbles and to prevent air embolisms.

If you're 16 year old shot them self up with riods and didn't do this, then they could easily have given them self an air embolism.  (+ info)

Is a Pulmonary Embolism the same thing as a heart attack?

I'ms tudying for a fnial, and I know a myocardial infarction is the same thing as a heart attack, and the pulmonary embolism is incredibly similar to both in definition. I'm looking for somebody to clarify for me.
Thanks guys. that cleared it up. the pulmonary part shoulda given it away.

A pulmonary embolism is a blood clot in the lung, which will certainly kill you but it's not a heart attack.  (+ info)

What is the main cuase of ischemia and how is it linked to myocardial infarction, along with thrombosis.?

Also with atheroma.

Im cofnused with the following terms and how they relate to cuasing myocardial infarction:

The buildup of atheroma or fatty plaque in the wall of the coronary artery narrows the lumen of the artery resulting in ischemia or inadequate blood flow to the heart. The atheroma may ulcerate releasing materials that cause blood to clot on the surface of the plaque. As the clot enlarges it totally obstructs the artery causing a myocardial infarction or death of cardiac tissue downstream to the obstruction.  (+ info)

How to tell difference between hemorrhage or embolism stroke?

The symptoms of the two types of stroke, where one hemorrhages blood into brain killing portions of it. Or has an embolism clot that lodges somewhere depriving brain or cells of blood.
They apparently can be difficult to distinguish initially.

yet how someone dealing with one of them responds can be difference between severe disability and death or life and possible full recovery.

So, how can one tell which one someone is experiencing for oneself? If possible within first 30 minutes of the "magic window"? Or discern which someone else is having?
And how do we respond to either one to prevent further damage and maybe reverse damage, even if we are not near a hospital or professional medical help?
People are answering as if an er is available. But i am asking based on how to tell the difference and deal with if we are NOT able to get to a hospital or be reached by ambulance.

You call 911 and rush them to the hospital. They do a CT and find out if it is Hemorrhagic or embolistic. We answer this way, because it is the only option. You do not know unless there is a CT done. Treatment depends on the cause. If you do not know the cause, NO TREATMENT can be done!!!  (+ info)

Is it possible for a fart to go into the vagina and cause an embolism?

This is not a joke. I just want to know if a fart can somehow go into the vagina and cause an embolism in pregnant women. I know that blowing into the vagina can cause this. I am just wondering if it's possible that a fart can do the same thing. Please only serious answers.

Although I have had farts pass by my vagina, I seriously doubt that one could enter. There isn't enough air pressure for one to enter. Even if it did, the worst that would happen would be getting a stinky queef.  (+ info)

Could it be linked to my Deep Vein Thrombosis or is this Normal?

I am age 34. Last year i had a deep vein thrombosis. Last week i had a scan to show residual clot's that have remained in my leg in a few places. My menstrual periods are every 3 weeks. I discharge large Blood Clots during my period every month. Is this normal or is it related to my DVT? A dull question, but do the clot's disperse this way?
I finished all anticoagulants october 2009.

Theres no connection. People mistake what a period really is. Its not really a clot when your menstrating. Its a mass of shedding of the layer of your uterine wall.  (+ info)

Why is a Pulmonary Embolism bad for you?

I have a blood clot in my aorta veins and the doctors were so concerned that I might have a pulmonary embolism already had a cat scan of my chest and everything was fine I just got off lovenox shots and take coumadin once a day.

Symptoms and Complications

The symptoms of pulmonary embolism can be mild or severe. Some people have many small emboli that can only be detected by special X-ray techniques. A serious blockage, however, can lead to severe breathing difficulty or death.

Symptoms of pulmonary embolism appear suddenly and include:

shortness of breath, rapid breathing, or wheezing
bloody sputum
lightheadedness, dizziness, fainting
sharp chest pain or back pain
http://www.medbroadcast.com/channel_condition_info_details.asp?disease_id=50&channel_id=2022&relation_id=16214&rot=4&rating=4  (+ info)

How bad is a pulmonary embolism?

So my dad has just been admitted to the hospital for a pulmonary embolism, which is a blood clot in his lung. Can anyone tell me how bad these are? He had open heart surgery about a year ago because he had a leaking heart valve. He had a seizure about a year ago but they were never actually sure if it was a seizure or a stroke. He takes blood thinners everyday since his heart surgery. Thanks in advance for your help.
My dad already takes cumiden. He has been taking it for a year since his heart surgery.

Pulmonary embolisms are potentially life threatening - the seriousness is almost pure chance. If a clot is big enough or lasts longs enough to block the blood flow in the pulmonary artery, it usually triggers a severe or fatal heart attack. The blood thinners probably saved your dad's life, or at least kept the embolism from causing any additional problems.

An embolism doesn't have any lasting effects - whatever damage it did, if any, occurs within a few minutes. Otherwise, the only lasting danger is the risk of having another embolism in the future.   (+ info)

Would a pulmonary embolism have shown up on a chest x-ray?

I recently had a chest x-ray to look at my lungs. Would a pulmonary embolism have shown up?

PE is not seen on chest x-ray. PE is a clot in the blood vessels of the lungs. The best imaging is CT angiogram which involves injecting contrast dye into the veins and doing a CT, if there is a blockage the dye will not be in the blocked vessel and it can be diagnosed.  (+ info)

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