FAQ - Diabetes insipidus, neurogen
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How do I care for a wife with diabetes insipidus who has also suffered acute kidney failure?

well considering the two go hand in hand, talk to your nephrologist.

if she's been diagnosed with diabetes insipidus, she has one already. WTF are you asking a question like that online anyway?

i don't think some people understand what diabetes insipidus is... it isn't a terminal illness folks... it's not the same thing as diabetes mellitus (which is what i think most of you are thinking of). It is NOT the blood sugar disease, it's a hormonal disease of the kidneys not allowing you to retain water correctly and causing you to thirst uncontrollably.

The dude should talk to his nephrologist about dealing with it, but with medication, it's a VERY manageable disease.  (+ info)

Does anyone out there have Diabetes Insipidus?

My daughter is seeing a Pediatric Endocrinologist to be tested for this, I have researched it myself and was just wondering if anyone had personal experience with this type of diabetes.
Yes it does make you use the bathroom a lot. Just wanted to hear from someone what has it and what has worked or not worked for them etc.

Heard of it, but never met anyone that has it (that I know of). Best of luck for your daughter.  (+ info)

How does Diabetes Insipidus differs from SIADH?

Describe briefly how the disease Diabetes Insipidus differs from the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)?

  (+ info)

Why thiazide diuretics are used in diabetes insipidus?

Though they r diuretics but still they show anti diuretic action in diabetes insipidus patient

depends what you need them for.   (+ info)

Diabetes insipidus in a 20 month old?

my 20 month old just got diagnosed with diabetes insipidus....we have to see an endcrinologist and i was just wondering if anyone suffers from this and how it is treated and what are the long term effects

It's a rare condition, and has absolutely nothing to do with the more common diabetes mellitus ("sugar" diabetes), apart from the name and the fact that it makes its victims urinate a lot.

The treatment varies with the exact type of DI (nephrogenic, neurogenic, etc.). Usually the treatment involves taking medication for life. Patients also have to drink lots of water so that they don't get dehydrated. The degree to which medication or simply drinking water can deal with the condition depends on how severe it is and how much trouble it causes the patient.

Severe DI left untreated will send patients to the bathroom almost constantly (and they spend the rest of the time in the kitchen getting something to drink), which doesn't necessarily hurt them as long as they don't get dehydrated, but it obviously makes day-to-day life very difficult.  (+ info)

What is the difference between Diabetes Insipidus and inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)?

ADH--anti-diuretic hormone--works to tell your body to retain water. It's commonly released in higher quantities at night when you sleep.....and is why it's not normal to go to the bathroom while sleeping.

Diabetes Insipidus results when either 1) the body doesn't release ADH or 2) the kidneys don't respond to ADH. It results in having to urinate large quantities frequently (3-5x normal) of urine that is dilute. To compensate for all the fluid loss, those affected will drink a lot. There are treatments for it.

SIADH is the opposite: the body secretes ADH when it shouldn't. Thus, water is retained when it should be excreted. This often leads to electrolyte disturbances (such as sodium levels). Causes include head injury/trauma, meningitis, cancer (especially lung cancer), some infections and some drugs.  (+ info)

What is Diabetes mellitus and Diabetes insipidus? Plz answer. more info below. HELPPP...?

For each type of diabetes:
1) What is the difference (type I and II are mellitus i think?)?
2) Which hormone/s are involved?
3) Is is because of hypersecretion or hyposecretion?
4) What are the symptoms?


Diabetes mellitus.
Associated with glycosuria (excessive sweet urine).

Diabetes insipidus.
The urine is not sweet(without taste).

Caused by kidney or pituitary gland damage.

Noninfectious disease.

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

Body systems affected:
Urinary.  (+ info)

My doctor suspects I have diabetes insipidus?

and I am freaking out. I looked up on line and scared myself like I told myself I wouldn't do and I'm like freaking out I have a brain tumor now... help me I don't really want to talk to anyone I know about it I don't want anyone to worry. Any comforting facts you can give me?

My 9 month old was diagnosed with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus 3 months ago. My doctors have been brilliant. your doctor will want to rule out any source of pressure on your pituitary gland and may perform the water deprivation test. He will find out if it is central ( the pituitary not producing enough anti diuretic hormone, possibly from a tumor putting pressure on the gland, posssibly not) or nephrogenic (pituitary makes enough hormone, but the kidneys don't respond to it) i looked it up on the website and freaked out a little too, but i spoke to my sons doctor and he was very reassuring. You may need to adjust your diet a little due to your body's inability to retain water and excrete toxins, but a dietician can help you with that. If you have DI and stick to your treatment planit really shouldnt affect your life too much apart from the incessant need to drink water and pee  (+ info)

Is there any other test other than water deprevation in order to be diagnosed as DI (diabetes insipidus)?

Serious answers only, if you do not know then DO NOT ANSWER.

Clearly no one who read your question knows. When this happens to me, I look it up myself. If you had done so, you probably would have found this link: http://www.diabetesinsipidus.org/diagnostictests.htm  (+ info)

• How does Diabetes Insipidus differ from Diabetes Mellitus?

short simple answers please

diabetes insipidus is a defficiency of anti diuretic hormone(ADH), which causes the body to continually be in a state of dehydration. its caused by problems with the pituitary gland. it is controlled by a number of different meds.

diabetes mellitus is divided into two types. type 1's have a definency of the insulin hormone and no longer create it. therefore the diabetic must inject insulin to mimic a regular persons insulin release.

type 2 is a form of insulin resistance which means the diabetic cannot utilise the insulin they're producing to its full potential. it can be controlled by diet, tablets and sometimes insulin injections are required.  (+ info)

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