FAQ - Demyelinating Autoimmune Diseases, Cns
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could an abusive childhood cause lupus/autoimmune diseases?

I'm 17 and have lupus. I've been told that excessive stress can cause it. I know Michael Jackson had lupus and had an exceptionally stressful childhood. I was physically abused as a child so could it have contributed? My family doesn't have a history of autoimmune diseases so I don't know how I got it.

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Why don't we use mild chemotherapy to cure autoimmune diseases?

It seems that it would help destroy the T cells that are attacking our normal body functions, thereby allowing us to cure ourselves.

Chemotherapy IS used to treat autoimmune diseases. The same drug, namely cyclophosmamide, is used for Wegener's Disease, an autoimmune disorder, as for cancer to knock down the over-active immune system. Also used are Imuran, Cellcept, Rituxin and methotrexate..all are chemotherapy drugs.  (+ info)

HELP! What are examples of INFECTIOUS autoimmune diseases affecting humans?

I have a biology assessment that requires us to choose an infectious disease and write about its:
-host response
-major symptoms
I would prefer a relatively well known/common example, (not rare examples etc), and have been very interested in autoimmune diseases. A quick reply would be greatly appreciated!

Ummm let's see....
infectious diseases that cause autoimmune phenomena are not many.
but here are a few
EBV, causing infectious mononucleosis, it is also related to leukemia and some cancers.
Mycoplasma pneumonia, a very common pneumonia in young people, it causes something called erythema multiforme, an AI (autoimmune) reaction.
You also have the common strep throat and rheumatic fever and poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.
Less common examples might be Campylobacter jejuni and Guillian Barre syndrome.

Good luck... i think all of the above are good examples, i would choose strep and rheumatic fever because it is the most common and there plenty of good sources on that.  (+ info)

Anyone w/ autoimmune diseases get good results after acupuncture?

How was it? What'd it do for you? Swelling reduction, or any symptom reduction?


Any info on Lupus and other autoimmune diseases?

I have 4 auto immune diseases. Fibromialgia, Candida, Hashimotoes, Lupus. Any help? advice? knowledge? thanks

I have fybro and possible lupus and chronic fatigue syndrome. So I can definitely sympathize with you!

If you can do a Google search just type in fybromyalgia and lupus and you will get tons of information.

Also the Awake had good articles awhile ago. Do you have the cdrom library? If you do, search lupus and fybromyalgia on there and you will get some very encouraging articles.

If you don't have the cd rom I can email you the articles.  (+ info)

where can I find a list of blood born diseases in autoimmune patients?

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Autoimmune diseases attack what exactly?

when someone has an autoimmune disease, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, is the immune system attacking what its supposed to AND also your body, or is it attacking your body INSTEAD OF what its supposed to?

Your immune system is capable of multiple responses through the production of antibodies to destroy different pathogens.simultaneously.

Im afraid the answer to your question is yes and no. An autoimmune disease by definition is an attack by your immune system on normal bodily tissues or substances that belong.

This may or may not occur in conjunction with an attack against pathogens and organisms that do not.  (+ info)

Autoimmune diseases and inflammation?

If autoimmune disease is inflammation gone wild in your body, how on earth does someone prevent inflammation? Any nutritional tips or any other helpful tips?

Auto immune disease is your body attacking other parts of your body. The result of that can be inflammation as your body is attacked. Anything that can reduce inflammation should help the side-effects, although it won't effect the cause. Omega fatty acids are a supplement that reduces inflammation.  (+ info)

do anti-inflammatories suppress antibodies for autoimmune diseases or lyme disease?

for example could it make your test for these a false negative?

corticosteroids only suppress about 75% of the inflammatory immune response. nsaids suppress the other 25%. it might interest you to know not all autoimmune diseases have antibodies like anca making diagnosis a difficult problem.   (+ info)

Anyone know how Candida is associated with Autoimmune Diseases?

If you have an autoimmune disease your ability to fight off infection is decreased. Candida is an opportunistic pathogen - meaning it's normally around but the body can usually fight it off unless there's something that tips the playing field. One way to tip the playing field is for the immune system to not be full strength. People with AIDS classically get Candida esophagitis, for example.  (+ info)

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