FAQ - Chlamydia Infections
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Reoccuring yeast infections, chlamydia.?

I have been getting yeast infections about every 3 to 4 months now, and they go away with monistat. I was treated for chlamydia just under a year ago, but the yeast infections stil come back. I used a different type of soap down there, and that seemed to stimulate another one. What is wrong with me?

Monistat is generally effective for MOST yeast (Candida) infections in women. However, it may not work in all cases. I typically prescribe Diflucan -- two pills taken 3 days apart. This generally does the trick.

However, you might want to ask yourself a couple of questions first...

If you douche -- DON'T!! Douching is horrible on the vaginal tract, and throws off the normal flora of bacteria that SHOULD be present. When these bacteria decline in population, the yeast they feed on becomes out of control.

If you shave off all your pubic hair -- NOT a good idea. Studies do show that shaving off all pubic hair does, in fact, increase chances of getting a yeast infection.

Avoid strong soaps down there! Once again, can throw off the flora. Use only mild ones (Dove or Ivory), and NEVER take a bubble bath!!

Wear only COTTON underwear for daily use. Allows more "breathability" for the pubic area, and decreased sweating.

Hope this helps.

p/s -- No, your partner doesn't have to be treated. Candida is NOT a sexually transmitted disease at all.  (+ info)

How long can you have chlamydia for before it doing any permanent damage?

I have a feeling i may have chlamydia, and have had it for a year now. I have the symptoms but always doctors put it down to urinary infections or kidney stones. After finding out it was none of those, a year later, now i'm suspecting an STI? it did occur right after unprotected sex, last year august. No doctors can suggest that, because i live in a muslim country, it cant be suggest for young unmarried girls, (18).

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can you get chlamydia when you both have only had intercourse with eachother?

I've been told I have chlamydia but iv only ever had intercourse with my boyfriend and same with him. I've had constant UTIs and kidney infections the past few months, oculd it be caused from that?

Hi Yes read below Ciao ♥
Chlamydia Facts
Chlamydia can be transmitted during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Chlamydia can also be passed from an infected mother to her baby during vaginal childbirth.

Any sexually active person can be infected with chlamydia. The greater the number of sex partners, the greater the risk of infection. Because the cervix (opening to the uterus) of teenage girls and young women is not fully matured and is probably more susceptible to infection, they are at particularly high risk for infection if sexually active. Since chlamydia can be transmitted by oral or anal sex, men who have sex with men are also at risk for chlamydial infection.

In women, the bacteria initially infect the cervix and the urethra (urine canal). Women who have symptoms might have an abnormal vaginal discharge or a burning sensation when urinating. When the infection spreads from the cervix to the fallopian tubes (tubes that carry fertilized eggs from the ovaries to the uterus), some women still have no signs or symptoms; others have lower abdominal pain, low back pain, nausea, fever, pain during intercourse, or bleeding between menstrual periods. Chlamydial infection of the cervix can spread to the rectum.

Chlamydia is known as a "silent" disease because about three quarters of infected women and about half of infected men have no symptoms. If symptoms do occur, they usually appear within 1 to 3 weeks after exposure.

Men or women who have receptive anal intercourse may acquire chlamydial infection in the rectum, which can cause rectal pain, discharge, or bleeding. Chlamydia can also be found in the throats of women and men having oral sex with an infected partner.

If untreated, chlamydial infections can progress to serious reproductive and other health problems with both short-term and long-term consequences. Like the disease itself, the damage that chlamydia causes is often "silent."

In women, untreated infection can spread into the uterus or fallopian tubes and cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This happens in up to 40 percent of women with untreated chlamydia. PID can cause permanent damage to the fallopian tubes, uterus, and surrounding tissues. The damage can lead to chronic pelvic pain, infertility, and potentially fatal ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus). Women infected with chlamydia are up to five times more likely to become infected with HIV, if exposed

Chlamydia can be easily treated and cured with antibiotics. A single dose of azithromycin or a week of doxycycline (twice daily) are the most commonly used treatments. HIV-positive persons with chlamydia should receive the same treatment as those who are HIV negative.

Hope this answers your question Cheers ♥

http://www.stdservices.on.net/std/  (+ info)

what diseases or infections can chlamydia cause?

If untreated, chlamydial infections can progress to serious reproductive and other health problems with both short-term and long-term consequences. Like the disease itself, the damage that chlamydia causes is often "silent."

In women, untreated infection can spread into the uterus or fallopian tubes and cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This happens in up to 40 percent of women with untreated chlamydia. PID can cause permanent damage to the fallopian tubes, uterus, and surrounding tissues. The damage can lead to chronic pelvic pain, infertility, and potentially fatal ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus). Women infected with chlamydia are up to five times more likely to become infected with HIV, if exposed.

To help prevent the serious consequences of chlamydia, screening at least annually for chlamydia is recommended for all sexually active women age 25 years and younger. An annual screening test also is recommended for older women with risk factors for chlamydia (a new sex partner or multiple sex partners). All pregnant women should have a screening test for chlamydia.

Complications among men are rare. Infection sometimes spreads to the epididymis (a tube that carries sperm from the testis), causing pain, fever, and, rarely, sterility.

Rarely, genital chlamydial infection can cause arthritis that can be accompanied by skin lesions and inflammation of the eye and urethra (Reiter's syndrome).  (+ info)

How similar is chlamydia to a urinary tract infection?

Besides the burning when you pee, and without taking an std test, how can you know you have chlamydia without assuming its a UTI?

Chlamydia is often cited as the most frequently acquired STD. There are so many urinary tract infections and inflamations that the only way to tell what you have is to get tested.  (+ info)

What are the chances of chlamydia re- infection after having unprotected oral sex with an infected partner?

I had chlamydia and took my antibiotics (the single dose). I didn't have sex for 7 days like I was told, but then had unprotected oral sex with my partner who hadn’t been treated yet. Should I get re-tested again now? Or wait the 3 months?

If you had sex with him before you were diagnosed with Chlamydia, odds are, he's infected as well. It's an STD that transmits sexually and right away. If he didn't go get tested then tell him he needs to. I would seriously get tested again and let them (where ever you go) know what you did, etc. . . Good Luck! :)  (+ info)

Can a Chlamydia infection be treated after 5 hours of exposure?

i had unprotected sexx with someone who had chlamydia. can i take AZITHROMYCIN 5 hours after the sexual act and it be cured from my system? or do i have to wait a while to see if i actually contract the infection to take the pills?

That was a bold risk to do that with an infected person. Gonorrhea often coexist with chlamydia and doctors more than often treat you for both if diagnosed with one.

Also, there is a couple days incubation stage which is before bacteria produce symptoms. I don't think antibiotics works during this stage. Seems you'll have to make a visit.  (+ info)

Can you get treatment for chlamydia and still have symptoms or still have the infection?

My boyfriend was treated for chlamydia and it has been over the 7 days and he is still experiencing some symptoms from the chlamydia. Could he still have it? And should we refrain from sex?

yes 2 both  (+ info)

Can you get chlamydia symptoms more than 3 weeks after infection?

Someone I slept with has chlamydia but I tested negative about 3 months ago. I started sleeping with the person about 4 weeks ago and he tested positive for Chlamydia but only showed symptoms a few days ago.

He tested positive. Does it matter when he showed symptoms? You need to get tested yourself. He needs antibiotics. If you are positive you will need antibiotics. You can not have sex until you have both finished the antibiotics. If you do you'll just pass it back and fourth.  (+ info)

Bladder Infections vs Chlamydia?

I went to the doctor today becasue the last 4-5 days I have had painful urination. I went in he checked my kidneys, abdomen and testicles for pain, there is none, I have no discharge from my penis either, just the pain. He said that he wants two urine samples, he wants to test for the bladder infection and chlamydia. So I am like, Ok whatever you gotta do. So I give the urine samples and go to the waiting room. They call me in and I talked to the doctor and he said I have a lot of bacteria in there and that he thinks its a bladder infection and prescribes me medication for it, he then also prescribes me a single dose medication for chlamydia for what he says "precautionary purpsoses" so i am like, uhh ok?

So my question is: Is it common for doctors to do something like this? Or should I be worried about this? I am a happily married man, have not had any relations outside of my relationship with my now wife and see no reason for me to even HAVE chlamydia, but I read things online that people get it and dont know how they got it. Please help!
Tim A, Oh trust me, not fun conversation, I am sure I do not have it, but wonder why would he give me medication for it without even a test result?

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